Chapter 11: Envious

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Yuki's POV

I begged for Reiji to comfort and remove my pain but i didn't thought that kissing me will be his option. Not that i mind right now. i just let him kissed me. He placed his hand on the back of my hair to deepen the kiss and his other hand to my waist. He pulled away a bit and whispered "Right now, only think of me ..Yuki.". My eyes widen as he kissed me once more. His kisses are forceful yet passionate. I closed my eyes at it. Then after awhile we pulled away. Reiji touched my cheeks and removed the tears in my eyes. He pulled me closer and leaned, it made my head tilt. He nibbled my ears and whispered again. "This pain will replace that pain you are feeling right now..forget him..ill help you forget and make you forget" . I know what he's about to do but then again i let him. He licked the spot on my neck. And his fangs sinked in.

its somehow painful but the pleasure its giving me made my arms moved around his neck.he's right, the pain im having right now is drowning me with Reiji. He made me forget what im in..Until..

Someone pulled as a part.. Reiji whipped the blood on his mouth and glared at blonde with blue eyes standing between us."What do you think you are doing Shu?" Reiji asked him.

Shu's POV

I got punched by Ayato earlier for hurting Yuki. And it irritates me more to see Reiji kissing and sinking his sharp fangs at Her. Not for long i got in between them. i don't know what i was doing. "What do you think you are doing Shu?" My brother asked me. i just shot him a glare before dragging Yuki outside. As fast As I could we escaped Reiji . I need time alone with her. Right now we are in this old church. The place i usually hang out to sleep. And the place we're Yui disturbed me and I bit her.this place was also yuki and i's hidingplace when my mom is forcing me to study.

As i looked at her i know she remembered, she didnt speak a word. I cant see her face right now as its covered by her front hair. im about to touch her when she slapped my hands away from her. After that, i pinned her in the wooden couch nearby. And started kissing her forcefully, she keeps on struggling and kicking me until my legs secured hers and i place both of my hands in her wrist, We looked at each other and i can see how she's hurt.i was wrong but i know to myself i was jealous. Of ruki, yuma and the others. I want to make her my own but it doesnt go that way. I'll just her hurt even more. then i said it. "Im sorry..". Her eyes grew wide. But she immediately looked away. I touched her left cheek, caressing it with my other hand. "I'm sorry.. Yuki".she slowly looked at me and did the same . Caressing my face. I leaned closer and my forehead touched hers. Our lips almost an inch closer. Our noses touching.."Im sorry for leaving you guys like that..please understand.." She whispered softly. And with that we kissed. Not the forceful one but we both leaned closer. And one thing that made it sweeter is She kissed back.

..flashback. (Still Shu's POV)

The little brown haired girl named Yuki was introduced to us by my mom. She smiled cheerfully at us getting my hand and reiji's hand, shaking it. I thought of her as the hyper little doll. My mom would always press me on studying since ill be the next heir. The oldest one. I hated studying that way so i always escape and play with my friend Edgar, until one day. I saw little Yuki with Edgar. "Come over here Shu-kun! Me and edgar are gonna play hide and seek!" She told me. I sighed and walk towards them. After playing we went back , and my mom scolded me. Yuki was already taken by his father. After that day, we went out to play again. Edgar gave me a little puppy and i showed it to my mom right after with Yuki. She became angry and said i should study. She wants to abandon the dog and I cried. yuki patted my back and whispered something to my mom. Moment later," fine, go play but be back before dawn". yuki then grabbed me and made our way back to Edgar.

​The next day,We were gonna play hide and seek again, this time yuki let me escaped from mom . So since edgar was the who will capture us. yuki dragged me off somewhere and then we saw a small abandoned church. We entered slowly.and sat. After a while Yuki went under the chair. "There you are!" . I heard a dog's bark and i looked at it with wide eyes. It's the one edgar gave me. She patted the dog's head and took my hand to hold the dog "i know shu will be very sad if the dog got abandoned so i followed the butler and kept him here!" She said with a cheesy smile. "From now on this will be our hiding place!" Yuki said and i felt my heart stopped a bit when i saw her cute smile. It warmed me up.

The day ended and its too sad that Yuki will go home she told to play some other time and kissed my cheeks which made me blush. She giggled at me then left with her parents. Days after we played again, this time im the one who is it. I found Edgar first and i asked him to find Yuki. I knew where she is so i slowly walked inside the old church, to be greeted by the cute dog . It showed me the way to Yuki and there i saw her sleeping figure in the wooden couch. I stared at her . And leaned closer and closer , my hand entertwined with hers as i kissed the most beautiful angel ever, Yuki, which made me..her first Kiss.

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