Chapter 31: Betrayal

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Yuki's POV

I accepted Ruki's heart cause i think it's not wrong to try. I know i'm wrong but i think i can learn to love him more too sooner or later. Just like how he loves me. I can forget about my feelings for Shu too..that's what i think. It's been how many weeks since that incident happened.

Well, somehow it became awkward in a way that Ruki is my first.i can't look at His eyes either whenever we are together. Most of the time he is so sweet that i cant take his kindness.i dont want to hurt the Ruki now.who loves me very much.

I went in the dining room and saw Yui by herself sitting in the couch. She looks awfully pale so just when i was about to come to her, she stood up. "Yui..are you alright?" I said touching her shoulders. But she shrugged it off. "Dont touch me" she said coldly. I dont get why but she left me there sadly.

Ruki came by and i blushed. He laughed at me then immediately hugged me. "You're cute when you blush Yuki," i blushed harder because its embarassing!. He gave me a light peck on the lips. "Stay calm. You're too conscious. We'll take it slow dont worry." Ruki said giving me a warm smile. My blush faded and i returned him a smile too. We just sat there, ruki reading his book and me just sitting beside him."we'll leave this house soon right?" I asked Ruki and he nodded. "Yes, the sooner the better". I know what he meant so i just stayed silent. Then I stood up and told him i'll prepare for the dinner later.

I walked down with Ruki and saw Yui sitting beside Shu. And Ayato on the other side of Yui. Kanato and Laito sitting together. There's still an empty sit beside Shu but i decided to seat beside Kanato.Reiji is on the edge of the table while Ruki sat beside me. We ate there in silence like usual. When someone spoke. "Yui, there's a piece of food beside your mouth. " shu said lazily. I didnt mind looking at him so i ignored it. "Thank you.." Yui said . Instead handing the table napkin Shu wiped of the food on yui's face. It made my eye brows twitch then I stood up out of irritation.

"I lost my appetite, it's too noisy here." I said then i stormed out of the room. Ruki followed me and i found myself inside my room.very pissed off. But then i realized i acted weirdly that might have hurt Ruki. I looked at him and i see hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry Ruki..i didnt mean to..". I said holding his hands. "No..its fine.i know you are having a hard time adjusting.but it's fine." Ruki said , hurt still lingers in his voice but he managed to smile. I feel bad about it so i kissed him . I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening it. We stayed like that for a while then we pulled away. "I really am sorry Ruki.." I said sadly , he touched my cheeks then pinched it, "i know, you always do things that makes me forgive you" ruki said smiling and it made me smile too.i dont want to hurt him. He is special to me.

I slept at his room, his arms wrapped around me. I cant sleep this midnight so i carefully went outside his room then roam around outside the house.

It's peaceful this time of the night, so it's refreshing and you can reflect deeply.while walking, i looked at the abandoned church, i suddenly missed Yuma when we were still kids, playing with Shu. The memory of how everything is fine before makes me sad. I just wish we could turn back time where we dont hurt each other like this.

I opened the door and sat on the wooden couch nearby. I sat there thinking of the happy moments when i suddenly saw someone stretching out behind the couch im sitting in. So okay, it is Shu. I freaked out a bit then maintained my posture, "i-im going now,!" Then i saw he went back to his sleeping position. I walked to him then stared at his sleeping face for a while. I poked his face. Then he didnt woke up. I then poked his face again. Again and again. I chuckled a bit at my childishness until i was being pulled down. "You know, you can't go around poking others when they are sleeping." Shu said on top of me and my eyes widened. "Let me go Shu." I said but his hold of me grew tighter, i can see in his eyes that he is trying to hide the pain he is in now. "I can't let you go Yuki," he said.i know theres a deeper meaning behind his statement but i stopped struggling. "I dont know how that thing happened to us. And --". "I told you, i dont need your explanation. Its clear enough for me to see and hear what youve done before and what you did earlier.i'm now dating Ruki. And i dont care about you anymore" I answered interrupting him. His gaze hardened but his gripped of me loosened. "Really..? Then why did you walked out earlier? Are you Jealous?" Shu said bluntly then a vein formed in my head. "Me? Are you kidding me? Jealous? Ofcourse not! " i said laughing weirdly then i sat on the couch.scooting away from him "If you dont like me anymore, if i kiss you right now, it wont mean anything to you." Shu said scooting closer to me. Please don't ..i think that it shouldnt happen at all.

"You're crazy " i said but he smirked at me, "if you really dont like it, shove me away , if you dont love me anymore, push me Yuki. If you did,i wont bother you anymore. i'll give up on you.." Somehow his words strucked my heart. It hurts.and i cant feel this way.i cant give in. His face moved closer to mine and i leaned in the wall."please dont.." I said then His face now is inches away when he spoke. "I love you.Yuki.." My eyes widened then he kissed me. It's always different when it comes to him, im trying to pull myself to push him back but i cant. I'm already drawn to him. Im sorry so sorry.. i kissed back as i put my hands on his cheeks. His hands went on my waist securing went on until We both pulled away breathing heavily and looking at each others eyes. What i did is enough for him to know..that my heart still belongs to him.. "Shu..I-" then my eyes grew big when i Saw a figure standing outside the door..

"I heard enough.." Ruki said. A tear escaped my eyes when i saw him in the doorway.

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