Chapter 24

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Alexander just realized that the words came out unexpectedly and spontaneously from the bottom of his heart. It wasn't like he meant to say them. How could he when he wasn't sure himself how to bring the subject up? He loved this gentlewoman, and their child more than anything. The feeling was so deep and profound the intensity of it even surprised himself. By the look on Emma's face and her response to him, he knew she wasn't immune to him. Now he didn't regret saying them.

"What did you just say?" Her big, beautiful eyes got bigger and clearer.

The answer to her question she found in the most gentle, passionate kiss she possibly ever imagined.

"You heard me." He kissed her again." Don't pretend you didn't."

"I think my hearing is not quite all right today."

"Stop it Emma!"

"No, I don't think I will. You have to repeat what you said."

"I'm not going home without you Emma. If you don't want to come with me, I'm moving in with you."

"You can't do that."

"Watch me!" She could see it in his eyes that he was totally serious.

"Yes, I love you Emma. You and our son. Please come home! I can't stand to think to spend one more night without you!"

"You are serious, aren't you?" It become more real to her, she started to believe him.

" Yes, I am. In time I'll make you love me again. No way I'm letting you out of my sight."

"You are for real, aren't you?" She had to ask again.

" Yes, I am!"

"All the things you said to me. The pain you caused with your remarks. You remember I'm that mousy girl." It was worry that made her say that to him.

"You'll never know how sorry I am. If I could I would take every word back, believe me. I'll spend a lifetime making it up to you. You are very special to me Emma. There is not an inch of you that is not natural and beautiful."

"How can I be sure you won't hurt me again? Alexander I don't think I could recover." Emma knew it would cost her dearly if he didn't have forever in his mind.

"From now on it will be only happiness Emma. Look how much we have to be thankful for."

"Yes, we do!" She looked towards Zachary.

"Our son is a big part of it, but there is also us Emma. I love you, and I'll never stop telling you that."

"I don't think I'll ever have enough hearing it, but...."

"No buts Emma. Just us."

Alexander wanted to hear her say it how she feels, but Emma kept quiet about it. Never mentioning her own feelings. He longed for her to say the words. He needed her love, but also willing to wait for it. The main thing here was to take her back home. Everything else he'll work hard at it.

"I just move in here. I need this job. How can I leave? There are personal things I still have to repay. It is impossible for me to just pack up and leave."

"Whatever you owe I will pay off, you don't need a job. Take care of our son and your future husband. It will keep you busy enough."

"Are you trying to lock me up at the ranch? You know the wife at home where she belongs, and by the way I didn't say yes."

"What will it take?"

"I'm not sure."

"Not sure of what?"

"I don't think I was asked properly."

At once Alexander went down on one knee still holding her hand. To her utter surprise, he fished out a small jewelry box out of his pocket flicking it open to reveal beautiful engagement ring.

"Will you marry me Emma?"

She knew she was dreaming but said it anyway.

"Yes, I'll marry you Alexander."

"I promise to make you happy Emma." He made the vow to her while he put the ring on her finger.

It was already late when they arrived at the ranch. They took their son to his bedroom. He was asleep totally unaware of his parents being so much into each other.

Alexander lifted smiling Emma in his arms, he chuckled.

"You didn't think I'll let you sleep anywhere else but in my bed." The sheepish grin spread across his face.

"I have a lot of loving to do to make up for all of my past sins."

Emma hid her face in his silk shirt.

"Don't tell me you are shy Emma. Not after last night, but tonight you are not escaping."

"What about Zachary?"

"There is a monitor in my room as well. He'll be watched by both of us. He is most likely to sleep until morning, and if he makes a sound probably the whole household will check on him. He is very safe here. We can go to your bed, but mine is bigger."

The next morning Kate only smiled when she saw them in the kitchen getting breakfast and took Zachary from Alexander.

"Good morning! Where is that handsome grandson of mine?" She opened the patio door and stepped out talking to him about some nonsense but he looked delighted as much as babies could be.

Emma thought that this kind of happiness doesn't exist. Unfortunately, the damper to her happiness arrived in the form of ex fiancé -Rina an hour later.

She stormed in the house dressed to impress and stopped only when she saw Emma. She gave her a cold surprising look.

"Look, look, the mouse is back!" With that, she dismissed her turning towards Alexander.

"Alexander darling, would you take me out for a drink? I'm upset and I need you right now."

"Rina what an unexpected and unannounced visit. What are you doing here, and where is your husband?"

"I wasn't aware of that I have to announce myself here. My husband left me when he figured out that I'm still in love with you, and two of us are perfectly matched."

Rina was obviously annoyed with Emma's presence so she turned back to her.

"Would you leave us alone for a while? I'm sure you have something to do elsewhere. We have things to discuss."

Alexander rose his eyebrow, and his eyes got that stormy look. Emma's heart started to sink again. If this is how her life should look like in her new home, she didn't want it, but when Alexander spoke she couldn't believe it, but gave her the certain satisfaction.

"Rina only person leaving this room, and this house will be you. Yes, you are the neighbor, but that does not give you right to storm in here and treat my fiancé this disrespectfully. No, I and you we are not matched in any way. It will be good for you not to embarrass yourself again like this."

Rina's mouth fell open, the fury building up in her face.

"Your fiancé? You are going to marry her? You are kidding me! Where are the cameras?"

"Rina, I think is the best for you to go now."

"Alexander you don't mean it. Think this over before it's too late." Yet again, Rina spoke as Emma wasn't even there. It sparked a new anger in Alexander. His protectiveness towards his family surfaced to the full level.

"Rina! For the last time. You are incredible rude to my fiancé, in her home. More I think, more I know. You are not welcome here anymore. Regards to your father, I will still help him, but you went overboard. Out!!" 

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