Chapter 26

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The wedding that followed was a small one. Alexander agreed to that only to please Emma. There wasn't anything she asked for that he could deny her. She didn't want a big event, and felt it should be just people they matter to them to celebrate the happiest day of their lives.

When that day finally arrived and he saw her coming towards him in a cream color, long, elegant dress with her hair falling around her in locks, he was lost in love for her all over again. His heart pumped wildly, but happily.

Her own love for Alexander only grew more if that was even possible. When she walked towards him she was sure it was a dream to see the man she loved waiting for her at the end of the red carpet under white floral wood arch.

Alexander was never fond of wedding ceremonies, and his own, it seemed was the longest. Emma already knew that and only the spark in her green eyes, and promise of the kiss after all was said and done, prevent him from shifting on his feet. He thought his heart will jump out of his chest when they were finally pronounced man and wife. His love for her blossomed into full bloom.

Their kiss couldn't of been more gentle, passionate and full of love. He was truly happy, and scarcely believed that this kind of love happened to him. Until he experienced it himself, he was a big skeptic when it came to marriage bliss.

The honeymoon was made of passion, love, joy, and beautiful sand beaches. When they got back the bliss continued. The two months down the road they discovered that it resulted in Emma's pregnancy, which produced an abundance of new excitement.

Kate was ecstatic to learn that she will be a grandma for the second time. She still hid from them her diagnoses. As long as she could, she concealed her fatigue.

Unfortunately, it couldn't last forever. One day she was making herself a cup of tea and collapsed in the middle of the kitchen. This brought a sad, long shadow over their home.

Alexander and Emma were devastated when her doctor told them she has a cancer. He explained that a new form of treatment have become available and as he is hesitant to promise a miracle, it would be worth a try. They both agreed to support her in any decision she made, but nevertheless encourage her to fight the disease.

Kate opened her eyes and looked around her. She knew where she was, and what had happened at the same moment.

"Mom, why didn't you say anything?" Alexander's question was full of concern, and unhidden worry.

"I couldn't spoil your's and Emma's happiest moments. No young couple should be interrupted at those times. Alexander, I'm not important! You have a family now and I'm happy for you knowing you are not alone."

"Don't talk like that! Like you are giving up! You have a new grandchild on the way and it wouldn't be fair to him or her not to know the best grandparent any child could have. You are my mother, but also the strongest person I know. When father died you were brave and took care of everything. Now I need that braveness back and want you to fight this."

Kate wanted to say something, but Alexander wouldn't have it.

"No, I don't want to hear you say it. Yes you can, and you will."

If she didn't know her son, she would say he was being bossy, but she knew better. He was terrified and scared for her.

"I will try Alexander." Wanting to know and to divert his thoughts she added. "How is Emma?"

"The morning sickness is at its worse and she regrets not to be here this morning, but Emma and Zachary will be here this afternoon to see you." The young nurse appeared at the door and Alexander swallowed hard, and mumbled trying to hide his distress from her.

"Now I'll let the medical staff do their work, and I'll be back this afternoon as well."

Emma felt guilty for not accompanied Alexander to the hospital to see Kate but in the first part of morning she couldn't move very far away from the toilet bowl. When she was pregnant with Zachary she had a little bit of morning sickness, but this baby was giving her a hard time. She could scarcely eat anything and almost nothing stayed down.

She heard her husband coming and went downstairs to greet him. For the first time she saw tears in his eyes. He did try to hide it from her, but it was stronger than him. She understood because she was devastated by Kate's health as well.

"How is she?" Emma didn't want to ask because it was the hardest question to answer, but regardless it had to be said.

"Acting brave and worrying about everybody more than herself."

"I know that sound like Kate."

"They suggested a new treatment, but we have to talk her into it. She needs encouragement, and a strong reason. This treatment might be her only chance."

"You know I'll do anything I can to help."

"Yes, but at the moment you are not feeling well yourself." He took her in his arms pressing her closer to him.

"Oh Alexander it is only a morning sickness. We need to concentrate on Kate. Our babies need her. I just found a family and I'm not planning to give up, and she is such a big part of it."

"You are the best wife any man can have. I love your heart. I love all that you are Emma."

She had no doubt in the truthfulness of his words, because the love for her shone in the depths of those beautiful blue eyes.

The weeks that followed were trying on all of them. Kate under the careful observation from the doctors went through the recommended treatment. All they could do was wait to see if it worked. Alexander and Emma took turns visiting and encouraging her. Emma was there for both of them. Nothing was more important to her than her family. If it wasn't for Kate's big heart and generosity Emma would never find her happiness with the man she loved.

At the times her love felt hopeless, but not today, not now. Each day they found new joy with each other.

The day came when Kate was let out of the hospital. There was no need to stay there any longer. It was now waiting game, and only the time will tell. She will have to go for blood work and monitoring weekly, but other than that it was best for her to be surrounded with comfort of her own home.

The time that followed wasn't easy, but they stuck together. When Kate started to show improvement they quietly celebrated. It was too early to relax just yet, but it was the first ray of hope that things will get better, and they will overcome this dark part.

Tired after the dinner they organized for Kate's family members they lay in each other's arms. Emma's head was in the crook of Alexander's strong neck. She could hear his heart beat while his arms held her close.

"I'm not so sure what I did to deserve to be this happy. I love you Emma! "

"And I love you! You know Alexander I think we both deserve our happiness, and my inner feeling is telling me that all will be well. It just can't be any other way."

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