Chapter 21

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The fancy restaurant last its appeal even more. All the shiny silverware and crisp white tablecloths couldn't make up for the Emma's lack of enthusiasm.

She held her breath. How unfair was that she had to stay calm. He held all the cards in his hands, and no matter how hard is for her to resist him she needs to remember her final goal. The goal that included her happier future.

"Emma we can leave if you want. I didn't bring you here to upset you. As for Rina being here, it is just coincidence. I know what you are thinking but you are the first women I brought here. So far I only used this location for the business purposes only."

Emma ignored his remark. "Yes, I would like to leave. It's getting late. I need to collect Zachary and get a few things ready before I start my work on Monday."

"You know you can leave Zachary overnight at the ranch and pick him up in the morning. Matter of fact you can stay at the ranch too. No need for you to rush back."

Emma shook her head. This evening didn't go as well as she wished. He mocked her with a proposal of marriage like she is still that naive girl to trust and believe him. Marriage was not something she'll enter into easily. To her it meant one person forever and also included love and trust in a deal. Something she hasn't associated with Alexander. If it wasn't for Zachary, he wouldn't even know she existed anymore. Maybe in the future there will be somebody out there to love her for who she is, and maybe she'll be able to give that love back.

"No, I don't think it is a good idea. Alexander it would be for the best if we see each other as little as possible. I know we have a child together and we will have to see each other... but... "

The rest of her words were tuned out because he simply didn't want to hear them. This wasn't what he had planned for this evening. He realized it was too soon for her to trust him, but patient wasn't his best attribute. When it came to Emma and his son he wanted them by his side always. All he wanted all evening was to take her into his arms and held her close. Feel every inch of her. The image sparked the idea that flowed like a fire in his veins.

The ride back to the ranch was quiet. Alexander tried to put reins on his desire that burnt in him while Emma was left to her own thoughts. She clasped her hands in her lap unconsciously twisting them.

They have to come to some kind of agreement. He was cruel to her in the past, so why would she expect anything more now. At this point he probably hated her for interrupting his perfectly set life and had some kind of agenda to keep her from interrupting. Why came up with an offer of marriage she wasn't sure. Maybe to keep Zachary on the ranch.

When he parked in front of the house, she was still deep in her own struggles. His large dark hand came to clasp over her own and surprised her. Emma almost instinctively tried to pull away but the confined space prevented her from doing that.

"Emma...Emma.." His husky voice washed over her. Before she had the time to form a clear thought his lips captured hers.

Even if she could it would be impossible to break from that kiss. She couldn't deny her deep longing for him. The soft moan escaped her unexpectedly. His touch was like a magic playing tricks with her mind. All she could feel and think was this moment, him. She was about to press closer wanting more but his lips were gone.

"It is a little tight in here for all I want to do to you Emma, but for that you have to learn to trust me." He sounded so composed, yet she was shaking with want and need of him.

She wanted to scream at the loss of his warmth, his closeness, but then that light of consciousness appeared. With the trembling hand she found the door handle and in a haste stepped out almost disoriented. He was doing it again. Playing with her a cat and a mouse and of course she was the mouse in this story. She let him do that to her once, but she won't be so dumb to let him do it again.

Alexander found that letting her go was much harder than he thought, but it wasn't the right time or place.

He found a treasure and played with it. Emma was that treasure, and that missing part of his life. Back then he couldn't see it, for it was easier to let his stubbornness and prejudice against loving relationship take over. When she first came he had a different view of life. Everything he did it was measured by the standard of success. Even his relationships were based on that.

Rina looked good on his arm, she knew about ranching and grew up in his world. Melanie was beyond beautiful, the model known in the right circles with useful connections. Only now he saw how shallow that looked. When he felt drawn to a what he thought was a simple girl, he fought against it. He tried to chase her away, and at the end he succeeded. It was only then he felt and knew what he lost.

He loved his son, but he wanted Emma by his side for the rest of his life. She was unique in every way. No woman could compare to her. He loved everything about her.

His body reacted to her as to no other women. She had beautiful curves and they fit to his body perfectly. Emma was beautiful in and out.

Emma found her words at last. "I'm going to get Zachary and I'm going home. Phone me when is next you want to see Zachary. "

Phone her, make an appointment to see her, to see his son. Alexander had to suppress his disappointment down together with rising temper.

"Yes, Emma, that sounds so right. Do you think I want to make appointments every time I want to see my son?"

"You are trying to be difficult, but you'll see it is so simple. One day you'll thank me."

"No, I'm not trying to be difficult, and I don't think I'll ever thank you for the unnecessary separation."

"There is no point us arguing out here." He had to agree with her.

It was getting dark by the time they walked in the house. Kate came to greet them. Emma was grateful she didn't ask any personal question, but that was Kate.

"He has fallen asleep. Why don't you stay until morning? No need to disturb him now. Your room is still made."

Emma couldn't argue with her. It was one thing to tell Alexander no, but Kate was a different matter.

She took care of Zachary and thought how Alexander must gloat now.

After checking one more time if the monitors were on she was about to leave the nursery when Alexander came in.

Emma looked at him but couldn't hide the anger in her eyes.

"I'm here to say goodnight to my son Emma."

"So, you got your way anyway." She said in a low voice that almost sounded sad.

"It isn't that bad to spend a night here."

"No..I mean ....I wish.."

"What do you wish for?"

Emma wanted to scream and tell him that it was her wish to forget her love for him, but she only shook her head.

"Forget about it. I'll leave early in the morning. As soon Zachary awakes."

"I wish you wouldn't..

He was beside her, his handsome dark head bending. He scooped her face in between his big hands. The touch of his lips at first was so gentle Emma thought she imagined it, but soon he crushed her into his solid frame. She pressed into him, wanting more, needing more. Her skin prickles at the thought of his solid muscles next to her.

Alexander couldn't stop himself more than he could stop sun from rising. The urgent need to hold her, have her was too strong. Her response to him told him all he wanted to know. Emma wanted him as much he wanted her. 

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