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Alexander opened his eyes. The room was still very dark. Just for a moment he was unsure of what have him woken up. He listened for a moment, making for sure it wasn't the baby monitor from Zachary's room, but the only sound he could hear was a ceiling fan. He listened for a moment longer don't wanting to move and disrupt Emma's sleep. Maybe he was just dreaming.

No, it wasn't a dream. It was Emma! She moaned louder. He looked over and realize she was awake and obviously in pain. Not just any pain. It hit him hard. He knew instantly: Emma was in labour.

"Emma! Why didn't you say something?" He gently scorned her while his hand lovingly stroked her cheek.

"I thought it was a false alarm, but I think I was wrong. My water just broke."

She even managed to smile. "Oh our bed is ruined.."

The warning bell sounded in his head upon learning that her water broke. All those prenatal classes that he attended with Emma weren't for nothing. He was up and dressed before she had time to throw the covers over. He immediately dialed Tom's number.

Emma sat at the edge of the bed, taking in the air. For the moment she felt better and tried to pull at the bedding.

"Only you can think of such a silly thing as the bed at this time. We have to get you to the hospital." Despite the panic he felt inside he tried not to show it.

The only thought in his mind was to get her safely to emergency. Next thing she knew she was scooped up and in his arms and on the way downstairs.

"You are going to be all wet. You'll be a mess."

"Emma.. Stop it!" His heart was pounding in his chest.

"Yes, but it is very nice shirt you are wearing."

"Emma stop it.." He repeated without stopping.

She grabbed his neck as another contraction hit her.

"It will be fine Emma. Will make it." He was supporting and encouraging her. Alexander pressed the button to open the car door at the same time Tom came running still fastening his belt.

Alexander threw the keys at him. The door was immediately open and he placed her gently on the seat. He didn't trust himself to be calm enough behind the wheel, so he arranged for their foremen Tom to be the one driving them when the time comes. Alexander wanted to be there for Emma all the way, and not leave her side. If only he could take her pain away. Another contraction hit and she squirmed and grabbed his arm, unaware of her own strength.

"Shh, we are on our way.. Ten minutes love... just ten minutes and will be there.."

"It hurts..."

"Yes, I know my love.. We are almost there."

After four more hours of labor Alexandra Kate Jenkins was born. Alexander fell in love all over again. It was love stronger than ever.

His thoughts wandered to his mother. Kate lost her battle with cancer, it was the sad spot in his new found happiness. He understood now that even she wasn't here, she never truly be gone. Kate left him the most precious gift. His family. After all, she knew him well and knew what was best for him.

"You are thinking of Kate." Emma said, knowing that expression. Her own thoughts were with that remarkable big hearted lady as well. They both missed her. Kate left a print of her goodness in many ways. If it wasn't for her generosity they may never find each other. She left Emma the business in town making her independent. It wasn't as she needed it, as Alexander made enough to support them. However, she appreciated Kate's gift. It was a memory to pass on to her children to remind them of their wonderful grandmother.

"Yes. She was a remarkable person. I was thinking how she left me the most valuable gift of all, a family and love. You know that I love you Emma."

"Yes, I do, and you know that I love you." They looked at each other aware that their love will take them throughout their lives no matter what happens. They were in it together forever.

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