Chapter 17: More Than Just A Kiss

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Yuki's POV.

after everything that had happened the past week. School seem less exciting to go to but woth the Mukami brothers helping me recover Im beginning to warm up and forget things. During lunch break i walked by myself along the corridors when someone grabbed me and dragged me inside a room, The music room. I turned around to see the one who grabbed. It's Shu. i sighed and was about to leave when he hugged from behind. He smelled my hair and his other hand made its way towards my hands. "Let's stay like this for a while" shu whispered to me and without a second thought i did what he said.

I actually miss them a lot but i need to stay strong so that I wont ruin something precious to Yui. The bell rang suddenly and i shook his hands. "Shu,i think classes will start in a minute.let's go--" . Now for the third, fourth or how many times, ive been pinned on a couch near the piano. Shu held strands of my hair smelling it. His looks makes me blush. And i looked away. "Okay Shu, i think this is not a great idea..". I told him blushing and looking away. "Oh you think so?" . Shu went down for a bit and his hands slowly and caressing my legs. He kissed me it until he reach my tigh, "s-shhu kun! What are you doing.!" I said shouting at him then he placed his hand on my mouth to cover it. "This will hurt a bit.". He licked my tighs and bit me there. Im going crazy here. I struggled but i can't let go. Until then, he climbed up and he kissed me on my neck . He stopped when he saw a bite mark. "Ohh. So who among those Mukami's bit you.?" He asked me and i still looked away, "that's none of your business.". I said coldly and blushing. Shu unbuttoned my shirt revealing a bit part of my chest I tried to cover myself but i was pinned down. My wrist is. He kissed me all over and instead of biting me. He placed kissed marks on my skin and replace those bite marks with his kissed marks too. I want to cover my mouth for moaning so i just bit my lips for the pain of his bites and pleasure of his kisses. Shu knows me too well when it comes to this." Why are you doing this?" I asked him but his reply irritated me. "That's none of your business too.". He kissed my lips passionately after that.

Reiji's POV

my laziest brother ever is not around the classroom. Well, not like its the first time he skipped classes. What bothers me is that Yuki is also not around. I wonder if they're together. I can't focus well so i raised my hands signaling my teacher that i will go to the bathroom. When he nodded i gracefully walk outside. Then when im out of their presence i began running finding Yuki. It took some time when i saw laito leaning on the wall near the music room. "And what are you doing here skipping classes?". I asked Laito crossing my arms. "Shouldn't i be the one asking you that?" laito smirked.and i just sighed. Not minding. Before i could open the door knob , Laito stopped me. "I advice you not to go inside.". His face looks serious. Its as if he's hiding something. "You wont like what you'll see.". In his voice i can see some pain and he looks away. His words made me curious . I sighed again not caring until i heard Yuki's voice inside. " ". "Please.." . "Shu...". I heard her and my eyes widened at this. I immediately rushed inside and saw Shu on top of Yuki, her uniform unbuttoned. His hands on her wrist and Shu kissing Yuki on her neck.

I grabbed Shu's wrist and gripped it tightly. Im so mad. How could he do this to Yuki!. "So you skipped classes today but instead of sleeping, youre doing naughty things inside the school. How despicable". I said coldly and angry at my brother.i saw a tear on Yuki's face. But i also saw she's Relieved. Shu just shrugged my hands got off Yuki. He sighed and tossed his jacket at her to let her cover herself. Things went silent and we heard someone came rushing inside. It's Yuma and Ruki. "What the hell was going on here!" Yuma shouted then his eyes fell on Yuki who looks down the cold floor still sitting on the couch. Yuma got mad and punched Shu on the face. Yuki gasped and ran towards Shu as he wiped the blood on his mouth. "Did you do this to her! Or did you Reiji?!". He asked bad no one spoke a word. Ruki walked towards Yuki and gently held her bridal style."Didn't even thought you brothers still have loads of time to mess up here at school." Ruki said and he looks towards me. "Well, reiji, i guess now were even. Should we get something in return then.?" Ruki told us and Yuma smirked. And he continued what Ruki is about to say, "Stay away from Yuki". We both glared at each other. Just when they are about to leave me and my brother i spoke. "We'll fight for her.and there's nothing you guys can do about it.". I said without thinking. We can't let them have Yuki. Ruki spoke for them . "Do you deserve her then? You're brother cant even control his desires for her and you're telling me you guys will fight for her?" Asked Ruki. We stood there in silence. "Do you love her then?" Ruki asked me looking over me. All eyes fell on me.

I looked at them with determination. "Yes. I love her . I love Yuki.". Yuki looked away blushing. And Ruki turned their way to the door, "So Am I". And with that they left us again.

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