Chapter 10

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Emma closed the door gently, leaving him on the other side. If only it was this easy to forget him and left him outside her heart. She managed to make a few steps before the world went blank and she collapsed.

Alexander stared at the closed door. He could scarcely believe she did that. He was about to turn around and leave, but then he heard the loud thud from inside of her apartment. Without giving it a second thought, some inner fear made him push the door with his shoulder and forced them open.

Emma lay on the floor unconscious. He grabbed his cell and dialed emergency, then went down on his knees to check her vitals putting his cell on speaker. Her pulse was strong, and she was breathing. It was a good sign. He proceeded to give the information to the dispatcher.

Alexander watched her for a moment, it sprang out of nowhere, and it came as fast as lightning: the first realization of his feelings for her was born. Right there at that moment. He wasn't sure what they were, but they were something more than he felt in a long time, something more than he felt for any woman. It scared him, but she needed him now, and he couldn't run.

Emma started to stir and opened her eyes. He never saw anything so beautiful before. They were like two green pools. The deep colour of them struck him, something inside of him moved, and it felt as the earth shifted.

She tried to pull herself up and groaned.

"Don't move Emma. The ambulance is on its way."

"My baby? What happened? Why are you here?" She whispered.

"You'll be fine Emma and so will be the baby." He hushed her.

Just then the paramedics arrived, they assessed her, gave her oxygen mask and carry her into an ambulance. He followed them in a taxi that already waited for him.

Alexander paced the waiting room of the hospital like a caged lion for a while. Then he looked through the window at the storm clouds in the horizon deep into his thoughts when finally the doctor came out to talk to him. It was obvious he'd presumed Alexander was the father.

"She'll be fine and so is the baby. I'm not sure what caused her to collapse. She has a slightly raised blood pressure, but other than that no medical reason for it. She must have been under some kind of distress. We'll have to monitor her for a couple of days. The bed rest is what she needs if she was to go full term, and no stress."

When he opened the door of her hospital room Emma moved her head to the wall avoiding to look at him.

"Emma don't pretend I'm not here." He came closer and stood right above her. "You have to be monitored for a few days and someone needs to take care of you."

It was hard to concentrate on his words when the so familiar cologne filled her nostrils. She closed her eyes. It took her back to the last time she saw him. Back to the barn where she for the first time experience passion. The passion that was accompanied by love. It was the moment she stole, the moment she didn't have the right to. He can't never know. For once she had to guard her feelings, guard her pride.

"Certainly it won't be you, and I can't stay here. I need to go home." Emma snapped at him.

She wasn't sure how will she cope with her expenses. It will be her hospital bill on top the one she was already paying off. This will about empty her savings.

"Don't be stubborn! Maybe you should notify the baby's father."

"I can't do that."

"Why not? He can't be that big of a bastard. Does he even know he's going to be a daddy?"

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