Chapter 21: What is Love?

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Yuki's POV:

After the kiss Ayato and I made earlier, i've been thinking about what he told me. About giving him a chance.but being lovers means you truly love each other right?. Is it possible to learn love in the process? Is it hard ?. I'm confused. I walked aimlessly at the Mukami residence. The rain still not stopping. I reached the door but before i could open it , it burst open. Revealing a worried Ruki. "Dammit Yuki! You're soaking wet!Where the hell have you been? We're so worried about you!" Ruki said dragging me inside , hugging me. "Gomen'ne.." I said sadly. I didnt mean to worry them like that. He assisted me in my room and told me to change and get some rest. I took a shower then and changed into my evening outfit. i looked at the window and saw that lightning started. My mind is still not stable so i decided to visit Ruki in his room. I knocked on the door but he didn't answer ."Ruki are you there? Im coming in!" I said and entered his room. I looked at the blue covered walls and my eyes fell on the picture frame beside his bed. A picture of the four of us. I remembered this photo. It's the time when Kou had a photoshoot and invited me to have a picture together with his brothers. I smiled at the thought of how well they get along even though they're really not related by blood. I heard the bathroom door opened and saw made me blush and i turned around. "Ahh! So-sorry for w-walking in without yo-ur permission . I didn't tho-thought you --". "No its fine. " Ruki said , i took a peek on my shoulders and saw he's putting on his tshirt. i sighed and look at him now. He took a book and went on his bed reading while leaning . He signaled me to come closer. "So. Is there something you need?" Ruki said , still his eyes on the book. " see". I sat on his bed and gave a loud sigh. "Ruki. How can you know when you're in love with someone?" Ruki stopped turning the page of his book and looked at me weirdly. "Why do you ask?". I blushed at his question. "Ano..Do you possibly know what love is? Sorry for asking a very weird question..i just want to know. That's all!" I said waving both of my hands. He looked at his book again. "Love is something not learned.but somehow know its meaning through experience." Ruki answered. Great.this is really confusing. "I really dont get it." I said looking down. I went closer , dont know what im doing exactly.And took his book away from him. Im now on top of him and he looked at me confused. "If i..." Before i could finish my sentence i kissed him on the lips and his eyes still calm though somehow shocked at my suddent action. I pulled away after. "If i kiss you. Would it mean i also like you?" I asked him. Before i knew it ,he was on top of me and i was shocked. Lightning suddenly stroke. Ruki leaned closer but stopped himself by placing his forehead on mine instead. "Yuki..don't tempt me like that". He said sighing. He's still on top of me and he placed both of his hands in between my head as he pulled himself up a bit. "When you kiss someone it doesn't mean you like them. There are different kinds of it" ruki said and he placed his hands on my hair, playing with it. "Sometimes people just kiss you like its natural and nothing, sometimes they just do it for fun with no feelings at all,other times people just do it to make someone jealous. But kissing is part of love also." He said and i looked him in the eyes.still lots of question on my mind.he continued. "Love can sometimes be earned through hardwork, persistence and most times it comes naturally. But.. Lust can also be mistaken for love.and its totally a different thing. Love is something felt. When your heart aches when you see that your someone is with someone else and theyre having a great time instead of you. Its when you become instantly happy just by seeing them. They make your day complete even without doing anything." We looked in each others eyes for awhile. "How can you know if the one who kisses you truly

loves you?". I asked him one more time. He leaned closer to me ask he said "i can show you better than i can tell you.." And with that he kissed me on the lips..

>>its now morning

i woke up to see that im in my room now. I still remember how ruki kissed me again and it heats up my face whenever he says things that make my heart bounce a bit. There's no school today so I asked Ruki if i could do the groceries todaay to have some fresh air. He agreed so that i can think things clearly too. I thanked him and changed my clothes. I reached on my destination and did some grocery shopping. I opened the door then I saw..Reiji.

We stared at each other for awhile until i started the conversation. "Grocery?" Well duh, isn't it obvious thats why he's here. Stupid Yuki. Reiji smirked at that awkward greeting . A ligt bulb then formed above my head. Wait. Maybe Reiji can help me with my crazy little problem. Without any approval from him, I dragged him outside and we ended up infront of a cafeteria. "Are you for real?" Reiji asked me fixing his posture and glasses. i laughed at his comment "i need a moment please Reiji!" I said pleading him. Ofcourse he can't ignore it so he nodded. Then we entered the cafe and ordered a tea. "You sure know my taste" reiji said and i smiled. "What do you want then?" My smile immediately became a frown and i looked down at the empty table, " im thinking too much lately because im confused." I said. After a minute our tea arrived. As it was placed in our table. "Confused about?" Reiji asked as he took a sip of his tea. "Love." I said and he almost choke at his tea.and looked at me weirdly. Yea i got another weird look okay. "I just want to know it clearly.not that im inlove with someone.i dont know. Since i have too many confessions lately. I think one day i need to return one of your feelings. I dont want to hurt any of you." I said looking down again. Reiji cleared his throat before deciding to speak. "If thats the case then that will leave me no choice." He said looking away and i looked at him . " all of us can show someone different ways on how we love them. Love in a form of friendship. Like how you care for each other but you both know that going further is not the thing you bith desire, love can also be found inside the family.from your parents and siblings. Love just love in a sense that you can instantly feel it when your heart beats fast when you see someone you like.and when you get hurt too much when you lost them and you fought with dont want to see them hurt.that youll risk everything just to see them happy.." He said the last words looking at me sadly. I understand it quite now. I smiled at him thankful at his words. "Arigatou.. Reiji-kun" i said. We had a long talk right after that conversation some random things and checking each other out since we're not living together anymore. Its about time to leave so Reiji waited for me to get a taxi cab. "Thank you Reiji for today. It helped me alot to get the stress out in me." I bowed at him .the taxi arrived after . I bowed again but before i go inside the cab i signalled Reiji to lean forward for Awhile. He understood what im trying to do. He closed his eyes then smiled. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks as a thanks.

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