Chapter 15

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He stood there for a moment, remembering the feel of her softness against him, but the unwanted guest was here and couldn't be avoided. On the way to the house he got stopped by one of his workers with a few questions about the cancellation and re-booking of the ranch's monthly veterinarian visit. Alexander didn't have a choice but to check the papers over and phone the clinic to find out where the problem was.

As much he disliked having Melanie around, she was here, and he had to play the game. There was a lot at stake. He wished she never showed up, but it would be too risky to turn her out the same day she arrived as much as he wanted to. He had to remember his employees and their families as this job was worth a year of their employment. Still, Emma's hurt eyes were in front of him as she was telling him about Melanie's arrival.

When he walked in the house couple of hours later Melanie waited for him dressed in the latest fashion silk skirt that revealed good part of her creamy thigh and a matching see through blouse, her hair flowing in cascades over her shoulders. As usual, she looked stunning. She was all perfection all the way down to her manicured toenails, but her appearance left him cold. Not a single emotion stirred in him. Mostly what he noticed was that there was no sign of Emma around. He was disappointed, but managed to suppress that and the harshness in his voice when he spoke to Melanie.

"Melanie! This is a surprise. I think we agreed on the dinner date later on this weekend." Alexander held his temper at bay.

"I'm here now darling, and more than delighted to see your hideaway. By the way I've decided to combine pleasure with the business. I've brought with me the plans for the new complex my father talk to you about a couple of weeks ago." He intensely disliked her adornment but let it slip and ignored it. Melanie came prepared with a valid excuse for her visit. She must have sensed that their affair reached the expiry date.

"We'll look at this tomorrow when you are rested. First, let me show you the ranch, and I'll let Tara know we have a guest for dinner."

"Thanks, darling! I knew you would be happy to see me." She purred at him as a well-fed kitten.

Emma was just about to walk in but instead she turned around and went back upstairs. She heard enough. No matter how ready, she was for this, it still hurt her. Melanie was beautiful beyond words, and Alexander wasn't immune to her charms. He didn't even try to hide his attraction to her. Without a second thought she was welcomed with open arms. It was hard to imagine that he was kissing Emma just short hours ago. Something she'll have to prevent from happening in a future at all cost. His play of a cat and a mouse was getting old. It will be a long time before she'll let him have his fun with her, or better say never. She looked at the monitor in her hand and saw Zachary stirring and hurried up to take care of him. Glad to be distracted, she spent another hour enjoying time with her sweet baby.

When dinner time grew closer, Emma dreaded going down stairs.She wished she could avoid it all together, but that would be childish and she wasn't going to give them reason to have any more fun at her expense. She intentionally picked the very simple beige pair of slacks and a simple flower printed shirt. Going into a competition with a gorgeous model would be downright useless. Emma already knew that he'll never look at her the way he looks at Melanie.

As she expected Melanie was dressed in one of the most gorgeous dresses that fit her to perfection, emphasizing her flawless skin and figure, and not concealing much of it either. When Emma walked into the living room they sat on the sofa and her hand was on top of Alexander's. With a fake display of modesty she pulled it away and acted as they were a couple deeply in love being interrupted.

Alexander turned towards Emma and his eyes swept over her. In that instant she was aware how she faded into the background beside this beautiful woman sitting beside him. It was pulling at her and she never thought to be vain. It was harder and harder to hide her feelings. She had to think of the excuse to get out of the room, away from them. How she wished she was back in Houston and that he never found her.

Out of politeness Emma forced herself to smile and took a seat at the dinner table. They both joined her. Melanie looked and smiled at Alexander every step of the way.

When the young maid that she left to watch Zachary came down to tell her his fussing and won't settle down Emma got up and excused herself. Once again, she was glad to leave them behind, but to her surprise Alexander was right behind her rushing towards their son's room. She half turned, giving him a questioning look as she raised her eyebrows.

"He's my son too Emma. Why are you so surprised that I came as well?"

"You left behind your company. I was just curious. It's not like you to leave a beautiful woman waiting."

"My charming company will get enough attention, you don't worry about it." Her sarcasm made him throw back at her.

Emma turned and walked away to get to Zachary lifting her crying son onto her shoulder. After a fast check on him she concluded that he was just being fussy and probably hungry.

"Give him to me, I'll change him while you get ready to feed him." Alexander offered to take his son. She handed him over to his father. It was ridiculous to refuse the help, and it was pointless trying to make him leave.

"Thank you." Emma rushed to warm up his supplementary bottle. When she returned shortly after, she calmly told him "I'll be fine now." She stretched to take their crying son from his arms dismissing him. It was an ordeal not to show the effect that his touch had on her as his hands brushed hers in the process. The surge of feelings caused her to tip over the edge and into the firm decision of moving out. She can wallow in her misery or she can do something about it after all he can't expect her to stay while he had his mistresses parading around.

Emma hadn't imagined her decision to be met without a resistance. But, at the same time she was determined to build the life where she won't be running into him constantly. He can see Zachary and spend time with him any time he wanted to, but without her being exposed to torture watching him with another woman. The only thing was how will she break out the news to him, and before she found the courage Alexander walked out of the room. Only thing she could do at the moment was to sit down to quiet their son's hungry wails. 

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