Chapter 6: Avoiding You

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I looked at my room and saw Reiji looking at me. I really dont have time for lecturings or what so i went pass him. "Reiji-san, Sorry but it looks like i'm ill or something. I think I need a rest--". In a moment, i was pinned in the wall. Do they always do this? pinning people around like they are darts. I didn't look on his eyes. but his hand made its way to my chin to gazed at his. We stared for a moment until i spoke. "What do you want? " I asked still not removing my gaze to his. " Who are you?" Reiji asked me. So i really dont know myself just yet and these brothers kept on asking me who i am.while me, myself i really didnt even know who i really was.  I sighed at his question. "Reiji..I don't know . I'm confused. the reason i'm here with you is to know who I am.but Look, im not in the mood for this right now.." I said avoiding his gaze. cause i know he will just dug deeper. He leaned close and kissed my head. My eyes grew wide. What the hell was that?. "Take a rest..". I can't see his face while he left me alone. but I know he is still on his deep thoughts. I went on my bed. Trying to sleep. Nightmares again..what else does this mind of mine will let me see. I suddenly felt the bed lowered beside me. I saw Shu again. I didn't mind him being with me but i asked. "Too lazy to go to your room huh?" I told him even though we both know that his room is right across mine. He laid there not saying a word.  I turned around to see his sleeping figure. I'm too lost on my thoughts i just kept on starring at him then after a long time, I cried, silently. closing my eyes. Just then, I was being pulled into a hug. It's Shu. I felt comfortable and I can't seem to shoved him away. What I really need right now is someone who can make me calm down. Shu suddenly placed the other piece of his earphones in my ear. A violin composition is playing. It  is so good and very calming.  I slowly opened my eyes as I gave him one last look before drifting away from sleep and  before I got in my dreams i whispered to him.. "Thank You..Shu-kun.."

