Chapter 14: A Place Where I Belong

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Yuki's POV

Days after, i can feel that Yui is avoiding me literally. Even though i want to reach out for her. She kepts ony closing the doors for me to be able to get into her.i sighed and roll over my bed to notice that someone is beside me. "Shu? What are you doing here?" Asking the lazy guy sleeping beside me. I shook him but he yawns and looked at me with his eyes half open. "Ohayo". He said. I face palmed my self. This guy sure sleeps almost the whole day. "I said, what are you--". In just blink. Shu was on top of me. I blushed at his quick movements and look away. "Now, i should ask you what are you doing now?" I said trying to focus and stay calm. My heart is beating so fast. He smirked at me . "You're all red.Are you that embarass infront of me now?". Okay, this guy is crazy. He can really read my face right now. "I-i-m not!" I said fighting back. He leaned closer and kissed my lips. It made closed my eyes. We stayed like that until he broke the kiss. "See , you're embarass " he said lying beside me now. I rolled over to my side hiding my face with my hands. He saw me right through there. How mean of him to say it so boldly. I felt my cheeks heat up again when i felt he wrapped his hand on my waist.pulling me closer to his chest. "You still smell like roses.." He said leaning over my neck smelling me. His soft touches and whisper made me shiver. He knows just how to make me weak.i turned around now facing him. I dont know what i 'm doing, i gave him a light peck on the lips. He smiled and he rolled on top of me again.. His face came close near my neck "what you did is driving me crazy." He said . He gave trailes of kisses on my neck until he licked a certain spot.He's going to bite me. I can feel his fangs is about to sink when we heard .. My phone rang. Shu stopped and laid beside me. "I think you should answer that. It might be something important" he said sighing because of the interruption. I took my phone on the desk . Who is it now?. When i answered it i heard a very loud scream. Oh great. "YUKI CHAN I MISS YOU SO MUCH!" yuma said over the phone making me wink at his loud mouth, "oi! You're too loud yuma!" Kou told Yuma . I can hear them fighting over the phone and it made me giggled.i miss them a lot too. I looked over at Shu and signaled him that i'll be going outside for a while.

I was walking through the halls talking to the Mukami's when i ran into.. Yui and Ayato. Laito came with Kanato and they saw me and Yui having a staring contest. "Ohayo.." I greeted Yui but she passed by me. i grabbed her wrist before she could go. But ended up being slapped by her free hands. "Dont you dare touch me !" She shouted. it shocked me. I looked at her and she's glaring at me. I dont know what i did now to make her mad like this. I look over at Ayato who is looking away. maybe they fought over at something again.. "Yui.." My voice trailing off. "What the hell was the noise all about?" Reiji walked out of his room to see us. "So noisy..." Shu spoke too walking off my room. They stared at us and can feel how awkward is it right now for me and Yui. She look down the floor holding her fist tightly."How can you return just like that and get your attention that easily? How can you just return like that after you left me.?!" She shouted at me. I ddn't answer her and i look down the cold floor as well. "Sometimes i wished you never came here.!". My eyes widen . Containing my shock i slightly tremble. We heard a loud crash on the wall and Saw Subaru very mad. "Oi! You, how can you talk to yuki like that after all she've done for you!" Subaru shouted but Yuki didn't care. Its like his words never sinked her . "Now, Now subaru we are having a girl's fight here!" Laito said trying to calm his young brother. Yui shouted the words that pained me after. "You dont belong here !I hate you!". Tears escaped my eyes now. The phone on my hand fell on floor and i kneeled at Yui. They stared at me like if im real. A vampire kneeling over a human. "Yui..i'm sorry..i'm so sorry for everything.for hurting you , for not being right here for you.i would do anything .." I said holding both of her hands, "You know me too well, you should know by then what i want.." She said somehow not sure about her words yet holding her own pride, "if leaving here will make you comfortable then i will..". Yui slightly shock just nodded at me. I wasn't expecting this .

"if that's what you wish.." I said trying to hold myself together. I slowly walk down the stairs when i felt Ayato hugged me from my back.. "Dont leave us Yuki! Don't!" He said holding me tightly. "Let me go ..Ayato". He knows im hurt and i dont like to entertain anymore thoughts running through my mind. After a long silence, the front door opened revealing the Mukami brothers. I fell on my knees and Ruki ran towards me. He sighed and helped me up . "I told you not to break down again infront of them. Sometimes , you're too stubborn " he said scolding me, yet caring .they just heard all the fighting over the phone. So maybe that's why they came on rushing here. Yuma got mad at what i'm in and walk towards Shu grabbing his collar. "Oi, why did you made her cry again?! Do you really care for her that much that you just look at her breaking down in front of you all?! Im sick and tired of seeing her cry because of you!" And then he looked at Yui."especially You!" He said glaring at Yui. "Stop it Yuma." Ruki said . Yuma let go of Shu's collar and looked away. "I guess bringing yuki here wasn't a great idea after all. " Ruki said facing the brothers and Yuki. He glared over at Yuki who looked in his eyes with fear. "Just to remind you Yui Komori, that the girl you just slapped earlier made you human.". All eyes went on me and Ruki. "Ruki it". "No, how can you keep it all by yourself , suffering like this.!" He said. And i just stood there , my back on Yui and Samaki's and me beside Ruki who face them with a glare on his eyes, "when she awakened, the first thing that came out of her mouth was you Yui. Just when you are about to be awakened as a vampire, because of her emotions she was able to control her powers and negated the medicine you drank to turn you back into human. She was aware that doing that have a terrible consequence. she lusted for blood. You don't want her to eat you am i right,? Though i believe Yuki refuses human blood, lusting for it ,she can't stop herself ". Yui was shock.i did planned on telling her but not like this. Just when Ruki is about to tell more things i placed a finger on his lips. Signaling him to stop it. He sighed and tooked my hands. "I'll leave this place.. I'll stay with you guys.." I said and yuma smirked. "Great idea". And with that, I took one last look at them and bowed. "I'm sorry for being of trouble." . Ruki grabbed my hand and entertwined it with his. Glaring at them. She kissed my hands that he holds and said, "she's with us. She's better off with us.". And with that we left.

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