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When Kate phoned him Alexander never questioned her. He took the first flight to Houston in economy class, the only seat that was available. It didn't matter to him. Now he paced the hallway as he got just about pitiful glances from the hospital staff that walked by. He hadn't noticed them preoccupied with his own thoughts. Behind the doors were Emma and his son. His son. It had a strange ring to it.

What puzzled him was why Emma didn't want him to know. Why didn't she tell him?

He checked his watch he didn't know how many times. Why isn't his mother coming out to let him in? Is Emma trying to refuse his parental rights.

So she presumed he'll want nothing to do with his own child. He had to keep his temper aside. If it wasn't for his mother, he would miss the birth of his own child.

Most of all he wanted to burst through that door and see them. His earlier behavior wasn't to his credit, but nothing will keep him away now that he knew she had his child.

"You can send him in Kate. I suppose there is no need of postponing the inevitable."

"I know how you must feel, but it is for the best Zachary knows his family Emma."

"Yes, I agree with you, but it doesn't make me less afraid."

"There is no reason for you to be afraid. He'll be loved."

Emma wished Kate could know how she feels. It will be a lifelong sentence for her. It meant she'll never be able to escape the love, the hurt it comes with unreturned love. She looked at the little person sleeping in his hospital cot unaware of the turmoil he caused in his mother's life. Turmoil it came with the unconditional love for him. Deep in her thoughts she hadn't noticed that Kate left the room which meant any moment now Alexander will walk in.

The door open and his tall, handsome frame stepped in. His gaze shifted from Emma to his son. She couldn't read anything out of his expression, only his voice gave him away when he spoke.

"Hello Zachary Jenkins, my son." He gently touched his cheek with his finger. It took him some time to turn to Emma. She couldn't know that he was gathering courage to face her.

"How are you Emma?" It was very short but the general question.

"Tired, very tired."

"You must be. We'll let you sleep now. I'll take my mother for a bite to eat and will be back when you are rested. You already know that we need to talk."

"Yes, I think I guessed that." Her eyes refused to stay open, and exhaustion took over taking her to a dreamless land.

Alexander one more time looked at them. Emma and his son who slept without waking up. He wanted to hold him, but for now they both needed rest.

He just couldn't stay away for too long. Melanie left him a few messages on his phone, but he hasn't even had the inclination to read them. He hadn't bought flowers for a woman in a long time. The last one was his ex-wife, and he could still feel the bitter taste of that memory.

With a bouquet of beautiful blue and white flowers, he approached the nurses station just to hear a man asking where could he find Ms. Jackson, he also had flowers in his hand. He was young and good looking.

The jealousy sprang shooting like a volcano. This was his family and no other man had a right to them. Emma and Zachary are his. He followed him down the hallway to Emma's room. The last second to decide to wait for the visitor to go away. He wanted his visit to be private, but he did hear the pleasantry exchange.

"Lex, it's so good to see you."

"Same here Emma." He placed the flowers on a windowsill and approached Zachary's cot.

"He is gorgeous. I see you are one proud mom."

"Yes, he's my little miracle. How is Kendra?"

Alexander wasn't used to wait in hallways. After five minutes he walked in to find them in a friendly chat. Lex was seated close to Emma's bed, too close for Alexander's liking.

Lex wasn't intimidated instead he extended his hand.

"You must be the father, congratulations. I'm Lex! Emma's boss." He introduced himself. After that he didn't stay for too long. It couldn't be fast enough for Alexander. The protectiveness was born for his family. As soon Emma and Zachary are out of here, he made plans to take them home, back to the ranch. He wanted them where he can keep them close to him and safe. His son under his roof.

Alexander placed the flowers in the window seal and turned to Emma.

"You are going to be released tomorrow. What are your plans?"

"I don't have plans, besides going home."

"You don't mean your apartment. It isn't a good place to raise a child."

"Why not? It's a perfectly respectable place." She remembered how he was staking a claim by giving Zachary his last name.

"Not for my son. He belongs on the ranch."

"Listen, Alexander. I won't stand in your way to know your son. I never intended for you to know, but you do and I can't change that. As for the ranch we can visit, but our home is down here."

"Your home could be at the ranch as well. My mother has offered you your job back. You can work and be with Zachary, and he'll have his father as well."

"I'll have to think about it." It was hard to say no.

"I want to be with my child Emma. He's as much mine as he's yours. Don't be selfish and think only about yourself."

The truth of his words hit home, but was she just being selfish? Alexander was right, and she couldn't deny his claim.

The offer was tempting. She hadn't had anyone here, but how will she save guard her heart so close to him. She hasn't magically turned into a swan, and to be around him, watch him parade his beautiful women around would break her. Yet, to deny Zachary a family and freedom of growing up on the ranch wouldn't be right either. It was a hard decision she'd have to make.

Alexander approached his squirming son and for the first time picked him up and held him. The love was instant, he never felt this kind of warmth in his life. It sprang up like a first snowdrop in the spring. Little Zachary squirmed a little more and released a wail.

"I think he might be hungry." He gently placed him in Emma's waiting arms. Too embarrassed with him in the room Emma looked up waiting for him to leave. As he didn't get a hint he remained standing there as it was the most natural thing for her to nurse a child in front of him.

"I thought you were going to feed him?"

"I will as soon as you leave."

It just occurred to him that she was asking him to go that he was not part of the package. It didn't sit well with him, but his son's wails got him to move and close the door behind him.

Why did he think he could just stay? Does he think she'll so easily forget the past? What did gave him the right to intrude on her privacy or her life? Going back to the ranch would be the easiest thing to do, but at what cause. She would give up her independence, her little haven she created for herself. Yes, it will be tough for a while, but she'll make it and make it without him. Sooner or later given time he'll get bored with having them around. She will become the target for his cruel remarks once again. With that in mind Emma made a decision. She and Zachary are staying in Houston.

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