Chapter 22

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Emma found herself scooped up into his arms. She could smell a hint of his aftershave and felt his undeniable pure male power that radiated from him. His mouth found its way to her lips, and he captured them ever so gently, teasing her as he strode down the stairs towards his bedroom. Emma was unable to protest. Her fingers clung to his powerful muscles, and even if her life depended on it, she couldn't let go.

When he placed her on his bed without losing the contact Emma experienced deep shock waves throughout every nerve in her body. She was pressed carefully into the soft mattress while his hand caressed her. It felt too good, and all she was capable to think of was being in his arms.

Alexander was too afraid she'll change her mind and flee. The boiling sensation inside of him screamed at that possibility. He would surely die if he had to let her go now that he finally got her this far.

There wasn't much longer she can take this torture. Emma wanted to tell him to stop, but at the same time she also wanted to feel him next to her. The hunger for his touch won over everything else. Alexander with a jerk pulled his shirt over his head. There was no time for undoing the buttons.

The pure desire to make her his drove him to forget all the caution. He wanted her, and he wanted her fiercely. Emma didn't struggle to get away from him, and it made him more bold, more daring. She was returning his kisses and snuggled closer to him. He found the path up her thigh and when he reached that little place of heaven she pressed closer. With the other hand under her neck, he held her as a precious gift while he kissed every inch of her. His touches were threaded with infinite care.

"Emma... Emma.. darling.." He whispered in her ear while he nuzzled on it driving her wild.

"Alexander!" It was a plea for more of the sweet torture.

She wanted for those moments to never end. There was no caution left, no regret. It was only two of them taking all they could from each other and giving selflessly.

Later on they lay, both spent, but unwilling to let go.

Alexander was first to drift off. She shortly followed his suit, but she woke up in the middle of the night. All the reasoning she ignored and threw out in the wind came back with the vengeance. What had she done? His arm tossed around her waist interrupted with her plans of a fast escape. She stayed still for a while and watched his even breathing. Once again it took her breath away how gorgeous he was. He was all solid male. All she wanted was to slide closer to him, to feel every inch of him. Somehow Emma knew that was something she can't do if she had an ounce of self respect and common sense.

It was exactly the way to shatter her heart one more time, but this time she was afraid she wouldn't recover.

While she was making the escape route Alexander shifted and his hand fell down. It was the opportunity she waited for.

He stirred but his breathing was in the even rhythm. Emma slid out of the bed and got her housecoat on. Thank goodness it came off and landed on his bedroom floor and not somewhere in the hallway. With a quietness of a cat, she sneaked out. Oh no, it wasn't easy to leave, but she must leave. The act was called the self preservation.

It was past midnight, and she checked on Zachary and went to her room. Her bed was very lonely. Darn him for making her want what she can't have again. Emma hadn't slept a wink for the rest of the night. She couldn't say no to him, but it didn't mean she had to stay. To get used to something that will be taken away from you is a waste of time, energy and a sure recipe for more heartache. Just agreeing to go out for a dinner was a mistake, now she made an even bigger one. Her body had different ideas. When it came to Alexander, she was helpless.

She already had Zachary in his carry on when he showed up.

"Where you to escape without telling me Emma?"

"It is not an escape. I told you yesterday I had to leave early...., and I don't want that to happen again..." She tried to deny her obvious attempt of fleeing.

"Is that why you left my bed in the middle of the night?"

So he knew and didn't try to stop her.

"You know why I left. It was a mistake. I'm not ready to get into something..." She got lost for words.

"Wanting each other can't be a mistake Emma."

"Oh yes it is! I need to build my own life and that is not possible if I'm having a fling with you."

"I wouldn't call it a fling. We are past that." Alexander teased her. The spark in his eyes even looked mischievous. Emma's face got beet red. She remembered how eagerly she responded to him. Now he can think that he can have his way with her anytime he wanted to. That he can make her his doormat. She can't let him know how close to the truth he was.

"I would! Don't think I'm going to jump every time you snap your fingers. I still remember the time when you couldn't wait to get me out of your way, out of this house." Her eyes were flushed, and her cheeks flared as she picked up Zachary's coat and strode beside him.

"Emma!" It was useless to call her back. He already learned when she made her mind it was hard to stop her. Alexander never knew she had a temper like that, but he smiled.

He watched her drive away. It didn't feel right. If she thinks that he'll give up she is very wrong. She wanted him, and she can deny it to the moon, it was useless. Last night was a proof of that. This afternoon he had planned to go over there and bring them back. He had no doubt she'll run again, but every time she does, he'll be around to bring her back. One day she'll get the idea that she belongs to his side, and she's the only woman that he wants.

His phone rang, he looked at the screen. It was Melanie. He cursed under his breath. What did she want?

"What is it Melanie?" He answered coldly.

"You don't have to be so terse. This is a business call. I have a few minor changes to show you in the plans, and for you to sign a few more papers to approve the safety inspection of the site. Can we meet somewhere? I know you don't want me to come over."

He told her the name of the restaurant and the time to meet him. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was deliberate. Those matters could have been done and were usually done in the office. He knew that beside modelling Melanie acted as a PA to her father and did errands like this one. It was far away from something he wanted to do, but he already started the project and to pull out would cost him too much. He had a responsibility to his workers as well.

His plans to go get Emma will have to wait until tomorrow, no matter how much he disliked the idea.

Emma carried Zachary inside. She was still fuming, but mostly at herself. To calm down, she took deep breaths and exhale. It did help, and an addition to that she looked around her cabin. She liked the cozy space. It was nice to have a place of her own.

Most of the work was done with only a couple of the boxes stacked up in the corner. There was no better time as now to deal with them. She filled the teapot and placed it on the stove. That tea sure hit the spot.

By the time she was done with those two boxes it was afternoon. She kind of thought he'll come after her, maybe try to spend some time with her and Zachary, but she didn't hear the sound of a car that she didn't even realize she was listening for.

When she heard the footsteps on her porch, she was surprised to find a young woman smiling at her.

"Hi! I'm Yvonne, your neighbor."

"I'm sorry! It is so rude of me. Do come on in. I'll put more tea on." Emma remembered her from the first time she came to check the place out.

"Thanks, but I came to invite you to come to town for coffee and ice cream. They make it homemade."

Emma thought how she could use a company, and she liked Yvonne on the spot. She was friendly and chatty and had a six months old daughter. Her husband worked at the farm as a driver and their cabin was only next door to Emma's.

"Yes! Why not, I'll just change and get Zachary ready."

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