Chapter 9 : Memories in My Eyes

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Yuki's POV.(Ayumi)

I know all their gazes fell on me as If I'm someone else. But somehow it's true. This is my true nature afterall. This is who I am and should be. I walk towards my seat gracefully near Ruki and waved at the other Mukami's. Class started and ended so quickly. I didn't glance at Yui and the Sakamaki until the period ended. A part of me is dying to hug each and everyone of them but my sources say its not the best time. I need to explain things sooner or later.

Just when i'm about to leave the room. Someone grabbed my wrist and it made me turn around. i look deep in his eyes. "Ayato..". I pulled my hand away from his hold and turned my back on him. "Why didn't you return immediately. Aren't you concern about how worried we are?" He sounded mad. Ofcourse. Anyone would get mad at what i did. I left them saving Yui and didn't return or update them on how i was. I sighed but didn't bother facing him. "I have better things to do". I walked out leaving him behind, my long and beautiful dark brown curls flowing through my back is facing him. I suddenly bumped into someone. To see Subaru looking at me. He is scanning my features up close. after he helped me awaken i didn't even had the chance to thank him or show my gratitude. That's absolutely selfish of me. I avoided his gaze , trying to hold back my tears. Maybe i really am not ready to face any of them. What almost made me cry is seeing Yui looking at me too. All of them behind and infront of me. wanting an explanation. I feel so's like i couldn't find the right words to say.. "I..I..." .I looked down. Still avoiding their eyes on me. Im about to break down right tears are about to fall, When my eyes got covered by a cold hand. "Yuki ! Why are you taking so long?" Ruki told me. He placed his other arms around me to keep me close. My back bumping on his chest. He saved me there. Tears kept on escaping my eyes, My fallen tears wetted his hand. But he kept me close to him for them not to show How weak I am right now.

Just in time, Kou appeared infront of me blocking Subaru. "Did something get your eyes? Here's my specially-made-for-yuki handkerchief!". He said it. Another one saved me again. When my tears dried up, Ruki and Kou placed their arms on me. Leading me outside. "Sorry, we are in a hurry . Come talk to her maybe next time!" Ruki said and off we go to the car.

I looked at the window during the ride. Its awkward at the moment so i didn't chatted with them. I went inside my room immediately and close the door behind me.i slipped and was about to cry again. Damn myself . What should i do? I placed my hands over my head.then i felt a hand on mine. "You know, you should have told me you can't handle it by yourself". Ruki said. He's right. I look stupid back there. Almost breaking down infront of Yui and the Sakamaki. "Thank you's just that-". Just before i can finish he hugged me. I hugged him back . We stayed like that for a moment. I fell asleep right after. Ruki placed me on my bed. And i felt that someone kissed my forehead.

Laito's POV

Everyone became quite after the incident earlier. We saw the new Ayumi. No, we saw the real Ayumi, Yuki . I know my brothers can't contain the shock . Even though they dont want to show it, it's still written all over their faces. Yuki grew gorgeous. She became more woman-like. Her hair became curly on the ends, she had darker hair and her pinkish eyes became the violet eyes that i used to get drawn at when we were still kids. We bitch out Yui most of the time. But when Yuki was still Ayumi, we can't bring our self to hurt. She became something precious and hard to reach. Earlier, her scent even changed.. it became a lot sweeter, more bloodthirsty, more...irresistible.

i decided to play a song in one of the rooms. A piano piece i used to teach Yuki before.. (Memories in My Eyes by Yiruma)

..flashback..(still laito's pov)

As such a young age, i became my mother's lover. Im always jealous at guys who i see she flirts with.i always do stuffs with her. I grew up knowing she's my lover rather than my mother. Until one day, me and my siblings met this cute brown haired figure . She looks like she just woke up from a deep slumber. at first i didnt care. So i ignored her. I was searching for my mom and found out that she's trying to flirt on what i believe is that brown haired girl,yuki's father. My mom was unsuccessful so she put all her anger on my Brother Ayato. The other day, i saw her again making things with another man, my eyes grew big. I got furious. My Cordelia is with another man! Im about to cry when someone closed my eyes. I felt like im being dragged or walked to somewhere. but im too lost on my thoughts so i didnt mind who it was taking me somewhere. Then Her hands left my eyes . I saw her little body near the big grand piano.she's smiling at me. I dont understand what she is trying to do but she held my hands into hers. "Laito-kun! Let's play the piano!" She cheered. I know how to play some compositions since it became a hobby for me. And now i think is the best time to wander myself in the sounds of the piano. She asked for my help that day and i just taught her how. Little did i know i smiled, i began laughing. Its like my heart was lifted. We were playing together when she stopped and looked at with those big purple eyes. "Lai-kun , whenever you have that face again . Let's play! Afterall, we're friends now right?". She gave me one of those smiles that you can never fail to smile back. After that moment, i didn't seem to bother cordelia anymore.

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