Chapter 22: Do I?

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Yuki's POV

this is getting boring i said to myself while i wrote down what the teacher is writing on the board. I sighed as it felt like the teacher is talking and talking like the whole day. After it ended , i walked down the stairs then at the corridors until i found myself outside the bathroom.i went inside and damped water on my face . I looked st myself in the mirror and remembered how i looked like before. If ever i still haven't awakened, will the brothers like me? Or ill just be another food to them and be like Yui. I stared at myself for awhile. Then i saw someone walked outside the toilet door. It's Yui. She's kind of shock . I didn't turn around but instead we look at each other in the mirror. She looked away and said "thanks..for before.". My head tilted a bit somehow amused by her action." But dont get me wrong! Im..just thankful for you remembering and the cake thats all there is to it!" She said as she ran outside leaving me inside the bathroom with a small smile on myself.

i walked outside the bathroom and i heard whispers from girls and also some boys. They are gossiping about something. My ears grew big as i heard Shu's name. "Ne.. Have you heard Shu is said to be hitting on a girl name Komori.". "Yui you mean ?" "Yeah the blonde girl" "they're caught by A white hair guy and someone also heard Them saying awkwards stuffs". I heard all of this as i walk down the school hall. Come to think of it some doesnt know theyre vampires so they will really think that way .this is getting annoying. And theres a throbbing pain in my chest too..

i clutched my chest and made my way in the music room.looks like no ones around so i played the piano for awhile. Some randomg pieces i learned from Laito before. I stopped playing and sighed since my mind is bugging me again. Love.Love.Love. Someone suddenly rose in the nearby couch rubbing his eyes. I blushed at the sight. "Sh-Shu!" I said . It feels awkward and wait how did he get here anyway?. His gaze fell on me and i stood up . "So-sorry!for w-waking you up! I'll go n-now!" I said and stiffly walked,when a hand inbetween me banged on the wall . Locking me inside him.i turned to face him and we're close to each other. "Why'd you stop ? I didn't told you did i?"when he say thinks like that it somehow makes me sad and angry. Its as if he's taking control over me. "I'm not yours. And definitely no ones. So stop saying things like you own me or something." I said coldly. He doesnt understand me sometimes and it pains me when he's like this. He leaned closer to my ear. "Should i make you mine then?" He whispered and it made me blush. "Nani--?(What?) " Suddenly he kissed me out of nowhere while holding my wrist. I pushed him away angrily. "How can you just kiss me like that! " i said yelling at him. His face not conveying too much emotion. "Because i feel like it". What an idiot. Because he just what? That freakingly hurt . "Do you always do that to other girls. Just bite them whenever you like? Kiss them when you feel like it? Im different! It hurts when you do things like that!" I said as tears stream down my cheeks. Looking ath him, anger in my eyes."Are you jealous?just say so" he said it so bluntly that it made me angry even more. I was so damn mad that I slapped him on the face after that.

"why?.." I said looking down and cried more, "i'm not your toy you can just kiss whenever you like. Not someone you can tease with those kind of hurts me when you kiss me like its just nothing and you feel like it. You said you love me but how come you do things that you'll know will hurt my feelings..Shu you're an idio---". Suddenly he forcefully moved me closer to him, putting his hands on My shoulder then kissed me. I tried to pull away but wasn't able to. He stopped and I looked at him then he said, "that kiss will be my greeting to you.". And then he kissed me again ,differrently this time,pushing me further in the wall.he pulled away again. "This kiss means im absolutely mesmerized by you..". He kissed me again differently .another emotion .and i felt myself not being able to pull away. "This kiss is meant for the girl i love who is standing infront of me, the one i like seeing everyday, the one who makes me go crazy, the one whom ive been inlove for years.". He looked at me in the eyes.and i can see he's serious. He's not really joking at all. "Do you like me? Or should i ask you love me?" I felt my face heat up and no words escaped my mouth. I couldnt say anything.this is too sudden. "If you dont answer..ill kiss you again..but this time it'll be.. Very..Serious". And with that he kissed me again passionately. Like the last kiss before it gives butterfly on my stomach and it is full

(AN: sorry if its short. But i tried my best to update anyway :)) hope you like this chapter. This scene is one of my faves to post. Love you all readers and thanks again for the 13likes/favorites of this story. Another Comments and favorites, much appreciated!xD stay tuned!)

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