Chapter 4

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"You want me! Don't you little mouse? This was just the taste of what you can't have. My suggestion, finish your job here, make an excuse to my mother and move on. I'm out of your league. Don't dream about marriage to me. I'm spoken for."

" I..I....I..." It was all that came out of her mouth. After a few moments she found some inner strength to run away from him back to her bedroom. Even as she was closing the door, she could hear his remarks.

It hurt! His words pierced through her heart, and soul. She thought she'd never recover.

Emma spent the long sleepless night.

The next day she saw him riding away as usual. Only then she stashed a carrot in her pocket and went to the stables to visit Mary. She loved the young mare.

Right away Mary nuzzled at her hand knowing she had a treat for her.

The steps behind her made her to turn around. It was Alexander. He came back. She wished she could disappear.

" I see you are spoiling my horses. Who told you you can roam around the stables?"

" I'm sorry. I'll go ...I'm sorry I won't do it again." He was being deliberately mean to her again. With his sarcastic tone he didn't hide the fact.

He felt the strong pull towards her and he was fighting it with all he got. The plan was to try to make her leave on her own without upsetting his mother.

Alexander watched her go, with her head down. She looked at the ground ahead of her, and then closer to the house she run in.

Emma couldn't suppress her tears. She was happy Kate left this morning for her doctor's appointment and won't see her like this. She went into her bathroom and splashed cold water on her eyes. The face she saw in the mirror reflected sadness. It made her to start to think about the way out. She'll be sad to leave Kate who's been so generous and kind to her, but her son didn't have nice opinion of her. It was very obvious he didn't want her here. She needed valid excuse to quit her job, so she started applying for positions. It would be nice if something comes up soon. Before it happens, she will finish Kate's books. To occupy her mind she went into the office and worked.

The sound of the car approaching made her look outside. It was the small silver Porsche, it belong to Rina. Kate mentioned it was the only thing left of her glamorous lifestyle. Emma spotted Alexander coming from stables to greet her. She Immediately made a beam towards him plastering herself over him. Emma turned away from the window not wanting to see anymore of the scene outside and went back to work. Despite everything it hurt seeing him with Rina.

She concluded that love is very unreasonable emotion. How she wished to shake it off, not to feel what she feels around him.

Kate returned that evening, but Emma only heard her car. She retired to her room before she had a chance to talk to her.

It will not be easy to leave this job. She did some calculations and the debt she was paying off would be impossible to pay with a job that would pay less. She borrowed money for her dad's hospital bills, and she was still paying them. There was half of the sum left. Suck it up buttercup she told herself, over and over. She'll have to avoid him as much as possible.

He might want her gone from his ranch, but at the moment she didn't have that option.

When she met him in the hallway, a few days later her new found confidence proved to be on shaky legs. Her stomach flipped, and her heart jumped. Just one look at him could do that to her.

"So, you are still here little girl." His eyes narrowed like a cougar watching his prey.

"I work for your mother... where should I be? " It sounded like a defence. He came closer capturing her chin with his hand and then his handsome head came down, his firm lips attacking hers with fearsome passion.

She was shaking like a leaf on the wind. The fuzzy feel in her head took over enabling her to think. Her arms got the mind of their own and circle his neck. She succumbed to her need for his touch. The first conscious thought was when she felt him withdrawing from a kiss, gently but firmly putting her away from him.

"Don't pretend, this is what you are after. Is in it? You stay employed with my mother for your own reasons." He gave her a glare, " I already told you. You have no chance." He turned around and left her standing there. Emma's cheeks were burning, she was embarrassed, and humiliated. Why doesn't he leave her alone? Why does he torture her? How she wished she could just stop loving him. Her feet ran towards her bedroom, and she fast closed the door. Her breathing was shallow and took her a few moments to gather all her sense together. How will she go on like this? How will she cope? The future here didn't look bright.

After she was calm enough, she went to the office and continue sorting Kate's books, making the list in the process.

A few days later Kate found her hard at work.

"You work too hard Emma. You are young, and you should have some fun beside this."

"Thank you Kate, but I'm not much of a party person."

"Before I forget to mention. Not to my liking, but out of my hands, my son just got engaged. We are to have an engagement party here. Naturally you are invited. You are like a family to me. I have hoped we would be more one day, but my son could be blind, and very stubborn. Sometime not to his advantage."

"He has a right to chose his bride." Emma tried not to show her true feelings.

"Well, I guess so. I'll just have to go along with it. Thank you, for all you work. You are doing the marvellous job." With that Kate left her in the office. With back of her hand Emma whipped her wet cheek. Don't be stupid Emma. You knew from day one. Why did you fell in love with him? 

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