Chapter 16: She's the One We Need

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Ayato's POV

Ever since Yuki left, I'm avoiding everyone especially Yui. Though she kepts on hanging around me.,Acting all caring, i just walk away and ignore her. Actually, it's not just me who she is trying to get attention but all of us. She's trying so hard to be of good use but we don't care at all. Especially my brother Subaru who walks out and crashes things whenever He sees Yui.

It's been a week since she left and I miss her so damn much. I wonder what she's gather up my thoughts i got up from my bed, and went outside. My hands on my pocket. Suddenly i heard a loud scream coming from Yui's room. I ran towards it and saw a man holding Yui's neck on the bed. Choking her. "Azusa!" I shouted as I stop him from choking Yui. I know im mad at her but this is no joke at all. I was knocked out the wall by Azusa's arm. So Yui took the opportunity to escape but got slapped by Azusa near the wall. He looks at her laughing . "Scream all you want Yuki Komori! He said , then Yui throws things at Azusa but what made it weird is that he kepts on laughing and moving forward even though to the point Yui scratched his left cheek and arms with a knife given to her by Subaru before. My brothers came rushing in to stop Azusa but he laughed like a maniac suddenly. It gives me a creep, his facial expression changed into a sad one then he holds Yui's face. "I'm sorry..." He said caressing her cheeks. When all of a sudden his hand made its way to her neck and chokes her again with his hands. "Come closer ill rip her head off!" Azusa said laughing evilly . He is a total a masochist and sadist!. "Aren't you ashamed youre in our household Azusa" said Reiji fixing his glasses. "Calm down Azusa-kun! Whats wrong anyway?" Laito said about to pat Azusa's back when he kicked him , hitting his face. "Whats wrong you mean? This girl! She's a big problem for us!" Azusa said angrily now, glaring at Yui. She looks helpless and couldnt do anything and just cried. " oh please Yui Komori, do you have the rights to cry? You're the reason why Yuki is emotionally unstable. She's lost in her thoughts because of a mere human like you! You bitch!" He said tightening the grip. I wiped the blood on my mouth. " you're insane! She's going to die if you continue that!Do you think Yuki will--" i was cut off when someone shouted Azusa's name. It's the Mukami's and Yuki. She's here. And she looks very worried.

"Azusa, stop that, doing things like that will not make Yuki happy at all!" Ruki said. But that didn't stop Him his grip just tightened more. yuki is clearly choking to death right now. Its like her throat is about to be ripped off. "Azusa..." Yuki said walking closer to Azusa's back. "Please..stop this now.." Her voice trailing off. "Why do you still care for her after everything she said to you. I want to end her . She's hurting you too much!" Azusa said still in his Sadist mode. Blood is all over his body and their eyes widen as it drip ipon the floor.

Yuki who can't take whats happening ran towards Azusa and hugged his back. "Azusa.. Stop ..onegai(please).." Azusa's eyes widen and his grip loosened slowly. it made Yui fall down the floor. Laito catched Yui as they all look at Yuki and Azusa. "Im hurting too if i see you like this.. Onegai.." She said and his hands fell on his sides as blood trickled down the floor. The Mukami's sighed at the situation. "Thank God he stopped!" kou said his hands massaging his forehead. " well, she did it again. Yuki I mean.she's the only one who can stop him whenever he's on rampage like this." Yuma said. Walking towards Them . Somehow, i felt jealous to the fact that they also share moments like this with Yuki. And how she's able to stop hi,. Azusa slowly turned around to face Yuki but he fell on his knees but Yuki and Yuma managed to catch him. "You're still heavy bro! ". yuma said .but yuki began crying and hugged the lying Azusa. "Ohh Azusa! How can you do such a thing!Sometimes you're a complete idiot!" She said still crying and hugging him. I can see how Reiji and the others are glaring at their position. "Dont do this ever again!" She said sobbing . Azusa's eyes closed and i can see Yuki's hand glowing. Suddenly azusa's wounds started healing faster. Is this the power Yuki have?. She sighed at the Azusa's figure and kissed him on his forehead. She stood up and wiped away the dirt on her dress ."i'm sorry for the trouble our brother made. I promise that this will never happen again" Ruki said as Yuma tossed Azusa at his shoulder. They're about to go when Reiji spoke.

" This is a total mess. Can we have something in return then?" Reiji said they stopped on their tracks but didn't turned around. "And what is it you are trying to say?" Ruki asked coldly. "Yuki." Shu answered the question and it made Yuma laughed. "Oh really? Do you want another mess then huh?!" Yuma said angrily but Yuki placed a hand on his shoulder. "Stop it you guys. I'm not a thing you can have as long as you want. " yuki said coldly. "And besides.". She looked over her shoulder. "I'm no ones property either.". We stood there in silence, defeated at her words. Ruki smiled and smirked. "Ofcourse .they have Yui anyway. We need you more than anyone.goodbye Sakamaki's and Yui Komori. See you guys at school." They disappeared immediately leaving us Azusa's trail of blood.

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