Chapter 9

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Emma and Mr. Heraldson followed the secretary down the long corridor of a town's well known developing company. She led them to the CEO's office and opened the door for them. Mr. Glendale waited for them together with their company lawyer. They were both older gentleman with a very professional approach. All the papers were ready for them to be looked over.

Emma almost finished reading the legal papers when in the corner of a second page she noticed one name: Jenkins. She wasn't aware that she spoke aloud.


Mr. Glendale looked her way with a curious glance.

"Is there something wrong? Jenkins construction is one of the most reliable builders in the country. They have proven themselves in the last couple of years over and over. I assure you they come highly recommended."

"I'm sorry! Everything is fine. It was unexpected. I know the owner."

She wasn't even sure how it slipped out, but it was too late to take it back. It was an impulse after the initial surprise of seeing the one name she worked so hard to forget.

"That is wonderful. He is indeed a fine young man. As it happens, I spoke to him yesterday. He usually doesn't take on jobs this far away from home, but we've known each other for some years now. The current lady in his life, Melanie, is coming down for the fashion shoot. I was able to convince him to combine pleasure and business. It played out perfectly as we'll have an opportunity to review any specific details with him. We are having informal lunch and it would be nice if you could join us."

Emma was so taken aback by the news that the papers in her hand dropped to the table. She desperately tried to come up with an excuse, but there was no way out of it. To decline the invitation would sound too impolite, and as if this deal wasn't important enough. If only she didn't mention she knew Alexander. How was she to know that she'll encounter him all the way down here?

With, a forced smile she had to agree to the upcoming meeting. It could cost Lex too much needed funds to stay afloat. He overestimated the cost of expanding and without a very flexible loan offered by a development company they would be where they started and facing a bankruptcy.

Two days ago Lex's father had a mild heart attack, and he was going away for the weekend to see his parents. In any other situation she'd ask him to attend instead of her, but she couldn't do that to him. He needed her to take care of the business while he was away and she owned him too much to let him down when he needed her the most.

Emma dreaded the thought of upcoming lunch. He was here in town, and she'll see him in a matter of hours. She never in her life looked less enthusiastic about a prospect.

After working for a few hours in the morning she went home and out of her limited wardrobe picked out a flower dress that was flown on the bottom, ruched up top, with an attached belt, and a matching shawl.

Emma brushed her hair and left it loose and falling down the shoulders. She applied the minimal makeup and observed herself in a mirror. She knew she was never a beauty and she never will be, but what did it matter. He already had another beautiful woman in his life. It's not like he'll pay much attention to her, anyway.

When she arrived at the restaurant, she scanned the room with her eyes while giving a hostess her name. Mr. Glendale was alone with a woman whom Emma presumed was his wife. When he saw her he stood up and waited for her to get to their table holding a chair for her.

"I'm glad you could make it Ms. Jackson. This is my wife Anne."

Emma smiled at older lady. The three of them exchanged pleasantries and ordered drinks.

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