Chapter 3

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His eyes measured her up and down once and his expression in the instant revealed what he thought of her.

"Miss. Jackson, glad to meet you." There was no gladness in them. It was clear to Emma that his eyes didn't have an ounce of it in them after meeting her.

He turned around dismissing her out of the further conversation.

"Mother, tonight we are flying to Dallas. We won't be back until next week."

With that he turned to Emma, "Good day to you Ms. Jackson."

They both left as fast as they enter and the roar of the engine outside indicated they left the ranch.

"They come and go. I can't even keep the track of their whereabouts." Kate apologetically smiled at her.

"Please do sit down and have some refreshment, then you can unpack and rest. Tomorrow is another day and we can start from there."

"Thank you for this opportunity Mrs. Jenkins."

"Oh, call me Kate, no need to be formal."

Emma looked at the spacious room with large adjoining bathroom. Her new home, or at least as long she's working here. It will be a nice break in her life and hopefully a new start. Her mind drifted to the tall dark man with cold eyes. It was very obvious he didn't want her here. The effect his presence had on her was astonishing. Even her knees wobbled. She only hoped he didn't see the spark in her eyes while she looked at him. Those feelings have to be guarded very closely. She never expected to fall in love with her new employer's son. It was so strong it made her feel lightheaded. This is something that she can't ever reveal. She needed this job, so staying out of Alexander's Jenkins way would be advisable. The last thing she needs was him noticing her attractions to him.

She settled in and for next two weeks was wonderful when not shadowed by the memory of Alexander and fear of him returning home. She organized Kate's papers, books, schedules, and work magazines for her boutiques. She didn't even had time to think about the past, her parents, the accident, only when she showered the scar on her left thigh reminded her of the hospital days.

The roar of the engine outside told her that the peaceful life will be interrupted. He was back.

From the terrace she slipped into the kitchen. She wasn't ready to face him, but the voices from the living room reached her. His deep one unmistakable.

"Hello, mother!"

"Alexander! You are home. Good to see you."

"How are you?"

"Just fine, busy, but with Emma's help I have more time for creativity."

"Oh yes! I forgot about your mousy assistant. Where is she?"

"Don't be unkind. Emma is a very nice girl."

"If it makes you happy. Just keep her out of my way as much as possible."

His words hurt and hurt her to the core. They were simply cruel. She'll make for sure she stays out of his way. Emma listened and when his steps receded she quietly went to her room. Good thing she already had her supper. She showered and while drying her hair with a towel looked through the window. The lone rider rode towards the sunset. Her heart jumped at the site of him. Emma was aware of her ordinary appearance still for him to call her mousy she couldn't help to stop the tears she wasn't sure of what, anger, sadness, or emptiness. She had to stay strong and won't feel sorry for herself. Kate heeded her and as soon she's catch up with her business Emma decided then and there to move on. She only wished it was tomorrow, and she doesn't have to face Alexander.

For a whole week she managed to avoid him. It was a miracle, or not so much it was due him being out with his crew on the ranch working. The only glimpse of him she had been him riding out in the morning. She promised herself not to wallow in her self pity.

Emma forgot her bottled water for the night. She listened all was quiet, she threw on her light housecoat and made a beam for the kitchen only in the hallway to collide with tall, the solid frame of Alexander.

He grabbed at her shoulders and placed her away from him.

"You should watch where you are going." Her hair spilled over her shoulder and she wasn't wearing glasses her beautiful eyes wide looking at him with adoration, passion, unhidden interest.

" I'm sorry....I forgot my water."

"Do you make a habit of running around the house dressed like this?"

"No...." She got stunned for words the colour filled her cheeks and she wanted to turn around to go back abandoning the idea of the water, the safety of her room was the priority at the moment.

She felt herself staring at him. It couldn't be helped. She knew she has to make her feet move away from him but they were glued to the floor. His hand went for a lock of her hair trying it's the texture in between his fingers. It was soft, smooth like silk, her eyes two deep green pools, her full, pink mouth kissable on her heart-shaped face. He bent his head and captured her lips. She just stood there, he kept teasing her until he felt her shyly responding to him.

Abruptly he pulled away. The kiss made her feel hazy. 

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