Chapter 3: The Introductions and Shots of Memories

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Ayumi's POV

I woke up with a tear stained face. then i saw what was suppose to be..a ceiling..


As far as I know, i slept on the floor hugging my knees.

I looked over my room and I also saw that my clothes were already inside. all my baggages are empty.

.. and im wearing a night gown. ?Who dressed me? A blushed formed on my cheeks and I shook my head. That's too impossible. maybe Yui did it.

I touched my forehead trying to remember but it only made me blush more. Those guys would not change my clothes and prepare my things.

My door suddenly burst open and I saw Yui. she hugged me tightly and began sobbing.

"Are you alright?! Did they ..!"

"Yui. Don't worry i'm absolutely fine. The one I should be asking is you.. " I told her stroking her blonde hair.

"So..ka.. ( I see).i'm glad" She said, wipping her tears.

I smiled back and patted her head until i remembered.

"Yui.. Did you prepared all of this?" Pointing out my things and my clothing.
"Yes. I saw you in bed earlier. Since I know you're tired of yesterday night, I decided to fixed your things and stuffs.". She replied looking at me somewhat confused at my remarks.

"Even though I'm scared for your safety..I'm so happy to see you .." She continud as Tears fell in her eyes once again .and i wiped it out with my fingers gently.

"We're together now.and I'm also glad that 'somehow' you're fine. I wish I got here earlier so you wouldn't have to suffer with those blood sucking beast..." I said trailing off a bit in my last words. Yui shook her head and place her hands over mine. I looked at her confused.

"It's okay .. they.. just need me" She said somehow unsure with her words.

"Why are you tolerating this kind of things?don't tell me you turned into a maso--"

Yui blushed and waved her hands in defense. "Iie (No). That's not it. It's just that.." She's contemplating on her words when I looked behind her And saw the red hair guy from before.

"Oi chinchinasi and ..whats your name again? Reiji told yours truly that he need to explain things to you in the living room.and by the way ,Yours truly is Ayato." He said grinning showing his sharp fangs. I raised my eyebrow not sure what to do but then i nodded and immediately got off the bed to prepare.
He was kind of shock to see me acting obediently and without saying anything back. Before I went in the bathroom , i Swear i saw him grinning behind my back.

Yui waited for me in my bed. I went for a quick shower and when I'm done preparing, I just didn't and absolutely dislike what i saw. Ayato on top of Yui sucking her blood.?

I ran towards them and tried to push him away but he got a strong hold of Yui. it's not like he weighs a ton, maybe it was his vampiric strength which irritated me. I kept on hitting his back with my fist and throwed a pillow on his face.

"Stop it ! get your hands off her!".

Ayato wipped the blood on his mouth and looked at me with devilish eyes. i backed away, getting ready for his attempt when After a moment, the one who is below Ayato is me. With that speed .. a human like me can't keep that up!

Seeing Yui beside me fainted and is really pale.I couldn't take it ! I can't show fear but..
"Pancake didn't drink her cranberry juice yesterday night so she fainted that easily" Ayato told me smirking and looked at me.i felt disgusted and i'm struggling for my life. he pinned my hands with his on the bed and i looke at him with fear.

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