Chapter 8 : A Shattered Haunted Past

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        I looked at the shattered pieces of the window where Yui jumped off. The moment earlier made me shatter, i burst crying on Subaru whose holding me and calming me down.It's even more painful when Yui left us without prior my knowledge before. Now I know who I really was, now I know why she's mad at me. I can't seem to forgive myself for failing her. Kanato sad at the sight walked towards me. and hugged me. "Yuki-chan..Please don't cry..You're more beautiful when you smile.." He told me but I cried more.There's no helping it im not myself. "I need to save Yui..". "It's too dangerous . are you going to throw away the sacrifices your parents made? Cordelia made it clear that Yui hates you ." Subaru said not wanting my decision. I placed my hand on his. "She's my bestfriend , she's what i believe my sister was.She's the only precious thing I have." I told him , i looked deeper in his eyes and he doesn't like the idea im thinking of right now. "No Ayu..". I begged Subaru..right now he is the only one I want to do it with.He's the most comfortable one at the moment.  I moved closer to him. "You know how to Awaken me.." I  told him moving closer..

"Please...Subaru.." I begged him once more.. Subaru can't take it any longer. He bit his wrist drinking his blood. "Oi Subaru what the hell are you--". Ayato wasn't able to finish his sentence when Subaru's lips crushed into mine. I can taste it. His blood. the blood of a vampire.  blood trickled beside my mouth and it took a while before his lips left. We looked at each other for a moment..until then.. I passed out..

Reiji's POV

        What Subaru did is actually the awakening of a pure blood vampire like Yuki. Til now, its hard to sink in , in the idea that Ayumi was really Yuki. I thought its just me but She really is. I walked towards Yuki who is now in a deep slumber. i caress her cheeks as Subaru watched me. I remembered how shes  always been when we are still little. She would bug me on my stuffs but she'll never fail to make smile whenever my mom ignore me.  

        All of the Sudden the Mukami brothers appeared before us.  "We are asked by Heinz to retrieve Yuki." Ruki said.Ayato stepped in. "Where are you taking her?". "Somewhere she can properly be awakened.Beside He told us he needs to explain a lot of things to her. Things will be different after she awakens." Yuma answered while taking Yuki in his arms. 

        Right now.. She left us.

>>Months past

Author's POV

        Yuki wasn't able to retrieve Yui. But the Sakamaki were able to do it.she's still human though .they managed to save her. Yuki is on Karlheinz care and is living with the Mukami's . 

Yuki's POV(Ayumi si now Yuki okay xD )

Its been 3 months since i last saw Yui and the Sakamaki's but i heard Yui went back their house . Right now im currently living with the Mukami's.  we get along well unlike when i was in the Sakamaki household, the mukami brother's share a strong relationship. and i found out that they were humans before. and Karl turned them into like us. and since He helped them they began supporting his Adam and eve project.well, I really dont care at all.

My memories got clearer the moment I had my awakening. I look different now. this is what I really look like. this is me, Yuki, im not the mere Ayumi anymore. I made my way downstairs and went to the dining hall, im prepared on re-entering the night school.  i looked at the window and wondered my mind off a bit when suddenly someone hugged me from behind.. it's Ruki. He began smelling my hair . I looked at his reflection in the mirror.Ruki doing this to me didn't bother me.I just feel comfortable at his embrace. "Are you ready for later?". He asked me i looked him at the mirror once more and nodded. This time its the real moment I have to face Yui and the Sakamaki brothers. a part of me is nervous but this is what i have to do. I turned around and faced Ruki. I held his cheeks. and kissed him lightly on it. "Thank you for always being there for me..Ruki.". He knows i can't return his feelings for me but he told me doesn't care as long as im happy. Not long we went into the car. It's time to meet them..

Reiji's POV

Another day with some humans at school. As we made way to our classes. It's now music class. I'm stuck with all of my brothers and Yui. Laito keeps on flirting with her while Ayato shoves him away. Kanato just watched those silly brothers of ours and Shu is once again sleeping in the corner of the room. Subaru looked at window wandering.

The door flew open and the teacher entered. "Okay class, sorry for the wait, we have a new student here, she wasn't able to enter the classes earlier so here she is. Please enter." . Right now I saw Laito's jaw drop. Girls whispering and Guys with lust and crushes look on their eye. Kanato hugged his bear tightly, Shu woke up . Ayato and Yui shocked. The new student bowed at us .she opened her eyes..those violet eyes that will make you drown in it , her long brown hair with soft curls and her face and figure that'll make any man go crazy. she looked straight at us.saying, "Goodevening, my name is Yuki Kagami, from today on ill be joining this class, please take good care of me."

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