Chapter 25: I Won't Give Up

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Shu's POV

Yuki excused herself after Reiji left me and Ruki inside the classroom. It is getting bothersome with all the glares im getting from Ruki so I stood up lazily in my seat and headed towards the door when He suddenly stopped me. "Hey Shu Sakamaki". I didnt bother looking back but i just stayed there. "You may have the upperhand right now, but i wont ever lose to you. I wont give up Yuki." I didnt understand what he meant by upperhand but i just smirked at his statement and walked out. "Not giving up huh..?." I said to myself. I found my way infront of the library and sighed. There are people inside the music room so i cant stay there. As i entered , i tried to find a spot where i could sleep peacefully when i heard a familiar voice . It is yuki's. And i heard she mentioned my name. I took a peek and another loud crash was heard, i saw Reiji kissing Yuki..I'm about to stop him when Reiji said something that made Yuki slapped him. I hid on the other side of the big book shelf. Trying to hear the conversation. And as what i heard..

Wait.. Is this true.? Yuki is inlove with me..? Is this what Ruki is trying to say. I took another peek and heard Reiji begging for Yuki..the tension became hard . Its as if Yuki is about to be taken away from me. Just a second i just heard she loves me and another moment her heart is about to be taken away.

And so it happened. My brother kissed Yuki.

I leaned on the end of the book shelf. Trying to contain everything. I want to stop it, i dont want to see it. Its breaking me. Yuki..

Yuki's POV

I pulled away from Reiji's kiss and we looked at each other closely. My heart is getting heavy.really heavy. We stared for long, then Reiji hugged me tightly. After hurting him it feels like if i make another wrong move im going to break him again. So i allowed the moment to let us stay like that. He pulled back from the hug and looked at me. Happy but somehow sad, "i know it'll take time for you to love me back. But i assure'll learn to love me too..because ill only love you...yuki...will you mine..?" He said. I cant say stunned and now what should i say.."reiji...i--" i hear a loud bumped and books fell on the floor. My eyes widened as i saw Shu facing his back to us. "Oh bad". He said and he is about to leave. "Shu wait--". I'm about to ran at Shu when i was cut off by Reiji, holding my wrist. "Look whose here, have you forgotten your manners that eavesdropping is bad.?well.anyway,Did you heard me ? I hoped you heard it clear enough .Cause what i said is true. Even though she loves you , ill do everything just to snatch her heart away from you." Reiji said.

This is what i really dont want to encounter after all times. I heard Shu smirked at it."how annoying" he looked over his shoulder and i can see his eyes. It is undescribable.. And so

He left us silently .

Class started and there is no sign of Shu. Im starting to get worried since the day ended slow yet gloomy for me.

As we reached home right after class . Me and the Mukami brothers got a very surprise visit from no other than..

"Karl heinz, what a sudden visit this is." Ruki said and they bowed, i bowed slightly at the figure seating infront of us in the living room. "Let's eat in the dining room after this.get prepared for a small feast later". Karl told us so we changed into a slightly elegant clothes. Im wearing a cocktail dress ,colored with red. And a black gloves to compliment my outfit. I wore just a little heeled sandals. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to recall everything that had happened at school. My feelings, reiji,shu, all of the sakamaki brothers..and most of all Yui. I sighed at myself when a pair of hand slipped a headband on my hair. It is beautiful and laced with a black ribbon. "You look better with this.Yuki-chan" kou said as he appeared beside me in the mirror. "But you look good when you smile" Azusa added also who is in my other side. I smiled at them both when another one spoke. "Hey yuki! Whats with the long face and low spirited aura, cheer up!" And so the wild Yuma appeared at the door . A big smile creeped on my face, why do i feel gonna miss them.

We went downstairs and Ruki was there. He looked at me and smiled . He mouthed 'you look wonderful tonight' , and it made me blushed, we took our seat and began eating. "How is the adam and eve project going?" Ruki asked Heinz and he said that it is good. While eating karl spoke about something that startled me. "How are you and my sons doing? Have you chosen anyone ?" My spoon fell on the floor and a small blush formed in my cheeks. Out of all question and situation why ask me this now heinz?

"You're sons are troublesome" Yuma said saving me there. And Azusa ,Kou nodded. Ruki didnt show any emotions. "Why? Sooner or later you'll have to choose. One of my sons will be your future husband Yuki.". The room became silent. And i can see that the brothers especially Ruki is not liking this. "Anyway, ill be staying here just for this night, i would like you to accompany me in my house together with my sons and the human girl.yuki. I wish you to stay there for awhile to--" . Karl heinz wasn't able to finish his sentence since ruki slapped his hands on the table. "Is there a need for her to stay there? She's fine here." Ruki said. Yuma nodded and the other two just looked down sadly. "What did you say?" Karl said in a low tone. Ruki can't take it anymore so he stood up from his chair. "Nothing. If you'll excuse me,i think i just lost my appetite.have a good night" ruki said angryly yet politely.

The dinner ended quickly and went inside my room after. Fixing my clothes and preparing my things for the coming week. I soon went in Ruki's room. Just to check him out. I know that he doesn't want me to go. That he thinks i might break down again and they might take me away from him and his brothers. I knocked but got no answer. So i just entered inside his room and saw him laying down his bed. I walked closer to him and sat beside his bed. "Ruki..ill be fine.." I said and he sighed . He brought himself up and held my hands. Placing it in his cheeks, kissing it and caressing. "As much as i want to fight for your departure..i know karl wont allow me.. So..Im just a phone call away.,please update us everyday..whenever you need someone, im here.," he said. My gaze soften and i felt that he is really too worried. "I think it'll take me just a week away from you guys,, ill come back for dont worry..ill be fine for you" and so with that i kissed his cheeks. And he smiled. "Before you leave.. Can you atleast spend the night here.." I nodded as i slipped in the bed covers immediately. We talked for awhile about stuffs at school, my feelings and some other things until im starting to fall asleep .i slowly closed my eyes and heard a soft voice..whispering near my ear. I felt i was being pulled into a hug,..and a warm lips kissed my forehead as Ruki whispered.."stay safe..Aishiteru..Yuki.."

AN: OMg!! Thank you guys for reading this. Even though its too you all readers. Will update again soon!

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