Chapter 20

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It was the first time she drove with Alexander in his Jaguar. The two-seater made the space personal. Emma pulled and straightened her dress too conscious of her exposed legs. He was too near for her peace of mind. It was simply impossible for her not to react to his closeness. Her heart pumped wildly, and it was a good thing she was sitting or her legs wouldn't support her. The same attraction she felt from the day one remained.

He was polite and asked all the right questions, but somehow she had a feeling there was more to this dinner.

When he drove through the town without stopping Emma got confused.

"I thought we are going to the restaurant."

"We are. It is another ten minutes drive. You are going to like it."

Emma had no idea where he is taking her, but she wanted for this ride to be over.

She was too anxious to find out how hard will it be to establish the boundaries of her new life. This has to be a onetime thing. You can't always have what you want, but this was killing her. Sooner the evening ends the better she'll be off. She moved out to be away from him, not to start submitting to his demands to go out with him any time he had a little of a free time. No delusion entered her mind that he would want to spend the time with her for any other reason. He probably didn't have a clue how hard was for her to be around him. Loving him, wanting him and not being able to have him.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"It can wait until we are there..."

"I'm not so sure why this outing was necessary, but I'm willing to sort differences for Zachary. You must see how this arrangement works for everyone."

"It works for you Emma, but as I said this talk can wait after the dinner."

"You can't say it works just for me." She didn't want to give up so easy just because he said so and ignored him by continuing her reasoning.

"It does work for everyone. Zachary will be close to you and Kate, but I'll be able to have my own life. You can't be this selfish not to allow me that."

Alexander turned into the long drive without a remark to her statement. Oh yes, he was that selfish. He wanted her to stay very close to him.

"We are here!" He announced instead of answering her.

"What is that exactly?" She asked when he parked in front of a massive building.

"It's a private club with a restaurant. Behind the building are the golf grounds. The club rents out the rooms for private meetings or banquets. The food is excellent and the tables have privacy."

The first glimpse of the impressive building was a total surprise. She never knew it was there, but why would she. It was exclusive playground for the rich. She couldn't probably be able to afford a glass of water here. Was this place where she usually took his mistresses? The gorgeous women in his life. Emma was aware that she'll stick out as a sore thumb. Was he trying to smooth her into agreeing to all his demands by bringing her here? No way she's moving back to the ranch just for his convenience.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the hostess dressed in a very strict black-and-white uniform greeted them.

"Your table is ready Mr. Jackson." She said with a bright smile.

So they know him here well. By the girl's smile, Emma would say very well.

They were seated at the corner table with a beautiful view of the green, gently rolling hills of a golf course. They were handed the menus and the first thing she noticed there was no price on it for a single item. She only ordered a simple salad.

"Is this all Emma? Rabbits eat more."

"I'm not very hungry. This will be sufficient." If he thinks she could eat more than that he was too optimistic. Her tummy was all in knots.

"You wanted to talk Alexander. Actually, we need to talk."

"Yes, Emma we do. For the start, I think it was all wrong for you to move out..."

"Alexander!!" The woman's shrieking voice interrupted them. The voice that Emma recognized.

"Rina, well that is a surprise. What are you doing here?" Alexander looked at always beautiful Rina but his voice was cold, and very terse.

"Is this how you greet an old friend, or should I say more than a friend?" Rina's fake pretense didn't fool anyone.

Before Alexander had time to react, she turned her attention to Emma narrowing her eyes.

"Aren't you his mother's secretary that had his child?" Without waiting for Emma to say something she again with a batting of her eyelashes turned her attention to Alexander.

"Well, well, I'm shocked you brought her here. The plain mouse as you always called her." She talked as Emma wasn't there.

"Rina stop! You talk too much! Where is your husband?"

"Somewhere on a business trip. I'm here with a friend, but he's not that important that I couldn't find the time for you darling."

"That won't be necessary Rina."

"You don't need to dismiss me that fast, but I do have to go. Hope you change your mind and we can refresh old memories." She started to walk away but added over her shoulder.

"See you soon!" As it was a done deal, and she had no doubt about the outcome of this meeting.

Rina was gone across the restaurant to join her companion. She sat beside the young man who obviously wasn't her husband.

The bitterness after her departure from their table stayed.

"A mouse!" Emma still remembered those days. Rina brought the hurtful memories back. He used to never miss the opportunity to remind her how plain she was. Or, how she can't have him.

She wasn't sure what happened on the day in the barn, but she assumed he only wanted to humiliate her. He never counted on her having his baby as a result.

"Sorry for the interruption." He apologized to her.

"Are you ready to go?" Emma lost the appetite altogether.

"You are in a rush today. Zachary is in good hands." She wanted to tell him it wasn't the Zachary but he and his ex mistress's company she tried to avoid.

"We still need to talk Emma."

"I'm trying to do that, but it always ends up nowhere. Just to tell you I was not moving back to the ranch."

"Marry me Emma!" It came out before he had time to smooth the path to that part of the evening. He wanted her, wanted her so much that every bit of rational thought left him around her. "Marry you?"

"Yes, marry me! We should be a family."

"If this is one of your bait to get to me. I have to tell you it is not very tasteful."

"I'm not baiting you, I'm not teasing you, I meant it Emma. Zachary deserves it, we deserve it. I want you both under my roof and not living on some neighboring farm."

"We are strangers, beside having a child together, we don't know each other. When I marry I want my husband to know me. I want to know him.,"

"Emma no two people truly know each other, but we can start. I'm all for it."

"You are joking right. Do you think I want to be insulted and belittled by your ex or current mistresses every time we go out or even better in my own home?"

Alexander didn't like her responds, but he also knew she had grounds for it. The one thing he didn't know was how deeply he had hurt her.

"No mistresses, ex or otherwise Emma. Only you and Zachary."

"Can't we go now? " Emma was beyond listening. He had a power to hurt her, but she wasn't about allowed him to see that. She also didn't have any reason to trust him. It was a some kind of game he was playing with her to get his own way. Only thing Emma couldn't figure out was why.

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