Chapter 35 : The One, The Different Kind of Bride

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Yuki's POV

Their hands didnt left my wrist as they ask my heart about what i really feel. It took me some energy to be able to..

Face Him..

"Ruki..." I said looking at him tears forming my eyes..

"It's okay..I..understand" he said then smiled.before i could say anything else. He disappeared infront of me and i fell on my knees.. "I'm sorry Ruki.."

Shu kneeled beside me and hugged me. "Talk to him properly about this..i'll wait for you." Shu said,kissing my forehead, i gave him a quick kiss before i ran finding Ruki.

It took me some time to find ruki sitting near a lake.his hand on his head. I walked slowly and placed my hand on his shoulder, he turned around and my eyes widened as i saw tears falling in his eyes. Before i could say another word, i was being tightly hugged by him. And he is sobbing loudly. My conscience is taking me up and i hugged him back . Instead of sympathy , i cried too. We stayed like that for a while until he pulled back. "Ruki..listen.." I said. He looked at me, with much understanding, and smiled weakly. "I know..all the one who should apologize..for forcing you to be with love me. I.. Became selfish and..". I cut his words when i suddenly kissed him on his soft lips. Those lips that i surely will miss.. "That's not what im trying to say.." I told him then he tilted his head on the side confused. "Ive been meaning to say.. Thank you.." I smiled at him ,while tears are still on my eyes. "For what?..why?..i.." Ruki said holding my shoulders tightly.

"You've always been there for're not an ordinary guy who came to my life.. You're special to me that you were able to moved my heart ..i can't say i didnt love you..." I said holding ruki's cheeks, his eyes softened its gazed at me. We moved closer as my head bumped to his. "I did love you..and from those moments im with you.. I've loved you too from the bottom of my heart.. I know its not possible to love two persons at the same time..but my love for you is different..and so is shu.. I cant have you both...its looked deeper in my feelings .. I felt that my love for Shu weighs more.. Im sorry ruki..but knowing you... You'll respect my decision.." He smiled at me, then kisses my forehead.. "You're right.. I cant stay mad at you.. And ..i want to see you happy..what ever decision you will make..yuki.." My heart trembled a bit as our faces got closer.. " I love you so much.." Before our lips touch once more.. I gave a small smile and said., "yes..i know..i do too". As we kiss , it felt different..passionate of all the kissed we made..not just like the typical moments that butterflies will rumble in your's slow , yet ..true..

and I know this will be the last time ill feel this way for him.

We went back in the Sakamaki mansion after . With heinz . Me and him went inside the living room with Reiji , suddenly Karl asked me a question. "So you have decided?." I know he knows everything like he is a spy or something. I nodded then Shu walked inside the living room. His eyes met mine and sat beside me in the couch. "Please take care of my son.." Karl said smiling at me. Then We heard a door opened and saw Reiji about to leave. "But it looks like you need to settle some things first." Karl added and i stood up. I looked at Shu and he already knows what i meant. So i walked to where Reiji is going. I knocked in his laboratory but he didnt respond. So i peeked in saw Reiji standing infront of the window, his back facing me. "Congratulations" was the only thing he told me when i entered. "Im kind of busy right now, so--" i know he is hurting , i ran straight at him, wrapping my arms around his back. "Yuki.." He turned around and hug me tightly. "I'll always love you no matter what.." I hugged him back trying to comfort him when suddenly we heard someone spoke. "Oi Reiji, you'll end up growing old without any wife if you're that stubborn!" Ayato spoke in the doorway, we also saw Kanato and Laito entered smiling at us. "Minna..." I said almost into tears. "Now now Yuki. Whats with that face? " Laito said hugging me too. "Hey , me and teddy wants a hug too!" Kanato walked up and hugged me behind. "Idiots! Ore-sama is gonna hug her too so move out of the way. " ayato said pulling me from his siblings and hugging me too very tightly. "Ore-sama will love you too..for the rest of his life." Ayato said sadly while hugging me and Somebody chuckled. "Well. So i really thought that Only reiji will die old without having kids. Idiots" we turned around and i giggled a bit. "I know its you subaru!bastard" ayato said and we all laughed. Subaru walked up to me and held my hands. "Im happy for you.." With that being said, i saw their eyes.. Their faces. All smiling at me. Tears are forming my eyes once again.. "I.. Dont know what to say" i said wipping my tears with my arms. Laito tapped my shoulders and dragged me in the door. "Ne. Yuki. Dont cry.. Someone is dying already to talk to you!" I know who he meant. So before i walked away. I took one last glance at their smiling figures before i ran to my room.

I went in his room and he is also not there so that one last thing i remembered made me smile.

I walked inside the abandoned church and tried to look for Shu . Until someone hugged me from behind.. "Found you..your it.." Shu whispered in my ears as i blushed. I looked at him and immediately wrapped my arms around his neck , kissing him. We pulled away and carried me bridal style . He placed me infront of the altar as the moon shine on us. "This may sound awkward..". Shu gave me a quick kiss on the lips and chuckled. I blushed again covering my face in embarassment,he took my hands from my face and looked at me in the eyes. Pulling me closer to him. "Ive been..waiting for this day.," shu said . It made me smile as my face slowly move to his.. "This time..with no people to interrupt..with no more confused feelings..with no more hesitation.." Before our lips touched i place my arms around him , and his arms around my waist. "I love you Shu..forever until eternity.." My lips crashed into his as it moved in sync, our hearts beat as one. Without a doubt. He is the one . This words i kept inside my heart for a long i was finally able to tell it to him.My heart skipped another beat.. As i got the reply to the man i love the most.,to the man i chose to be with...."I love you too yuki..i've always have and always will.."

The END.

Thank you for the overwhelming votes and for adding my story in your reading list or libraries. Sorry if it took me a while to update since ive been busy in school. I hoped you liked the ending. I really do appreciate those comments i got. <3 thank you minnaaaa! Love you all readers! Arigatou gozaimasu! *closes the curtains.

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