Chapter 1: I Found You

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Ayumi's POV
"Hey..Don't be scared.. Me and Papa will always be here.. Come" The Blonde girl with pink sparkling eyes told me as she reached out her hands for me to hold.

"She..she might.. kill you too.. I don't want you to be involved. Please.. go away.." I said without looking up. I'm seated on the floor in the far end of the room. in the corner, sulking for how many days since they've seen me.

She shook her head and maitained her smile.instead of helding her hands. she hugged me tightly and my eyes widened. "Shh.. don't cry..I'm here..don't be afraid because I'm not scared of whoever she is. God is always there to watch us out. Just believe in him. "

"Who are.. you?"

"Yui.. Yui Komori"

That sudden flashback made me smile and a tear almost escaped my eye. It's been months since i've last seen Yui. I would always wish I can see her across the street while I'm doing some grocery shopping. I kept on calling her through her phone but it says that she's out of reach. Everyday I wonder how she's doing since its so unlike her to not even try calling us. Not a single communication. I'm so worried about her.

I missed her..her warm smile and comfort.Papa and her became my strength when they both found me like a dumped kitten in the streets. I'm full of scratches and my feet were swelling because of running for who knows how far. I don't remember anything of my past since I was 6 years old? I dont even know how old I am. Even my name. I don't know myself ever since that dreadful day.

I'm still hunted by those weird dreams too. Yui was always there to comfort me whenever i'm on rampage and when i'm having nightmares of my memories that keeps on squeezing in head. That woman who smiled evilly in the darkest part of my dreams. I can't even explain how can I still manage to live whenever She would choke me to death and i'll run out of breathing when I wake up.

I sighed in the city's street then I looked at the sky. "Yui.. just where the hell are you ..?"

On my way, I entered inside the bakery shop I always go to. The old woman in the cashier smiled then walked towards me and held my hands. "Ayu-chan, I have great news for you." The woman told me caressing my hands. God knows how she treats me like her own daughter.Her smile never falters whenever I visit her. She always gives me an extra pastry for helping her out on times i'm not busy with school. And being around her helped me overcome my sadness of living without my real parents.

I looked at her and smiled back. " What is it?" I asked feeling excited about it. "..You see, I saw Yui-chan with some boy at the takoyaki stand the other night.". My eyes widened at the sudden news and began asking her alot.

"Is she fine?who is she with? did she got thin?do you know where she is living??"

I asked shaking the woman's shoulders. she laughed at the quick change of mood i made and placed her right hand on my head, ruffling my hair.

"child, i'm not done yet. keep calm."

She chuckled and I sighed with relief at the sudden news and maintained my posture as she continued

"She seem fine though. In fact, I saw her wearing a school uniform. I heard that school she's in based on her uniform is really prestigious. It's Ryoutei Academy.The family she's in must be very rich." I sighed once again in relief that Yui's in good hands. (AN: Well that's what you think. xD).

"Do you know where she is living right now?" I asked hoping for an informative reply.

"Actually I don't..Ayu-chan..Gomen'ne.." I frowned at the news but then atleast I know she's still alive..

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