Chapter 19: I'll Always Remember

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Yuki's POV.

Since its sunday today, yehey for no classes!. Im thinking of going for a walk later tonight. Get some fresh air and if possible have a secret visit to the bakery shop i used to go to. I went to the living room to ask permission to head off by myself. Ruki sighed and patted my head saying that i should not get in trouble and should take care. I nodded happily and hugged him. I went back in my room prepared my clothes for later.

As soon as the sun is nowhere to be seen,I already arrived to my desired place.I breathe in the smell of the flowers and night breeze. This is a great night i thought. I walked and browse for some stuffs until i stopped by the bakery shop. The old woman whom i used to work with smiled at me then bowed. She didn't notice I was Ayumi. So i decided to look for a cake.. Ofcourse, how can I forget.. It's Yui's birthday.

i decided to choose the one i usually buy for her. I know she hates me but that doesn't stop me for trying to reach to her. I paid for it in the cashier and the woman stared at the chocolate cake i bought. "During this time of the day, a girl who used to work here and help me buy this cake for her friend..right now, i still dont know how she is.but i wish for her safety and happiness along the way." . She said, her words makes me cry but i managed to hid it with a smile. "I bet she really miss you a lot, maybe sooner or later she'll come visit.." I said and she smiled back at me. "Her name is Ayumi Komori. She looks like around your age too,if ever you're in the same school with her please tell her that i miss her so much and come stop by .". I nodded and assured her that i will , then i immediately turned around to go out. When i closed the door, i sighed. That was close. So i went window shopping again until i stopped in the middle. I saw someone with a familiar fedora hat. "Look whose here, it's Yuki". Laito said and bowed in the respect. "Hey, what's up?" I said walking with him. "Reiji is doing some grocery shopping, Ayato is going crazy at the Takoyaki shop, Shu's at home sleeping, well Kanato-kun i really dont know where he ran off with Yui." Laito said with his hands at the back of his head. "How's Yui..?" I asked looking down my feet as I walk. he looked over at me and smiled. "She's fine.well, will you get mad if i told you i bit her earlier?" I looked at him and pinched his cheeks. "Is that so ?is this more painful than your fangs then?" I said teasing him a bit . "Yes yes yes! Now let it go!" He said holding his cheeks while i let go of him. I saw a familiar site that was running away. So i sprinted towards her. It's Yui ! and it looks like she's running away with something. I saw her then she ended up in a dead end aisle. I heard her scream abit so i slowly walked there only to see Ayato harassing her and biting her neck. "If you're really that desperate to annoy me with your blood then suffer the consequence!" Ayato shouted at her and tears are falling of her face. "Stop it!" I revealed myself in the shadows as their eyes widened. Yui ran off after that since i caught him off guard. I made one last glance at the sad Ayato and ran to chase Yui.

she must have been suffering a lot for doing reckless things i think. And today isn't a good day for her to be like that. "Go away!" Yui shouted at me but i still chased her. Until she was out of breathe holding her knees. "Dont move any closer." She commanded then i stopped. We're in the middle of a big fountain and a lot of people are coming by. Out of nowehere..i decided to sing her a song i usually sing for her when celebrating her birthday.

Song: Winter Child by Suzy

as i sang the first verse her eyes widen but still not facing me. People passing by watched me as my eyes still fixed on yui's back . Waiting for her to face me. Laito and the others saw the commotion going on and decided to take a peek only to find me and Yui . I dont care if i look stupid but as along as my real feelings reach to Yui. It might hasten her anger to me. Until i sang the last words i moved closer to her and made her face me. The people clapped and so was Laito and the other brothers. "Happy birthday Yui.. I'll never forget the day god bestowed you . You may not forgive me now.but i hope eventually you will" i bowed at the people who watched us and to Yui. "You're definitely welcome." After that i left Yui whose holding the cake i made her.

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