Chapter 11

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"I wish I could take you back to the ranch, but you can't travel now. It means I'll stay here with you for another month and some." Kate tilted her head. It was a sign she meant to do exactly that, and there was usually no way to persuade her otherwise. At that moment she was so much like her son.

"I appreciate it Kate, but it is too much to ask from you. I know how busy you are. I'll be fine on my own." Emma tried to be convincing in hope she'll change her mind.

"Nonsense, I was due for a long holiday, anyway. It will be good for me to see a little of this part of the country. You know Emma your mom was a very dear friend, and I need this time away from my work."

"My apartment is not exactly the most luxurious place for a holiday."

"I'm not a snob Emma. I was raised in a very simple way. You'll see I don't need much."

What else could she tell her to discourage her from staying? Emma didn't know.

"Our taxi is waiting. Shall we?" Kate ushered her on.

When they made their way back to Emma's place, the first thing she noticed was a new door to her apartment. Kate opened the new door with a key she produced out of her handbag. Emma puzzled over where did she get it, but shortly she got an explanation.


"Alexander had the local hardware store to replace the door, and I picked up the key there."

"I'm thankful, but again, I need to pay him back." Emma just mentally added a new expense to her already strained budget.

"When he gets back, you can talk to him, but for now let's get you into bed where you supposed to be." Kate avoided talking about her son. There was no point in upsetting Emma any more than necessary.

For the next couple of days Kate was a mother hen. A few days later she was surprised to see her son at the door of Emma's apartment. He was dangling keys in one hand.

"I bought the car for Emma. She can't drive right now, but it will be useful to you to take her for checkups and to do the all the necessary shopping."

Kate looked at her son like she never saw him before.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I have some business deals to close here in town, then I'm going back to the ranch. Phone me if you need anything."

Alexander knew his mother well, and she was hiding something. For now he couldn't place a finger on it.

"Wait, Emma wants to talk to you. Come she's in her bedroom. Doctor's orders."

Now he couldn't escape without seeing Emma. Instead of raising suspicion he followed his mother through the small apartment. Emma was sleeping but woke up as soon as he entered.

"I'll leave you two alone." Kate closed the door behind her. Emma looked at him in confusion. Isn't he supposed to be in the Bahamas? She gathered herself together and met his eyes and said as composed as she could.

"Thank you for paying the hospital bill. I'll arrange to pay you back as soon I'm able to go to the bank."

"You don't have to worry about it. Considered it a severance pay after all you left your job because of me Emma."

"I don't want to owe you anything. Don't assume anything. I won't accept charity from you."

"I'm not assuming, you ran because of me Emma. You can pretend all you want." Alexander couldn't keep his inner curiosity at bay and had to ask again.

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