Chapter 7

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Kate came home and found her son in a living room working on his laptop.

"Hello Alexander!"

"Well hello mother! Where is your PA? I have noticed she's not around." It was the first thing he asked without being too obvious as he closed the screen to look up at her.

"You mean Emma. Well, she's gone and out of your hair Alexander." There was a hidden interest in in her eyes to see his response.


"Yes, she moved to a better job, and I'm happy for her. It wasn't like she was accepted around here."

It took him a moment to hide his surprise. He was taken aback that Emma would leave after being sure she got what she wanted. Him.

"Good! She was like a puppy in love, always looking at me with those big eyes."

"You are being very unkind."

"It's nice to have a house to ourselves not tripping all over her."

Kate threw her arms in defeat. "I sure hope one day you find happiness."

"I'm perfectly happy mother. There is nothing wrong with my life. I have all I want."

"Then I'm happy for you." Kate's voice had a dose of sarcasm in it, but she knew better but to argue with him. It won't get her far.

"Speaking of happiness Rina is here." She added and with that she took off to her studio.

So little mouse has run away. It was for the best. He didn't need her drooling around him. She wasn't his type, anyway. He tried to shrug uneasiness in his tummy. No woman will rule his life. He'll quench his desire some place else. There was never a shortage of willing beautiful candidates.

"Rina what are you doing here?" Alexander was obviously annoyed that she showed up like this.

"Is this the warm welcome I get for coming home early, darling?" She flipped her eyelashes at him with a smile that simply didn't even get close to her eyes.

Alexander unknowingly frown, and his eyes turned into a colour of a stormy sky.

"You were not supposed to be home until next week."

"I missed you, darling! It was neglected of me to leave my new fiancé for two weeks, so I decided to get back early."

"Don't call me darling, and you know we are not really engaged." He was more terse than he intended to be. Rina's behaviour never bothered him before, but something changed. It was like he saw her for the first time. She was still a beautiful woman, but it didn't do anything for him.

"Alexander! What is wrong with you?" Her eyes narrowed as she gave him a suspicious look.

"Nothing is wrong Rina. I'm just busy at the moment and don't have a lot of time."

She turned around the room as she was looking for something.

"Where is that girl? What was her name?"

"Emma and she's gone. She's not your concern Rina. I'll call you tomorrow." He curtly dismissed her, letting her know it was time for her to leave.

"We should go riding..." She tried to get his attention, but at the closer look at his hard face she changed her mind and pouted her lips.

"Fine then! I'll wait for your call! Don't forget." She turned around and with well practiced sway of her hips walked out of the room. It left Alexander cold. At that moment it was more than clear to him that Rina's days as a part of his life are numbered. She was on her way out of it.


Emma looked through her office window. Houston's traffic at this time was heavy and she was glad she's not down there stuck in it especially in this heavy rain.

She patted her belly. Five months pregnant and feeling great. Her morning sickness didn't last too long, and now she was glowing. The bonus and the raise in her salary made it possible to move into a nicer and bigger apartment. She knew it was still early, but she started to shop for baby necessities. As a single parent, she had to be prepared.

When she found out that her tummy bug wasn't exactly that she was shocked and scared. The idea of a baby grew very fast into happiness.

Only if she could forget her baby's father. If not for her growing belly, she would have been sure it was all a dream. Many times when she woke up during the night she could taste his lips on hers, feel his body next to her, only to find emptiness. She still loved him and always will. For her love wasn't something that happened easy or every day.

The knock at the door got her out of daydreaming.

"That is better! This new office is what you needed." Lex gave her a big grin. They moved into a different building with more space. The company was expending just in a few months and Emma was still in her element directing advertisement in the right direction, but also got involved in other aspects of the now flourishing company. She was now Lex's right hand. She was in the midst of getting a television contract with a well known local Channel. The popularity will only boost the current success even furthered.

"Ready to go!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lex, I forgot about it, but give me five minutes I'll be ready."

They were on their way to meet the television crew at one of the locations chosen for the new advertisement.

She was happy Lex drove as she was not completely comfortable with the rush traffic. While they waited for the light to change the wipers swished around the windshield swiping the raindrops when the doors of the downtown bank opened up and the tall, dark man stepped out onto the sidewalk, and placed his cowboy hat back on. Emma's heart jump into familiar rhythm, but man lifted his head and somehow she felt relief and disappointment at the same time. It never before occurred to her how those two can go hand in hand with each other.

"You OK Emma? You went pale all of a sudden."

"No, no, I'm fine. I just thought I saw someone."

It would do her a load of good to get Alexander out of her mind, and out of her heart. How could she love someone that was so unkind and cruel to her. It was a question she asked herself many times. Too many.

He just used her and callously told her he meant to use her until he gets bored with her. Wasn't that enough of a reason to hate him? She better locked the memories of him and throw the key away. They will always only bring her pain.

Was it possible to forget him? Especially with his child growing under her heart. The child he'll never know. There was no point in letting him know. Emma pictured his reaction when he would find out that his mother's "mousy" assistant was pregnant with his child. She was sure he wouldn't be too thrilled by the news. His rejection would break her heart all over again, into even tinier pieces.

From day to day she was getting better by blocking him out. It was never for too long, but it was a step forward.

"We are here Emma! Are you sure you are fine?"

Emma was deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice they have arrived in front of "Divine dining" restaurant.

"I'm sorry Lex. Yes, I'm fine."

He came around to open the door for her. Lex was always a gentleman, and a perfect boss. Not once did he asked about her baby's father, or why the man wasn't around. She was thankful he respected her privacy.

When she got home, she continued with her project of turning it into a safe haven for her child. Each day she did a little, and it started to show. Her apartment became a place she could call home. It was on the second floor of a seven story building. It had an elevator, but even taking the stairs wasn't too bad. She did that each day and found it a beneficial exercise.

Emma decided to call it a day and sat down for her simple meal of salad and omelette. While she ate her eyes landed on her phone. Many times she wanted to call Kate to let her know that she's fine, but each time she chickened out. What would she say if Alexander answered?

No, phoning the ranch definitely wasn't a good idea. And bad as she felt about it, the risk was too much to take on. 

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