Chapter 25

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Rina's eyes narrowed as she with her manicured hand threw the glorious blond hair over the shoulder.

"You can't mean that Alexander. We were almost engaged. I know I hurt you, but I'm back."

"I do mean it! I want you to leave now and in the future this ranch is out of your limits. My future wife deserves respect, and you are not capable of that."

She looked back and forth from him to Emma still having a hard time accepting that she was being kicked out. With fury she strode towards the front door, but on the way out had to throw another venomous comment at him.

"When you open your eyes and have enough of the novelty, I'll be waiting. " Addition to that she slammed the door behind her. A few moments later the squeak of the tires told them she was gone.

Emma shook from head to her toes, and she wasn't sure what the cause was. Was it more from anger or disappointment? Alexander saw her distress and came closer to draw her to him enfolding her in his arms. He bent and gently kiss the nape of her neck.

"Sorry about that, especially that it had to happen on your first day back. I love you Emma more than anything. Nothing can take that away." He was comforting her. His hands massaging her back.

"I don't think I can cope with your exes showing up and belittle me all the time. I shouldn't of come back." She said with a deep sigh.

"Yes, you should. You belong here. Emma I'm sure there won't be any more as you call them exes coming here. You are mine and you should never feel belittled. You are more than them in any way possible. This is your home, and you are my life. When I say I love you I mean it Emma. It is time to end this game of hopeless love. We love each other even if you won't say words to me. Every one of your looks, every one of your touches is telling me that. Admitted it Emma! Our love is far away from hopeless."

Even if she wanted to Emma couldn't deny what he was saying. She loved him from the first moment she set her eyes on him. He was the only one who could hurt her this deeply. Maybe he was right, it was time to end this saga of hopeless love. It was time she looked at their love with hope for the future. What she saw in his eyes, shook her to her core. He waited her to say the words with such longing she couldn't hold it in any more. Her insecurities were melting away and totally new feeling washed over her. She felt loved and beautiful.

"I love you Alexander. I loved you from the first second I met you, and I will always love you." Then she added with a smile that screamed mischief.

"If any if your exes shows up here again, I will personally kick them out. You are mine, and I don't share."

The large smile spread across his face. The relief made him exhale the breath he held while waiting for her to speak.

"We are getting married next week. I don't think I want to wait any longer than that."

"You are being too bossy."

"No, not bossy, just very impatient, and if I didn't have to consider that you need time to buy a dress and all the things you women find important, I would insist on tomorrow's wedding."

"Us? Women?"

He smiled at that. He really liked her soft and relaxed like that in his arms.

"Yeah, the guys have different priorities when it comes to weddings."

Emma gave him a light punch on his flex muscles.

"Do I get to guess those priorities?"

"Hmm, let me think about it."

He leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

"If we were alone, I would show you, but as it is, here comes more company."

She was just about to lean to him for a touch when she followed his gaze and spotted Kate coming towards the sliding door with Zachary.

"I guess you get out of it easy this time. Saved by the bell." Then he added.

"I promise to make up for it tonight."

Kate couldn't hide her excitement of seeing them together. Finally, one of her little attempts to help the faith ended in success. She held her first grandchild, and there was a prospect of more by the look of those two how they looked at each other. Her son was happier than she saw him in a long time. Her heart was full if only she didn't have to deliver the bad news, but it will have to wait for after the wedding. She was sure it won't take long knowing how much Alexander wanted it. In no way would she spoiled their day with the news of her health and that she doesn't have a long time to share with them. Zachary steered in her arms and she bends down to give him a kiss.

"I'm so glad I had time to meet you."

Alexander and Emma were oblivious of Kate's thoughts. They happily stared at each other. Their gazes were full of love and promises. Nothing could come in between them. 

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