Chapter 24: A Kiss That Might Change My Heart

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Yuki's POV

I woke up from a deep slumber and the first person i saw is Ruki, who is sleeping beside me, holding one of my hand. I smiled at his sleeping figure and carefully removed my hand from his. Before i rose up the bed i kissed his forehead and smiled again. I immediately went inside the bathroom to take a shower. There's still a lot of time before classes starts but i changed in my uniform still. As i finished dressing up , i walked outside the bathroom and saw Ruki awake looking at the ceiling, he seem sad about something and bothered so i sat beside the bed . "Ruki. Aren't you going to prepare for school ?" I asked him. He look slowly at me ,tilting his head to the side to face me. "Yuki.." He said as he reached his hand towards my cheeks. "What's wrong?" I asked him worriedly, he isn't himself right now. He pulled Me down to him . My head on his chest, his hands on my back, securing me. I can hear his heart beat so fast then i heard him sighed. "I'm's just that thinking about what you said last night..makes me.....irritated " i know that he is referring to Shu.that even i couldn't tell that i was starting to fall for him. Is it a bad thing.?.. It makes me sad for hurting Ruki like this.. I pulled away from his hold then kissed his cheeks. We stared at each other for awhile , examining our gazes.he moved closer.our lips inches away but then He stopped and sighed again.he rose from the bed after and I looked at him with a question as his feet went towards the door. He stopped near the door and looked over his shoulders. "Yuki..i dont want to take advantage of you since you're living with us. But please..refrain a bit for doing things that will make me.....kiss you. It's very..irresistible.". Ruki now stepped outside the door. I know this will be a very hard situation now i thought.

We went to school earlier than usual and inside the room, i saw two unexpected figure. Shu and Reiji. They both looked at me and i gulped. My feet can't move until i felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I saw Shu ang Reiji glared at the person behind me as Reiji went back reading his book while Shu slept again. Ruki who is the one behind me, smirked and led me to my chair by pulling my hand. He sat infront of me but he moved his chair infront of me so now he is facing me. "Uhh Ruki, isn't your class on the other side of this wall?" Well im referring actually to the neighboor classroom. "Since we came too early i decided to check you out, i dont want you to be alone here anyways" ruki said looking over at the Reiji and Shu. Reiji who heard this ,closed his book loudly and stood up from his chair. "If you may excuse me" he said as he reach the door. "How loud" i heard Shu muttered, still in his position. I look sadly at Reiji's chair and looked at the pissed off Ruki who is looking at Shu. The tension here is really getting hot.".uhm.. I'll just go to the b-bathroom" i said. And went outside leaving both of them. I hope they don't kill each other.

I walked aimlessly at the hallway and instead of going to the bathroom, i saw Reiji entering the library. I decided to follow him . When i reached the door , reiji went somewhere inside , i followed him again. I looked at the place where he went, it must be the spot he always go to here. He is looking at the books,and it looks like he is searching for something. I moved closer to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hi!" I said .reiji didn't speak. I feel like he is mad or what so i sadly removed my hands from his shoulder "im sorry for disturbing you" i said as i turned around about to leave when i felt a hand on mine. "No.just please..stay." Reiji said. I really dont get these brothers really. So i sighed and get him company before classes. He is reading a book ,his back leaning on the wall.i leaned on the same wall beside him. It is very very silent inside and the atmosphere seem awkward so i spoke in a whisper. "So, are you guys doin?" I asked him ,not looking just staring at the piled books beside us. "Same nothing special.." He said. There's a moment of silence until he broke it." And how about you ?whats with those idiot mukami brothers doing to you?" It made me chuckled a bit and he looked at me weirdly. "What?" He said and i shook my head. "It's nothing its just that .its funny .you look jealous there." I told him but what he said made me blush . " yes , i am". Sometimes reiji can be too bold and direct. I looked doen the cold floor until i decided to open up what Ruki told me. "You see Reiji..i think i am.." Im cut off short when he asked me. "Have you already decided or have you learned about love now?". He said , his eyes still on his book. I nodded. "Actually...i think.. Im already in love with someone..". I heard him close his book and adjusted his glasses. He returned the book he just read and stared at the pile of books in the shelves. "Who is it then you are referring.?" His questions now is making me nervous. Its as if this is not really a Great idea to open up to him that the one im inlove is his brother. I gulped before holding myself together. "Shu." I said and a handful of books fell on the shelves with a loud tud on the floor. I quickly went towards him and began collecting the fallen books . Suddenly, a cold hand grabbed my wrist and pushed me on the book shelf. Reiji placed his hands in between my head. Securing me. "Tell me im getting deaf. Are you serious Yuki?" He said and im sweating at the moment. This is not good. A mad reiji is very very.... "Y-yes.." I said stuttering. His eyes never left mine. With just a blink of the eye, he crushed his lips on mine. Because of his force a book fell o. Our sides and im trying to pull away. "Reiji , This is not a place to do these kind of things..!someone might--" I told him pulling away from his kiss. But he took hold of my shoulder as he lean and kissed my neck. "No one is here. And besides..aren't you and Shu doing the same thing inside the music room?" My eyes widened as he whispered it . He licked the nape of my neck . I know he is going to bite me. Since i cant take anymore of it..i slapped him across the face.

I dont know if im seeing it correctly, but i saw a tear on his eyes. "Why?" His hand gripped tighter . "Why out of all people, why Shu? Why him? Why is it always him!!" He shouted. Then again, i hurt another one today..i hurt Reiji..i placed my hand on the cheek i hit earlier. And wiped the tear that is about to fall from his face. "Im sorry..reiji..please forgive me..i.." His hand went to mine and he kissed it. "You told'll always be there for me.. That you also look at me.that i too was made me feel that i was're the only thing i yearn for. You're the only one i want because No one else can make me feel this way the way you do.." His words that i know is too hurt. His eyes that is so sincere. How can i hurt someone who loves me this much.. I know that he hates his brother since all of the attention during his childhood was given to Shu. That he did everything just for him to be noticed by their mother. And i would always be there just to comfort him , just to let him feel that he got me. Its hard to choose now. What should i do? " he leaned closer to me and held my chin up.. "What should i do.. To make you fall for me instead..? How can i make you forget him..?" He said leaning closer and closer. Our face only inches apart. I cant speak at the moment, i just let him control me..i feel weak. I dont want to do something that will hurt him more.. I can feel his breathing as he spoke."Yuki..right now..only look at me.. This is one selfish request i need to ask..i'll let you know..and i'll let you is it to be inlove with me.."

Without a word, without hesitating. I tasted the love Reiji is trying to pertain and show me. A kiss that might make my heart ..confuse more..

On the other note,..Little did we know.. The blonde guy..with blue eyes.. Who is just leaning on the end of the shelf..heard and saw us.

Cliffhanger! Sorry if it took awhile to update. Somehow ideas are running out.but i hope you guys like this chapter. ! Will update soon! Arigatou gozaimasu for the 31 favorites.!

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