        I didn't have any bad dreams and that was good i thought to myself. I forced myself up to find myself alone. what bothered me really is i feel like i laid on something. I saw Shu's mp3 player and earphones. I smiled at it and held it close to me. I know he is a great guy but i also knew that he bit Yui too before in the bathroom .. while i hugged yui back there who is crying . I wasn't there that time since im with reiji doing some grocery shopping for the monthly dinner party. That night was full of quiteness . it didn't feel like a party either.
        After preparing myself for school. My head ached again.Its becoming more recent lately and it aches more like last time.its like a screw is coming out my head each time. the wall served as my guide downstairs because im struggling to keep my standing. just when im about to fall, someone caught me. it's Subaru.
        He placed my arm on his neck to help me up. "You know, if you fall the stairs, you will hurt yourself". I know that Subaru. i sighed but smiled at him and said "Gomen Subaru-kun. Im getting a bit dizzy lately.". He placed his other hand on my head. "Somehow you are hot, Are you sure going to school is a great idea?". I shook my head to ease his worried face. "Yes, im fine. Its just a slight headache thats all". We went downstairs to find all of them gone already inside the car. Yui didn't wait for me.weird.
        Subaru went inside the car first so that he can pull me inside . "this is new, since when is Subaru getting all caring for Food-chan?". the brothers and yui looked at us and a small blushed formed in my cheeks. Subaru didn't mind at all. So we decided to stay quiet. When we reached school i grabbed Yui's wrist. "Yui, you seem to be avoiding me lately, whats wrong?". I asked her worried. She fakely smiled at me and said she was fine then ran off with Ayato. I just looked at her sadly. I know there really is something wrong. Did i made her uneasy or what?did i said something that offended her?.  I slowly walked down with Reiji and Shu. I looked at Shu who has his new earphones and mp3 player. So does that mean that he totally gave me the ones on the bed before?. .
        Class started and i feel like im drifting off to sleep. Im too dizzy at the moment . when suddenly our teacher in math class called my attention. "Miss Komori. Can you please solve this problem on the board.?". I snapped out of my daydreams and headed towards the board. while i was writing the answer my head ached again. and the chalk writing became a bloody one. its like im in an illusion full of blood inside the room. Just before i knew. I blacked out.
        When i woke up, i believe im inside the school's infirmary. The door opened revealing , Ayato with Yui following him behind. Ayato rushed towards me and hugged me tightly. I'm shocked at this and i looked at him questionly. "You idiot! you're burning earlier and you didn't even told us!yours truly is mad". Yui came in looking shock but gave me a worried look. well this is so not like Ayato either. "I'm sorry.. ayato-kun.." I said looking down. Actually i didnt even thought that he will care that much. i only thought Yui will be the one who is. but right now she's looking away. then i saw her neck. it looks like someone bit her earlier. "Yui who bit you?". I asked mad. She looked at me and fears that i will crush who ever it is. "Is that why you've been avoiding me?". She didn't answer . Ayato looked at Yui then at me . "Yours truly bit her". I narrowed my gaze at him. "Pancake really likes it too, thats why her blood became a wanted thing inside of me.". After that, I slapped him. Yui gasped and her hand made way to her lips. "Is she nothing more than just a food to you?You beings are ruthless!". I walked out even though im still not in the condition to do so. I ran through the halls of the school then i found my way back to my last class. the music. 
        Once i made through the door it seem like its a free period. the teacher is not around. i saw reiji reading his book and his gazed turned to me, i know his eyes already telling me 'you-should-be-in-the-infirmary'. I walked beside him and laid my arms and head in the table. I fell asleep.
        Free period was over and Laito woke me up with a whisper. "Food-chan, time to get up.". It gave me creeps on my veins that my eyes suddenly opened. Kanato walk towards me and place his hands on my forehead. "Yuki-chan..please get better soon. you'll sing to me once again. teddy will get mad if you dont recover soon." Kanato told me. after the incident at the balcony, he became soft to me. Laito looked at him with a question. "ei kanato, why are you calling her yuki .?". Laito asked. "It's because she is Yuki." He said smiling at me . i didn't mind it at all so Laito just shrugged it off and bugs me by hugging me all through out the halls . We found Yui , Ayato , Subaru , Reiji and Shu waiting outside for the car. Laito ran towards them and began pestering Yui. Ayato looked away from me as if avoiding my eyes. Same as Yui. I looked down since its too awkward right now. While waiting, i felt that someone hugged me from the Back. I looked to see a guy with yellow hair. "Yuma!". A familiar voice called him. His arms never left me and still cuddles me. "Don't stop me Ruki-nii. I just want to hug ayu-chan because she looks so cute today. well like everyday!". He said and i rolled my eyes and struggled at his embrace. he then added and whispered in my ear "and she really looks tasty too. okay now i know what he is.."Dont be impolite too you know Yuma, you are scaring her." another man came whom i think is another one of the Mukamis, Kou. The popular idol that most girls are talking about. And so another one came the quite guy, Azusa. I heard sometimes he is scary since when he tripped the last time i saw him, he began laughing at himself. it gives chill on my bones to know he is a such masochist. Reiji displeased at what Yuma did spoke up. "I'd rather not contact with her since she is not in her good condition right now." Yuma didnt let go of me but rather tightened his hug which made Reiji's eyesbrows twitched. " being jealous over there Reiji-san. dont worry i'll let go of her if only she would.." Without any permission ..damn that man. he almost kissed my lips. he actually just kissed the ones beside my lips. and it made me blushed in different shades of red. Ayato snapped at it."Oi! are you getting a bit too far over there! she is yours truly!" he demanded.Im no ones i hope they get it. "Really ?have you taste her then?". None of the Sakamaki's answered. Yuma just laughed and his gaze fell on Shu . "Bored aren't you?Shu?". He told him and it made shu smirked. "'re right" and he walked off since the car came. "i'm sorry for Yuma's action! he'll get punishment after this!". Ruki said choking Yuma. on his other arm. They seem funny to be with my madness cooled off at it. The Mukami brothers smiled at me and i could see how they truly respect me except Yuma i guess. "Maybe next time you'll come visit us!" Kou said. holding my hands. Azusa just nodded and i nodded back. "Food-chan! we need to go!" Laito shouted inside the car to me. After  i knew it, Ayato dragged me already. I waved the brothers goodbye and they smiled at me. "Bye bye Ayu-chan! more kisses to come!" he blew me one actually which disgust me a bit. 
        the whole trip was quiet. everything seem awkward than last time. everyone seem off. so, i decided to listen to the mp3 shu gave me. I smiled at it when the first song that played .. was my voice. A record of the voice that night i sang a song for Kanato..

(An: i wrote these chapters because my mind is about to blow because of these ideas.anyway, thanks for those who will read and like my first diabolik lovers fanfic. Btw my favorite Character is really Shu. then Ayato and Subaru. then Reiji and Laito are equal. )Cliffhanger now!

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