Chapter 10: Make Me Forget

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Ayumi's POV

i woke up and scratched my eyes. The sun is giving me too much annoyance and whoever opened the curtains will definitely get a smack on the head. I sighed and close the curtains. I showered and got dress with purple shorts. A sleeveless cardigan and also a top with girly ruffles. I wore a high knee socks and shoes. I looked at the mirror, at the figure standing there. I brushed my long hair when someone took the brush. "Don't you know how to knock?" I told Yuma who chuckled behind me. "I think theres something missing in your outfit today". I looked at him questionly when he slipped two beautiful pins on my hair. "See, that's better". I looked at myself once again at the mirror then smiled. I placed my hand on his and kissed him on the cheeks. "Arigatou, Yuma-kun" he made a small blush and ruffled my hair. "Hey stop messing it!". And pouted at him which made him laugh. "That's what you get for making me blush yuki-chan" he said teasingly at me. I know he's also the one who opened the freakin' curtains to wake me up.

Well, the reason i got dress like this because today is the day im going to the Sakamaki household. I need to face them.and make a lot of explanation. After preparing my things, i assured ruki and the others that i'll be fine entering the house alone. At first Ruki hesistated but with all of my persuading powers he agreed. "Just make sure you don't break down like last time okay?" He told me kissing my forehead again . I smiled at him and he smiled back.

I'm now infront of the place where i used to be.same old antique house.nothing really changed since i left. I didn't manage to knock since the door is already open but instead i saw a figure waiting for me in the halls. It's Laito. "Hey Yuki-chan, we've been waiting for you" he said and smiled at me, it put all of my guts to follow him in the living room. There is no backing out. Here we go!

I saw everyone including Yui. It became silent for a while as i sit to the exact spot i sat on last time i came here. Kanato out of the blue started the conversation. " welcome back yuki-chan, you look great today" . I nodded and smiled at him. The moment he talked talked to me it became less awkward than before. So Reiji decided to continue on , "if its not too much please tell us why you disappeared before?". I looked at them , all eyes on me. I clutched my shorts and made a loug sigh. This is it. "The truth is ,i know that my mom casted her remaining powers to turn me into human, she told me to live a normal life . As far as i know, someone is trying to haunt me down. i dont know who but it ended up to the point that my parents got murdered infront of me, protecting me..". I look down . Its not yet time for tears to fall. "You see, i dont know how to control my powers my parents wont let me use still a child it is risky, what if i lose control of myself.?. One thing is for sure that somehow Cordelia is part of murdering my parents.she is jealous of my mom and wants my father all to herself". I faced them now and i know ayato, kanato and laito can't forgive their mother because of this. "Why did you not return here after you awakened?" Shu suddenly spoke. How i miss this man and his blue sparkling eyes. "Karlheinz and the Mukami's help me control my powers. I know i will be outraged by it so they trained and guided me. Im treated fine there so it's okay.." I said smiling but i got hurt by what he said after. "So going back here doesn't matter anymore to you since you have Ruki and the others?" shu said coldly.i can see his hatred. After finding out the Yuma is Edgar, his human friend before, he became colder and kept on glaring on us at school."hey! Why are you talking like that to her?" Shouted Ayato , he knows i became uncomfortable at the moment. I stood up and looked at him. "If you hated me for leaving you because of them then say so. I'm not one to determine every single of your actions!". Before i knew it, i stormed off To the hallway.I was hurt by Shu and his words struck my heart too much. I always thought he cares . But at that moment i saw that he hates me , that he doesnt want to see pains me i dont know, it about to leave when Reiji grabbed my struggling at his hold but he's a man after all. He's too strong and im weak now.

"Dont let Shu get into you." He told me. i didn't care and kept on struggling. No , he can't see me cry. Not like this. "PleSe let go of me." I said looking down preventing my tears to escape. "Dont leave me.. Again.." I heard Reiji muttered and my eyes widened.He's looking at the cold floor. And i slowly looked at my shoulders.. His grip loosened. "I'm sorry ..I want to explain everything but knowing that one of you guys is mad at me and the way i see how Yui doesnt want me to be hurts me Reiji..".. I said. I began crying.I felt his chest behind my back. As he pulled me in a warm felt comfortable for awhile but that didn't stop me from crying. I looked like a child crying scratching my eyes, covering the tears. I can feel his breathe on my ears . " Let it all out..I'm here Yuki. Always..". He whispered in my eyes. I feel like hiding inside the closet or locking up in my room right now in my state. I asked him a favor that my mind desires. My heart is also too confused right now. I immediately hug him as i placed my arms around his neck.."Please me Forget this pain..". I asked begging him. This is too much to bear. I lost Yui and Shu is mad at me."i cant help that Shu hates me. What i did hurt him..i feel so sorry.." . I felt Reiji's grip tighten a bit. "I'll help you forget.." Reiji whispered in my ear. I dont know but i want him to do whatever it takes to help me forget this. "Please.." I muttered before Reiji pulled away from the hug and kissed me.

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