Chapter 5

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Emma tried to reason with herself, but it hurt regardless. She'll have to find a different job sooner and was willing to take any reasonable offer. To stay here and watched Alexander get married, was a little too much to take on. Emma found from Kate the couple wouldn't be living at the ranch. Rina preferred city and had her heart set on Dallas. It was given for them to be often visitors to the ranch. Alexander needed to check on things, and Rina would want for sure to visit her family.

Emma couldn't stand the thought of being around them. The happy couple. It would be lethal to her heart.

She had to make an excuse for Kate and get far away from this ranch, and from Alexander as far as possible. Find a new life somewhere else.

She was getting dressed for tonight's informal dinner and wished she could come up with a reason to avoid it all together. It would be too obvious. Most of the people coming were strangers to Emma but some of them she knew from phone conversations over Kate's business.

Bravely she walked downstairs, as soon as she entered the dining area, she wished she could turn around.

Kate hired the caterers for the event and they were busy setting everything up. Some guests were already here having a chat while leisurely sipping their wine. She noticed Rina standing by Alexander showing off her engagement ring.

He turned his head and looked Emma's way with a triumph in his eyes.

'Let him have it Emma. Hopefully, you'll be able to leave soon.' She had to believe that if she wanted to make through tonight's event. It was only solace she had to hold on to. On purpose she wore her evening dress. It was an elegant black that fitted her figure. It showed a little too much of her long shapely legs, but she won't worry about what he thinks. She let her hair fall down her back and she even went to the trouble to put the makeup.

Kate spotted her and crossed the room, and took her hand.

"You look beautiful tonight. I'm happy you are here." With that statement, it wasn't like Emma could simply disappear.

Without turning around, she felt Alexander watching her. On a purpose she ever slowly made a move to face him, concealing every emotion on her face. His look alone was enough for her to shrug fatalistically, but she bravely withstood it. She won't show him, she won't give him the satisfaction of glowing at his own personal victory. Afterwards for the rest of the evening he hardly ever glanced her way. To stay at the dinner was a torture, so as soon she thought it to be polite she excused herself and left. She went to her room, and in the security of it, let her tears fall.

She'll have to master to hide her feelings from him. It was necessary for herself preservation. More she showed him how he affected her, the more it gave him reason to despise her. Soon he would find the new way to antagonize her.

A week later and she had not heard anything from anyplace she applied. Kate told her that Rina wasn't around, she went away to visit her aunt in Texas. It was strange for a newly engaged young woman to leave her fiancé behind.

After she checked her email, she found a job offer from the restaurant chain in Houston. They were looking for a promotion manager. Finally, it was very welcome news. Emma was on the terrace and she spotted Alexander rode away and sighed with relief. With a carrot in her pocket, she headed towards the stables. No one was around, not even Tom the usual stable guy.

She approached Mary, who was obviously very happy to see her. For some reason she stayed longer than usual. It was probably the last time she'll see the mare. Her interview over the Skype was successful. She already sent her acceptance for a new job. By next week she should be out of here. She found a little cheap apartment over the internet close to her workplace.

"I'll miss you, girl. Hope you have a good life. Bye, sweetheart." She turned around ready to go when she spotted the shadow at the stable doors.

"I think I told you not to come here. You are not listening." Now he came closer the glitter of distaste smoldering in his eyes, but yet he came even closer. He stood so near she could smell the fresh outdoors on him mixed with leather and his aftershave. With a Stetson on his head, he looked better than one of the front cover cowboy's in magazines. His shirt couldn't hide the solid muscle of his arms. His jeans were stretched over his powerful, strong legs. Emma swallowed, her throat went dry, but her hands started to sweat.

'Come on Emma. He can't hurt you more than he already has.'

"You won't see me here anymore. Don't worry." She tried to sound as cool as possible. He'll know the reason soon enough. Her employer and a good friend that Kate became, deserved to hear it from her not from a third party. Emma made a move to slide beside him and get out of the barn, but he moved as well right in front of her.

"Let me go!"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Why wouldn't you? I thought you wanted me out of here."

"I changed my mind."

She stared at him in disbelief. What is trying to achieve by torturing her some more?

His hand reached behind her head and pulled the pin holding her hair out and let it tumble free around her shoulders. Her eyes searched his face, but it was so near now she could only see his dilated eye pupils. She felt his closeness with a shutter deep inside of her. Her heart did a somersault in her chest, her hands trembled and her legs wobbled. Before she could form a sound thought he was kissing her, gently cupping her breast. Her taut nipples and the low moans out of her throat just urged him to continue. Through her shirt she could feel his hardness. It was altogether too much to resist.

Some inner thought of where they were entered her brain.

"We are in the barn."

"No one is around. Tom went to town. It's his day off. The rest of the guys are out on the ranch. We are alone." She attempted to get away from him, but his hold was like a grip and her willpower nonexistent. Expertly he guided her to the change room with a few benches and a shower stall. She wanted to protest, escape him, but there was a stronger power holding her: called passion.

Their clothes laid down on the floor discarded. They found themselves on the cushioned bench that was wide enough for both of them. His skin next to her, and his contracting muscles under her touch drove her wild. Emma wanted him, needed him. She deserves to be reckless once in her life. Not to do the right thing and threw caution into the wind.

After a slight sting it was pleasure and more pleasure his body gave her. Emma was more than sure she will never feel this kind of desire for any other man. She knew it, felt it. It was ironic that it had to be him.

Soon, she'll be gone out of his life. It will be this memory she'll take with her.

He stood up, scooped her into his strong arms, and carried her with him to the shower stall. The warm water slid over their naked bodies while he slowly glided soap over her back, down to her belly. The new wave of hot feeling started to build up. It was more than obvious he felt it too. This time it was slow, sensual, and breathtaking. Afterwards he got an oversized towel, dried them up and helped her dress.

"It's best if you don't mention this to anyone. We can enjoy each other without an audience as long we feel the need for it." He said while combing his hair with his fingers.

"Like secret lovers?" There was sarcasm in her voice, but he missed it.

"You catch on fast. I'll be gone for a week, but when I get back we'll continue where we stopped."

"What about Rina?"

"Rina is my problem. As long as she gets what she wants, and that includes all the expenses paid for she's happy. She knows the score. We are not married yet. Once we are its natural our lesion had to stop."

Emma couldn't believe his arrogance. He thinks he can have his pie and eat it too. What does he think how much can he get away with? Arrogant brute. 

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