Chapter 20: Love,Pain,Rain

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Yuki's POV:

Another boring school night ,so when break time started I decided to go around the campus. I 'm not watching where I was going in the corridors until I bumped into someone. "Subaru". "Yuki". We both said in unison. We stood there in silence and to break the awkward atmosphere he turned around. "I'll go somewhere outside". Before he take another step i placed my hand on his left shoulder. "Subaru-kun..ano...uhmm.." I couldn't say the right words so he placed his right hand on the shoulder where i placed mine. He didn't look at me but he always say things that lift me up. "It's alright..anyway, want to come with me on the rooftop?". He said without looking but i know he smiled a bit. I nodded in agreement and then we went upstairs.

We sat in the corner just like how we usually find a spot when bonding together. We always want to make our comversations private and since Subaru is a loner type and also who breaks things alot, its better to just go around corners where there are less people . I leaned over his shoulders comfortably. We dont bother being like that. It's natural for us since we are close enough and we're friends. "How are you doing?" Subaru asked me playing strands of my hair. "Just fine. Ruki and the others are good to me. Also they act normal unlike your brothers". We both chuckled a bit. "Yeah, we're weird alright.". Again after the conversation theres a moment of silence. Subaru decided to start our conversation again. "I know this is too much of a conversation but you see, I know you knew i always like you". He said as he placed his hands on mine. We looked at each other then it suddenly made me blush and i looked away. "Actually i also know my brothers like you a lot. I only want you to be happy to whom ever you want to be. Besides i think what we have now is better than pushing through it". I know what he meant and it made me smile having to know that he treasures our friendship more than being lovers. He doesnt want me to get hurt more since im totally confused with all those confessions. I gave him a quick peck on the cheeks and gave him the 'thank-you-so-much' look. We looked deeply on each other. Suddenly he leaned closer. Just when our faces are inches apart. We heard a moan and a voice. "Stop it.." . The voice seem familiar so we tried to peek in without getting caught. Until what i saw made my heart go crazy. "Shu--". Subaru's hand made its way to my mouth to cover it from gasping . We took another peek and saw Shu biting Yui. I dont know but some part of me is aching. It's like im so much in pain. I want to just completely erase in my head what im seeing right now. How could this happen?. "You're having to much pleasure Yui". Shu said . Subaru looked at me then was shocked to see me ..crying. Tears kept falling in my eyes. I dont know. Why?. "'re getting deeper". That's it ! It made me snapped and i ran away from the sight and left Subaru. "O-Oi Yuki!" Subaru took another look but with matching disgust on Yui and Shu who didn't noticed us. They're too busy anway. But he's curious that how come his brother bit Yui at school like that.

He chased me but wasn't able to catch up since i ran like a speed of light. Why am i crying what an idiot am i. I still ran and ran along the corridors. Good thing classes is about to start again so there's not much people in the corridor to notice me. I want to go out school have some fresh air .think about what happened. I really don't know where i was going until i bumped into someone again. Tch. My eyes are damn stupid right now for not looking and bumping again. "Yuki?" I looked up to see the red haired boy.,Ayato. He saw tears streaming down my face. I dont want him to see me like this so I ran passed him .ignoring him. He ran after me. Because of the chasing. We ended up outside the school And what complimented my mood is the Bad weather. yes, great. It's raining .

My visions are blurry so out of stupidness i tripped over a rock. What a pain. Ayato managed to catch up to me. "Yuki! Whats wrong?!what happened?" Ayato said grabbing my wrist as i turned around avoiding his eyes. "No, please leave me alone. " i said in a whisper. His grip tightened and he pulled me to face him. He examined my face and im still crying like an idiot. "Whats wrong Yuki? Who did this to you?" Ayato asked his words made me cry even more. His hand held my chin to look at him and he wiped his free hand on my tears. "I dont know Ayato, im.. Im.. Hurt i dont know why..i ..shu is..he.." I said sobbing . Not managing to fix my sentences.and then with no other words left to say he hugged me tightly. "Have you come to realize your feelings?" Ayato said but it made me confused so i shook my head. The rain became stronger and i felt cold. I gripped his clothes crying loudly. "Why does it hurt so much.. Why am i like this Ayato.?" I told him as i placed my head on his chest. The rain kept on pouring and Ayato look up at the night sky. "I really don't know".

I cried and cried then after a moment his hands held mine. "Yuki..Listen".

Shu's POV:

I was sleeping at the rooftop earlier until someone disturbed my slumber. Yuki's bestfriend, Yui. "Shu-kun?" She said and she poked my face. "Go annoying". She didnt stopped me. "Have you seen Ayato-kun?" She asked at this time.I turned away from her , ignoring her. Until i smelled a delicious blood. It made me jumped out of my position and I saw Yui got her wrist bleed. The blood kept on flowing and I couldn't control's been a long time since i last tasted blood, and its urging me to bite restraining myself pushing Yui away from me. "I told you earlier . Go.Away" I said but with her idiot little mind she asked me whats wrong and touched my shoulders.Without a second thought i bit her. So tempting is this stupid brat. She told me to stop but i didnt. This is what vampires go crazy about. blood. My mind went blank and i told her that thats what she gets for touching me and not running away. i sank my teeth deeper and she moaned again.but this time with pleasure. I smirked at it then continued.I heard the door burst open suddenly and I saw Subaru. He ran towards me and punched me on the face. "What's the matter with you?! If you keep on hurting Yuki with your actions, i wont ever let you have her! Remember! You'll regret this!" Subaru said pointing his fist at me. He walked out again but before he 's out of our sight he kicked the door and it cracked. "Insensitive bitches" he said before he left. Did Yuki saw us? What if she? Damn it. I was too aroused by the smell of blood.I immediately left Yui there looking down the floor. I searched for Yuki and theres not even a single sign of her, where are you? I ran outside the school's door . It is raining hard. It made me ran even faster.I managed to go in the last place where i think Yuki might be. I went over the small garden of our school and I heard Ayato's voice. "Just choose me, you won't cry like this. You won't get hurt and feel pain.give me a chance to show you what love truly is". and with that , i made my way through his voice.what i saw strucked my heart. Like thousands of daggers hit my chest. I'm too late. Ayato and my Angel kissed.

(AN: Are you guys enjoying?Lols. School starts on Monday so maybe i'll have a hard time updating -___-' but dont worry ill try to update soon. Thank you for staying tuned in my story and for the 10 hearts/favorites i received. Thanks for the hundred readers especially those who commented and shared their thoughts to me each chapter. Till the next update! Arigatou-gozaimasu!)

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