Chapter 18: Confessions..Again

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Yuki's POV

Okay. Great. Just Great. Ayato confessed to me before. Well Ruki did earlier to. And now, Reiji?!. It didn't even crossed my mind. I'm too confused and another one just... I sighed as we made back the Mukami household. The ride was silent and no one spoke a word either. Yuma is still mad so before entering the house he kicked the door and i winced at it. He is really that mad.

I went in my room to change. And since i have many visible kiss marks of Shu i just changed in a longsleeve pajamas.before i button my shirt, i scan in the whole body mirror of mine, my kissed marks. It made me blush remembering how bold Shu was to me. Honestly even though im too shock i cant bring myself to hate him..wait what am i thinking. This is not good. I shook my head and buttoned my shirt. When i turned around i saw Ruki behind me. Looking at me closely. "Somehow your presence startled me!" I said then i sighed. "Whats wrong?" I asked Ruki . He touched my cheeks and his hand slowly looking making its way on my neck. He is observing the kissed mark Shu gave me so he made me lean on the mirror and unbuttoned two buttons on my longsleeves. He sighed at the sight and hugged me. "I told you to call me if you're in trouble right? ". He said worried and i just stood there in silence. He's right.."you see Yuma is getting hysterical and all.he's becoming like azusa.". I chuckled a bit at his statement then he pulled away at me then smiled. "Now you're laughing.that's good keep it up!" Ruki said and patted my head before leaving. He stopped on his tracks and added. "We'll cover your kiss marks tomorrow. Take a rest now." He winked at me and i smiled at him before he left the room.

another day at school and im getting conscious at people staring at me . I looked like i got into some accident since i have bandages.i really want to cover myself for this matter's driving me nuts. So i ended up skipping classes to prevent getting some stares. I decided to got in the Music room. But when i entered i saw, Shu again. But this time he is playing the violin. He looks different when he play. So gracefully and you can be easily drawn by him . Without a thought i slowly walk towards him when im meters away from him he stopped . And looked at me. I panicked and im sweating. Damn myself. I turned around but he caught my wrist. "Where are you going and why are you here?" Shu asked me then he placed his violin in the table. "I-i was just.. You see. I Uhh." I dont know what to say really . shu sighed and moved closer at me.he hugged me behind.just like before but this time he burried his face on my hair and his arms wrapped around my shoulders. "Yuki..sorry about yesterday..". This is shu again apologizing to me. I just shook my head reassuring him that it was fine but he tightened the hug. We stayed like that for awhile. And i spoke. "It's fine really..i understand..but why did you do that.?" I asked and i turned around to face him. I really want to know. Is it just for fun like how he tease Yui sometimes?. I need to know. Shu looked in my eyes deeply. He placed his hands on my shoulder.. "Seriously, are you that dense?". A vein formed my head as i poked him. "Thats why im asking you idiot!". He grabbed my wrist and suddenly kissed me.i tried to pullaway but his grip tightened then i let him. He pulled away and we looked at each other ..his kisses really gives butterfly on my stomach. "Can't you feel it..? Can't you determine what i feel for you.." He said asking still staring at my eyes. I cant look away.."Yuki.. I--". Someone barged inside the music room and it is no other than Yuma.he dragged me away from Shu and placed me behind him. "So, are you going to continue where you left yesterday?" Yuma said angrily at Shu glaring. Shu glared back but didn't speak. "Didn't i told you yesterday, stay away from Yuki!" Yuma shouted at Shu . I felt myself being dragged again. This time its Shu.but yuma caught my other wrist so this is getting stupid really.what is this? A tug of war.?!. "Yuki is not yours ." shu said angrily. "And she's not yours either".Yuma spat back and im getting irrirtated at this. "Shut up edgar". "No, You shut up!" . This is not interesting and funny at all im getting dizzy being pulled like a toy here. "You idiots treat her like she belongs to you guys but infact you are just forcing yourself to her." Yuma said. Shu got angry. "Oh really? Aren't you guys the same then? And besides we knew her better than you. We're childhood friends" Shu said cooly . "I know her too because we're childhood friends also .so dont act like youre the only one who got tons of times with her !" Yuma shouted. Im really not liking this situation so pulled my wrist , escaping their grasp. "If you guys wont stop acting like kids, then ill leave. Im not a toy you can just drag like this!" I said so angry. Shu sighed and gave up . "This is troublesome.." He said and decided to leave but before he can we stood there in silence as he said. "You interrupted at us let me finish what i have to say to her.. Yuki Kagami, I love you very much. Even if it means fighting with my long time bestfriend. i will never. Give up on you." He said looking at us. Yuma's wrist tightened . I know he is not liking the situation.i just stood there cant contain his sudden confession. Another one again..

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