Chapter 23

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They took Yvonne's van and drove to town. After stopping at the local department store where each bought some discounted clothes they seated themselves in the diner. It was an old fashion establishment, but the ice cream they served was heavenly. As they talked Emma found out that Yvonne was full of information about the farm as she already lived there for two years and knew everyone. The time flew by and beside an elderly couple they were the only ones left. They both laughed how the time slipped by.

"I think it's time to go home."

"Yes, I better get dinner on. Joe is done at seven, and after work he always develops healthy appetite."

Emma secured Zachary in the back seat and was about to open the van's door when she spotted a very familiar face. He wasn't alone. Melanie was plastered against Alexander and had an expression on her face of a child that found the long lost toy. Emma closed her eyes for a second. It hurt! It shouldn't, but it did. Just last night he held her in his arms and whispered in her ear. She was right all along all he wanted was to use her, string her along, and show her that he is in control by showing her little affection. He thought that was all he needed for her to get along and agree to all of his demands.

Yvonne saw her expression. Truly concerned she asked.

"Emma, are you alright? You look as you have seen a ghost."

"I'm fine, honestly. Let's go, it's getting late." No way Emma was going to explain, to talk about it would cause her to fall apart. That was the last thing she needed. Her focus was on staying strong.

Emma opened the passenger door and got in the van. Yvonne didn't insist any more, but pulled out of their parking spot. Without knowing she headed down the street and drove right by the couple in conversation. All Emma noticed was his returning smile at Melanie.

It wasn't hard to wow to herself not to repeat last night's mistake. Never again. It showed her his character. He can deny it to the moon, but she won't be swayed so easily.

In her lonely bed Emma couldn't stop the tears. They were coming on their own from deep down her heart. She shouldn't, but she felt betrayed.

The morning arrived with sunshine. Sometime during the night she fell asleep, but her son's hungry cry woke her up. Emma rubbed her eyes and got up to take him out of his crib.

"What is it, young man? Did mom overslept your routine?". The joy returned to her limbs just from holding him. His father may be a rat, but his son was the light of her life.

The bottle was heating while she changed him. It occurred to her that almost all his clothes had designer labels. He was Jenkins and only the best was bought for him. She never had to worry what will he wear, but all the same she was determined to make a good and respectful person out of him.

There was a knock at the door as she pulled Zachary's sleeper on. She opened without thinking expecting to be Yvonne. It was Alexander. Instinctively she tried to close it in his face, but he was fast to put his foot and jammed it.

"What do you want Alexander?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"You can't come here barging in. We need to make some kind of arrangement about visiting time."

"We do? I was under the impression that I was to see my son anytime I want."

"It would be good if we decide on the times." She was persistent ignoring his remark.

"Instead of that nonsense how about I want you both back at the ranch Emma."

"You can want that, but it is not happening. I'm not going to be at your disposal any time you are bored."

"Is that about last night? You can't tell me you didn't want it as much as I did."

"That is not the point! I'm trying to tell you it won't happen again. I told you before and I'm repeating it. Visiting arrangement would be best for all of us."

"No Emma it would not be."

"We are not going to continue this. The only thing we will accomplish is to upset Zachary."

He strode beside her and picked their son who just started to cry. He stopped instantly secured in his father's arms.

"You better get his bottle ready. I think this quiet won't last long." He chuckled, but bent down to kiss Zachary. Emma hated that he could affect her so deeply, but she couldn't help how she feels about him. She shook her head and moved to the kitchen to collect the bottle.

He came behind her. " Your place is at the ranch Emma. I'm still waiting for you to come to your senses and agree to marry me."

"You are kidding. Why would I want to do that to myself?"

Her statement hit the target, but not a hint of it showed on his face. He got Zachary's bottle from her and made himself comfortable on her couch to feed him. She couldn't believe the nerve of the man. On the other side, it melted her heart how this huge man cuddled his son in his arms while Zachary hungrily sucked at his formula looking totally content on his father's large chest.

"I'm not sure what are you trying to prove Emma."

"Prove! There is nothing to prove. I won't be your side amusement."

"Why would you think that?"

"Last night I was in town Alexander."

He lifted his gaze from his son to her, but Emma was faster.

"I saw you. Don't deny it."

"Emma, are you jealous?" He had a decency to be smug about it. For the first time in her life Emma had a strong urge to hurl something at anybody. He was darn lucky he held Zachary because he would be wearing the trash basket on his head.

"Don't make fun out of me. She was all over you."

"Honey, I think we better set a wedding date. Why, you already act as a wife would."

He stood up and walked over to Zachary's prom and gently lowered him down. When he turned towards her, the biggest smile was plastered on his face while Emma was furious mildly said.

She strode towards him all her attention on his gorgeous blue eyes and tried to get through him that this wasn't a laughing matter to her by poking a finger in his chest. It was the spur of a moment, movement of frustration. He caught her easily, he bent his head while pulling her closer.

"Come here you stubborn woman. Enough is enough! Don't you get it. Melanie is in the past. It was a business meeting nothing else, our workers depend on that contract. She can try, but my blood is cold beside her. Only when I hold you it boils up, and my heart races like crazy. I love you Emma. No other women will do."

At first she gaped at him. Did he just said he loves her? Her chin would have dropped to the floor if he didn't hold her face it one hand.

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