Chapter 14

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While the plane circled over the airport waiting to get clearance from the tower for landing Emma couldn't believe she was back. When they finally touched the ground and came to a stop, she looked outside at the familiar hills. It was still beautiful as she remembered, but this time around, she couldn't say she was glad to be here. She glanced towards her son. Zachary's was securely sleeping in his baby carry on.

Alexander was beside him and Kate sat next to her. The flight was quiet. Kate talked to her, but he had scarcely said a few words. Emma avoided looking his way at all cost. If Kate noticed as she probably did, she didn't say a word about it. Emma was sure she hadn't had a clue about the blackmail Alexander pulled on her. Before they left Houston, he organized for her belongings to be put in a storage for the time being and canceled her lease. When they stepped out of the plane, she noticed that Tom waited for them to take them to the ranch. He stood by the big black Mercedes /SUV. Emma never saw the vehicle before and assumed it was purchased recently just for the occasion. The drive home didn't go any better than the flight. Alexander sat in front with Tom and discussed the ranch business.

Tom parked right at the front door and Alexander took Zachary and carried him upstairs. Emma followed them without a word. She was surprised to see that he got an entire third floor of the house for her and Zachary. The nursery was already set and had everything possibly needed for an infant and it was connected to her room. She also noticed there was a playroom. Zachary was only a newborn, but she knew it was very symbolic. It was an unspoken message to her that his son belongs here. Alexander always planned ahead.

"I'll leave you to refresh before supper." With that he left her and behind him Tom appeared with her luggage.

Emma took a quick shower and pulled out a pair of jeans and a simple green blouse. She fed Zachary and placed him back to his beautiful modern crib. The monitoring system was already on. When she came down Kate was alone in the living room.

"I hope you found everything and you like it."

"Yes, thank you. It is lovely."

"We want your stay here to be pleasant. It is now your home as well."

Emma couldn't tell her the truth. She didn't want to sound ungrateful or desperate and changed the subject to safer ground.

"Just let me know when I can start working again."

She wanted to earn her stay here. It would make her feel better and down the road, he can't say she was living off of him. On top of everything she had a loan to repay.

"There is no rush. You have plenty of time. Enjoy your baby they do grow up fast. I'm very happy to have you and my grandson here." Kate was clueless about Emma's struggles.

Emma couldn't see the sign of Alexander anywhere. His car was gone from the driveway and there was no sign of him anywhere in the house.

As she almost read her thoughts Kate said.

"Alexander will be back tomorrow morning. There was some urgent business he had to deal with."

Emma had a different idea why he was gone. Did he go to Melanie? It didn't matter Emma told herself. It didn't matter what he did or with whom. She flinched at the memories of his cruel remarks. It was her personal reminder not to expect too much and safeguard her feelings.

To put aside the reminders of their passionate time together when Zachary was conceived.

The next morning Emma was still asleep when he brought already changed Zachary over to her bedroom.

"I've changed him, but I'm afraid that is all I can offer for now." Obviously very proud of his achievement, he said it with a grin on his face. Somehow it went straight to Emma's heart. She wasn't immune as she thought she was.

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