Chapter 27: Stolen Moment

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Yuki's POV

Sunday morning it is. I woke up from a deep slumber, as the ray of light touches my skin. Ofcourse, it irritates me so i groaned and pulled myself up to close the curtains. I took a shower and dressed in my usual clothes. Just a knit pullover colored with red. And a black skirt. I brushed my hair and just let it down.i looked at myself in the mirror and i've seen how much i grown. Into a young lady.

Heinz already left yesterday night so i believe the house will be back to the way it was, noisy laito, creepy kanato though they're both sweet at the same time. Ayato might be sucking up Yuki's blood too out of thirst.Reiji in his laboratory ..and Shu is...sleeping, as usual.

Since i think everything will be busy i stepped out the house . I walked aimlessly when i spotted Subaru alone in the garden. With the blooming white flowers. "Subaru" i said, as i tapped his shoulder and he turned around somewhat startled by My presence. "You know, you'll get yourself red while staying here." He just laughed and ruffled my hair. "It'll rain you know,silly". I blinked my eyes and stared at the sky. He is right, the black clouds are coming rapidly. Suddenly, he pulled me in the nearby tree and we sat together in silence. Until he spoke. "So, have you decided.?" I know he knew what was going on . Even though he doesnt like to participate much . I shook my head that i still haven't and i sighed. His hand made way to mine and he looked at me. "No matter what it is, it'll always be the best. Think clearly too, and just follow your heart". His words made me smile and im thankful for that. He kissed my forehead after .

We went back the house and saw Shu sleeping in the couch again.i looked away blushing until my eyes fell on the calendar. It is their monthly dinner today. So i suppose there'll be a huge and silent dinner party later. Reiji walked in the living room and saw me staring at the calendar. He fixed his glasses and cleared his throat. "I believe we have a dinner party today." Subaru just leaned on the wall and i out of the blue,suggested something that maybe i might regret or maybe not. "Instead of having a dinner party, let's go out later tonight at the park." When i said that, their eyes fell on me including Shu who just woke up and disturbed. I blushed and thought that i thought of a stupid thing."ohhhh! Yuki-chan! What a great idea! That'll be fun! " laito appeared suddenly and wrapped his arms behind the back of my neck. "Teddy likes to go to the park too, right teddy?" Kanato said appearing beside me. "Too bad Ayato and Bitch-san can't come since they have special classes.they failed last time because ayato kept on dragging her around until they skipped most of their classes." I looked down at what Laito said and i feel bad for Yui. "Then, The park it is, later tonight at 6pm" reiji said as he exited the room. Shu walked out the room also and gave me one last glance before leaving.

So i decided to ask Ruki if he wants to come as i went inside his room while his nose is on the book. "Ofcourse i will go, i wont let that blood sucking bastards eat you there. Not with their attitude" i laughed a bit at his statement and walked up to him then tapped his shoulder. "See you later then."i said.

Tonight is park day! So i dressed up in a longsleeved dress.colored with black. With matching white collar. And i wore a red headband. We went the park in silence inside the limo. Shu sleeping again, Reiji in his book also ruki, and laito clinging on me. Kanato sat there in silence while Subaru looked at the the time we reached there, i breathed in the fresh air and it feels so good to go here once in awhile. Most of the time im with laito and Kanato enjoying the rides while Ruki just watch me out like my father or something. Checking me if im done or alright. Reiji is doing the same thing while Shu..well,sleeping anywhere i suppose.Subaru just watched the blooming flowers in the park. After that, we looked for a restaurant, actually,theres a nearby building there where in you can see the whole amusement park. We went inside and found a cafe. We ate there in silence. shu wasn't around so the atmosphere became less awkward until Then my eyes fell on the window as i saw the moving ferriswheel. Just beside the building. You can also see the people inside the ferris wheel. I looked at it in awed and Ruki noticed this.

After eating Ruki dragged me somewhere and we found ourselves in the ticketbooth for the feris wheel. "Ruki..". I said then he chuckled . "Sometimes, you're just like a kid, come on let's ride this swirling thing." He said . We went into the line fast , just when our turn is almost there Ruki stopped. "Yuki, i think i left something inside the cafe. Just wait for me here , okay?" I nodded as he ran off. ruki took so long that it is our turn already to go inside, "excuse me miss, are you going alone? This is for two you see.and you'll be the last one for today's ride." The man assisting for the ferriswheel ride told me. I couldn't say anything and i looked down..when . "She's with me". The voice i heard is what i believe is from. "Shu what are you--", suddenly he dragged me inside. "Enjoy your night mam and sir" the man bowed at us. I think he thought we are lovers. I sighed and i sat down. We are sitting oppositely as usual as Shu placed his chin on his right hand looking at the window. I just looked down and my hand gripped on my dress. "Im sorry for making you conscious." Shu said without looking at me and my gaze is lifted. "N-no..actually, i should thank you..for going here with me. If its not for you.. The ticket will put into waste." I said and he smirked. "Do you think your thanks is just enough?" I gulped at what he said and he smirked again. "Just kidding..". Another silence went by and i started the conversation . "Shu..why do you always tease me..sometimes its making me..kind of awkward, i mean sometimes it looks like you are just joking around.." . His eyes stared into mine as we made a staring contest, "im serious" thats the only thing he told me and i sighed and looked down once near into tears, i dont know why then I felt a hand touched mine. I looked at shu who kneeled infront of me, his other hand went into my cheeks. "Im afraid if i become too serious it might break you Yuki..dont feel down ." I stared at him questionly.i dont know what he meant.he sighed and a small smile crept on his face. His gorgeous blue eyes glowing . "I only do that to make you feel less conscious about it, but itt turned out the opposite. You're really naive Yuki.." He said and a tear fell in my eyes. Is it a sign of relief?my heart is beating so fast . "Shu..You see..I really..i really..uhmm." I couldnt say it. It feels like it isnt the time yet. Like something is about to happen. His face went close to mine. "It doesn't matter for now,if you cant say it. as long as i can feel ..that your heart, right now.. Belongs to me.."

Ruki's POV

the freakin elevator didn't work so i just ran in the stairs to reach the cafe which is the 22nd floor of this huge building. I took the book i left in our table and saw it under the table.gladly it is untouched. I checked Yuki at window to see if she was in the line but i saw no sign of her. And the ride seem to be closed already. But The ferriswheel is still moving .as i looked at the window ,my heart is liked hit by daggers numerous times. My hands touched the window gently. As i saw who is with yuki..and Shu ..kissing .having their moment there together. It's suppose to be me, sitting there..with her..the thought of Shu..taking away her heart from me..and the thought that right now..she might be taken a way from me truly..and hurts..The book i was holding crashed in my hands . The ferris wheel stopped for a moment ..just liked how my heart also stopped.

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