Chapter 18

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Alexander's eyes could easily freeze Melanie when he looked at her. The anger in him bubbled like a volcano, but he suppressed it and give her a dose of it in a milder form.

"Melanie please go and change, then come to my office. Don't be too long." The hint of annoyance in a tone of his voice obviously blew over her head. Melanie walked close by Emma and as she did, she gave her a menace induced smile of a triumph.

Emma looked at both of them. By the shape of their clothes there was no doubt they have spent the night together. When Melanie at last was gone to her bedroom Alexander turned to Emma. He found her green eyes observing him like something she saw at the side of the road and wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

"It isn't as it looks. We didn't spend the night in the same bed." It was the first time he tried to explain his actions to anyone. He found necessary to clear his name of the accusation in Emma's eyes.

"You don't own me an explanation."

"No ..." He wanted to say more, but it wasn't the time or the place. First, he has to solve the problem called Melanie. So he asked instead. "Where is our son?"

"Sleeping right now. Can I talk to you for a minute?" It came at him fast and he already had an idea what it was about and quickly tried to get out of that conversation. He needed more time.

"I was going to change."

Emma didn't go for it. "This won't take long. It is actually very short and simple. I've got a job and I'm moving out in a few days." She found the strength to informed him as calmly as she could manage.

This was what he feared it will happen, but her words, regardless caused panic and tension of his body.

"Why Emma? Why do you have to go to that extreme? There is plenty of room for you here. " He tried to convince her to stay close to him.

"You moved me here from Houston but you knew this can't be a permanent arrangement."

Finding pointless to prove him her view of the situation, and not wanting to get into any further discussion at the moment Emma changed the subject.

"I think you were in a rush so Melanie doesn't have to wait for you." She said it flatly with a hint of asperity.

Alexander had to keep his temper under control, "Yes, but we haven't finished this conversation by any means."

Emma was right, he had an urgent business with Melanie, so she can be on her way out. He might have to speed the process by going with her, but he was sure he'll be back before Emma moves out.

When he disappeared upstairs Emma waited and went back to her son's room. He just woke up and she changed and fed him. After short thinking what to do next to distract her train of thoughts, she packed Zachary, grabbed the keys to one of the ranch's cars and drove to town. She needed a few baby things and some clothes for herself.

At least she told herself that instead of admitting that she ran just not to see them together. This morning episode shook her more than she cared for. Why can't she learn not to care? Why is it that every time she look at him her heart refused to bit a normal rhythm.

She stayed in town longer than she though. After shopping she found a quiet coffee shop and sat down to ease the feeling in her belly. The advertising sign across the street reminded her that she has to find the future means of transportation.

Emma was happy that her trip wasn't wasted as she found a little, economical but in a good shape car that will suit her needs. The dealership agreed to deliver it to the farm. The payments on it were reasonable. It was the amount she can afford beside her trying to save enough to pay Alexander back. There was no way she'll let herself be in debt to him.

She drove back to the ranch and parked close to the back entrance. This way she's most likely to avoid the two of them. The house was quiet. She also noticed his sports car wasn't in a driveway. So they were gone again. It was for the best.

Her things were packed and her new home waited for her. She asked Tom to drive her over. There was no need to stay here any longer and continue the agony. Kate had tears in her eyes but proven again to be a huge support to Emma.

Her new employers were happy she could make it in a such a short time, and happily gave her a few days to settle. The benefits of a new job included that Zachary was welcome in her office and manager's wife lived next door and was available for babysitting when needed.

The first night Emma put most of the stuff away as there was not much to begin with. With a little she had she tried to make it into a home.

By the midday next day the sharp knock at the door brought her down from the latter which she used to hang the bright yellow curtains.

She opened the door only to find herself face to face with Alexander.

"You couldn't move out fast enough! Removing Zachary out of his home, away from his family." His stance clearly accusing.

"O...o...o, stop right there. You are not going to make me into some kind of a monster or a bad mother." She took a deep breath. "We are close enough." She wanted badly to add, " too close." But sustain herself from any kind of outburst. It wouldn't lead her anyplace.

"I can't see him every day." He made a protest.

"Yes, you can if you find the time in your busy life. Listen, Alexander , I need a life of my own. You have your own. We are not in your way. I thought you would be happy to have your space."

"Don't go on about deciding what's best for me, or what I want. For sure it is not to be away from you two."

"Gosh! What do you mean by "you two". I know you think those are perfect words to use, but don't you think it is a bit crowded with your mistress in tow as well. Trust me it is better this way. We are not cramping your lifestyle or should I say I'm trying to minimize that to the extend of your convenience."

"Melanie is gone. She went back to work."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure she'll be back soon."

"No, she won't be! It is over between us!"

"So, you are ready for a new adventure, new lover, and just that you don't have notion that I'm applying for temporary position until you find a new candidate." Something inside of her made her say it. She wasn't sure why she brought it up.

"Is that what you think of me?"

"I don't have to think it. I've witnessed. This is not leading us nowhere. You must see I created my own space by giving yours back."

Alexander saw that there was no point of pressuring her any further. Emma had made up her mind and not likely she'll change it. He'll just have to woo her back. The old fashion way. The opinion she had of him wasn't the shiniest and he deserved it. With a shame he remembered how he treated her. She would never believe him now if he told her he loved her, especially after Melanie's visit to the ranch.

"Have it your way, but I'll see you every day anyway."

"You think you'll have time in between your conquests?"

He wanted to scoop her in his arms and kiss her to prove her how far from the truth she was, but he knew a lot of patients was the answer to Emma's acceptance. She wasn't ready for that just yet.

"Yes, I think I'll have to make a lot of time to work on my next conquest."

"Good for you! I wish you luck, but please spare me the details. From now on our contact is only for our son's benefit."

"Don't be so sure Emma."

"I'm sure Alexander." She threw back at him.   

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