Chapter 19

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Emma was a little surprised when Alexander left without a too much of a fuss. She finished with the last of the cleaning just in time to be ready for her car to be delivered. It will be nice to have her own four wheels.

The salesman from the car dealer came up to her door dangling the keys in one hand and in the other he had delivery form to be signed. The only thing that confused her was she couldn't see the car she bought the previous day. There was a company truck clearly market "used and new cars" but beside it was a new model Mercedes SUV , almost the same Alexander bought her down in Houston. Something was fishy here. Emma lifted her head and her hand from the paper at the same time, her green eyes narrowed at the guy standing impatiently for her to sign his form so he could be on his way.

"Where exactly is my car?"

He looked at her as she had lost her mind and turned around to inspect what she found lacking in her driveway. The young fellow he drove the SUV sat in the truck waiting with earphones listening to his music , and the vehicle was there, so he turned back to Emma to find out what was her problem.

"Parked beside my truck."

"This is not what I bought."

"If you wish to exchange it, you'll have to talk to the boss. I'm sure there won't be any problem with it. Could you sign that you received it? Bring it in tomorrow and I'm sure we can fix the issue. Fully paid vehicle are always guaranteed satisfaction."

Emma scrabble her signature on the form. She'll have to go back to town tomorrow and sort this out. There was a mix up and as much she wasn't too happy about losing a half a day on the issue she'll have to deal with it.

She for sure didn't buy this with cash. Emma pulled her hand through her long hair and took a deep breath. Her suspicion was confirmed when her doorbell went off again and delivery person a young girl stood in front of her holding a huge bouquet of roses. She didn't even ask just scrabble her name.

There was a card that came with it. Emma tore the envelope and pooled pink card out.

"Have dinner with me tomorrow." It was only signed with a simple 'Alexander'.

She picked up the phone and dialed the ranch. When she heard his deep voice that sent shivers in every pore of her body she couldn't hide her surprise.

"Oh... it's you..."

"Who did you expect Emma?"

She ignored his question.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you."

"I'm happy to hear that."

"Do you have anything to do with the vehicle sitting in front of my cabin?"

"If you don't like it, you can choose anything you like. I told them to send me the bill."

"So, it is you." She swallowed and cleared her throat. I told you that I'm trying to pay you back what I already owe you. Unfortunately, that is as far I can stretch my wallet."

"It is a present Emma! Don't forget that you'll be driving my son it, and by the way how is he?"

She wanted to argue with him about it but how could she. If she denies him buying things for his son, he'll only turned it against her.

"He is fine, just fall asleep. He is too little for much else." All aware she should say something about the SUV she mumbled. "Thanks for the vehicle."

"You are welcome Emma. It is my pleasure." He said in a very smooth tone.

"I'll come and see him tomorrow morning, but I'll pick you up at seven in the evening.""

"I have a baby, and can't just leave him to fend for himself."

"I didn't ask you to, will leave him in his grandma's capable hands."

"Why do you think I would want to have a dinner with you?"

"Because there is a lot we need to talk about."

"We do I agree, but it is not necessary to have dinner together to do that."

"It will be combining two together, the meal and the talk. I'm sure you can't have much against that."

Emma took a deep breath. She has to stay focused, calm, and above all else reasonable if she wants this to work. He'll soon have enough of his game and leave her alone, but in the meantime she'll have to play by his rules.

"Very well, no need to pick us up. As you know I have reliable wheels. We'll be there around seven."

"I'll be waiting."

She couldn't believe she agreed to that. Deciding what to wear wasn't that hard. She only possessed one evening dress. It was a modest green full sleeve gown that matched her eyes. Her only dressy pair of sandals were white, but it was the last thing she had to worry about it. Alexander didn't do dinners in a simple restaurants and Emma knew that. Too bad for him if he didn't like her attire.

Alexander nervously waited for Emma to arrive. Kate was ecstatic about having her grandson to herself for an evening while her parents hopefully find the path to each other.

She could see the change in Alexander's attitude towards Emma, and her intuition told her that love was involved in it.

Alexander saw her car coming up the driveway and he got out. He was here to help her with Zachary, but in the truth he couldn't also wait to see Emma.

When she stepped out he was lost for words. She looked beautiful. 

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