Chapter 12: It's Always Been You

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Yuki's POV

I've been thinking about what happened Yesterday with Shu and Reiji. Right now I'm pretty not sure if they truly like me since they haven't said it.those 3 makes me blush when thinking about it. I mean they just kiss me out of nowhere and its not like them to do such a thing..Though they told me that they both cared for me and will always be here, still it confuses me .

After the incident with Shu, i called Ruki that i will be staying at the Sakamaki's for awhile. Yuma kept on whining ,saying he misses me and I should return. But i need to fix things with Yui right now. I need to know her thoughts.and her feelings..

As soon as i got up from bed, my mind is still fixated on the thoughts of Shu and I's kiss. I just kissed him back. A heat lit up my cheeks and I slapped my face with both palms. In order get over it , i took a shower and dressed up for today. I took a breathe before going out my room.I need to find Yui so i went to her room and noticed she wasn't there. i walked in the living room just to check if she's there only to see Laito and Kanato. Laito began clinging on me . "Yu-chan!i miss you so much!" laito said and i rolled my eyes . "I'm with you yesterday laito-kun". I said pushing his face away from mine. "Few hours away from you seem like forever". He kepts on clinging on me, i dont have enough time for this so i pinched both of his cheeks. "If you wont let me go right now, i'll pinch your cheeks forever too." I said, but somehow it made me happy seeing Laito is just the way he is with me. Even though he flirts around. He smiled at me and chuckled. "You're still the way you are". I smiled back and went over to Kanato and patted his head. " i'm sorry kanato-kun if i dont have time to talk today, i still need to do some things you see." Kanato who understands what i meand nodded and kissed my cheeks. I blushed slightly and patted his head once again before going out of the living room but i ended up bumping with no other than...Shu ...and behind him are Reiji and Subaru.

We looked at each other and i blushed madly and looked away. Why am i blushing anyway its not like we've never been that sweet before? Damn it. Im still thinking about it. As silence fell,Kanato tilted his head to the side and Subaru and Reiji looked at us confuse. But as i looked at Shu he's staring at me. He's not bothered at all.Great. He smiled slightly and it made me blush more and i stuttered, " me..uhm,..".

"Ne. Yu-chan whats the matter?" Laito said as he smirked. I turned around "uuh. Uhm. nande- mo-nai!(it's nothing)". I said waving my hands infront of me. Suddenly Shu placed his hand on my head and ruffled it before going back to his couch and sleeping. I smiled at him , its an assurance from him i know. I bowed at Reiji and subaru as i turned around before leaving. Somehow , the thing about Reiji is pretty awkward too. Maybe more than awkward,since he bit me yesterday..

I can't seem to find Yui really so I decided to go in Ayato's room. maybe He knows. I saw his room is slightly open so i ran towards there. But Before i can hold the door knob. i can hear someone sobbing. It's Yui.

Why is she crying. did Ayato bit him again?well ,it's not like she's not bitten everytime. It made me curious. So i peeked in abit. What i heard is not what i expected it to be.. "Why are you refusing my blood?" yui asked Ayato. He didn't answer. Yui shook him and tears keep flowing her eyes. "Tell me is it because of her again?. ". Hmm who the tell is her. I moved in closer to hear. "Think all you want i dont care, its not like you to give yourself off like that. Yours truly is not enjoying this conversation . i'll go.". Just before he could go out, Yui hugged Ayato from his back. "I love you Ayato!"And his eyes widen. Im shocked too. It's the first time i saw Yui like this. What made me more shock are the words she told him after that... "Please look only at me,only drink my blood.!". Ayato refuses to answer her demands and he tries to get off Yui's embrace but he doesnt want to hurt her feelings more. "I'm sorry"Ayato said looking down the made Yui cry more . I just blinked my eyes at the scene when I saw her kissed him. Sadly Ayato immediately pulled away. "Didn't i told you already! I already like somone else. You know who she is.You're only a food to me. I never thought of you about anything. If you fell for me just like that then yours truly doesnt accept it. !" Ayato shouted at Yui coldy. Ayato stormed out the room but when he opened the door,It revealed a shocked me, covering my hands for gasping. Ayato's eyes widen.. I cant containe what Yui is bothered by. Now i know.she likes ayato. No, she LOVES him. "I-im.. Sorry... I didn't mean to eavesdrop o-on y-you..sorry." I turned away to leave when Yui spoke up. "Why did you come back..?" I stopped on my tracks. What kind of question was that.."you shouldn't have". A tear fell from my eye when i heard this. I looked over my shoulder..and fakely smiled. "I know".. I ran towards my room. What Yui told me is enough for me to know that she really hates me. What have i done..that made her so upset..? Ayato ran after me but i continued running. I reached my room about to lock my door when ayato blocked the way. " we need to talk". He told me but i kept on pushing the door. "We have nothing to talk about". I replied but he won't stopped blocking the door. He pushed me inside and locked the door immediately. "Go away!" But He didn't. He Grabbed both of my wrist and kissed me. So naughty of these brothers to just freely kiss me i thought as I pushed him. "No ayato! Yui might --" . Just when i knew it, he forcefully pushed me on the wall. He slammed his hands on my side and shouted "SHUT UP!" I was silenced and i looked at him its as if he's about to cry. He looked down the cold floor. "I love you". He muttered. My heart stopped for a bit. Did i just heard it correctly.?. "I love you Yuki." He said and he slammed his hands once again on the wall. "I've always love you!" He shouted looking in my eyes.and i just stood there. No words came out of my mouth. Without another outburst he kissed me. My eyes widened at it . Then I saw tears falling of his eyes. He pulled away and continued."Ever since i met you, ever since you found me, i've always have." He said.. "I dont care who likes me ! i only like you!i only have eyes for you". I know he's serious right now. He can't even use his so called phrase 'yours truly!'. His eyes is piercing through my soul. I dont know what to say to him. Im confused .. I looked away. I cant face him right now. It's just that being told like this is too shocking for me. He placed his hand on my chin and made me look at him. His gaze softened and he kissed my forehead lightly. You don't need to rush on to me. But always remember one thing. I never looked at anyone like the way i look at you . It's always..always been you..".

And with those last words he kissed me again.

(AN: so What do you think guys?? :3are you enjoying? Comments and faves!)

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