Chapter 7: Broken Hearts, My Past and Yui's Awakening

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        Few days later Yui kept on avoiding me. and with no one to be around me i also keep on getting nightmares about my past. i would usually plug my earphones to sleep.just for me to be able to. 
        I really don't know whats wrong with Yui. she's acting strange too. So I decided to talk to her . I walked in the dark halls and knocked on her door. She didn't answer it so Its either she doesnt want any company right now, she's sleeping or she's not in here. I opened the door and somehow it gave me a relief that shes not there. that maybe she's not mad at me.While im walking through the hallways searching for her I heard shoutings and I ran to it. I was hoping that Yui is not in there what ever it is. Only my eyes disagreed at the sight I saw. Yui kissing Reiji and and unknown man beside her watching them. My heart suddenly ached and i feel like something is coming out of me. "Yui!" I shouted as i made my way towards them. No, this is not Yui. She's different . the way she dressed and the way she looked at me. Ayato then appeared downstairs and the other brothers came on rushing in as they all looked at us. I shaked the woman infront of me. "What have you done to Yui! Where is she?tell me where she is!" I demanded as the girl infront of me laughed. I know that she really isn't her.Its like she's been possesed or something. "Ritcher, Look whose here". The Fake Yui touched my cheeked. "Hello, Dear Yuki.". I froze at it then my heart ached ached more and more. I clutched my hand at my chest. The Brothers looked at me and Subaru looked very worried . "Ayumi! get away from her. she is not Yui!". Subaru said and the woman laughed evilly and held my hair in her hands. "Let her out!" The woman told me. and is smirking. "Let what out?" Asked Ayato glaring at the possessed Yui. She threw me on the floor. and Reiji immediately kneeled beside me. "You siblings are idiots, don't you recognize her or maybe it's only Subaru who did." . Ayato looked at Subaru who looked murderously at Yui. My head is spinning and it hurts so bad that is screwing my entire being. "why you!". Subaru charged at Yui only to be kicked by Ritcher. "That's my Ritcher alright". She said as she kissed ritcher's cheeks. "Now now. this girl whom you always thought was ayumi is a lie. She is Yuki.". Kanato wasn't that shock at it but the others were except Subaru who knows it from the very beginning.
        I walked over to her slowly. "Please, bring Yui back to me.please.." I said as tears started forming in my eyes and she just smirked at me. "Yui you say? she's sleeping. and she doesn't wish to see you either. We are now one. don't you know that she's despising you for getting bitten by these brothers and not you?". I looked at her wide eyed. no she's only making me mad at Yui. i know yui doesn't think that way. "For her, You're nothing but a stealer of attention, she's jealous of you ayumi-chan or should i say Yuki." Ayato looked away remembering that the times he bit yui, he kept on mentioning Ayumi's name. "who am i?why am i like this..?" I asked her and now currently crying. " You used to be one of us Yuki. you're a vampire. a vampire noble and royalty. I hated your mother very much since she got the attention of your father whom i love so dearly!" she said and she shoved my head down. " I despise every pieces of you! You, Yuki Kagami! i did every little thing just to seduce your father before karl heinz. But your mother got all the attention. your father love your mom very dearly that he is just completely ignoring me. that made me hate him too. Too bad, Your parents are pathetic for dying for a girl like you. You absolutely look like the woman i despise so very much Yuki!." She said grasping my hair and making me look at her. "Don't you know that your mother sealed away your memories. every bit of it, for you to be a human.". My eyes widened at the shock. I can't bear this anymore as i began crying more. " they're fools for abandoning your great powers that i always desire from your father, Rui. but then again in order for Rui to speak to me again i married karl and invited them at my house. you have something very extra ordinary in you that i want for myself. then I can revive Rui and have him all mine.!" she said tossing me away again. and i was caught by Subaru. "Ayumi.." His voice trailing as i held Subaru's face..I stood up and walked slowly to the now Yui. "Give Yui back." that's what i said. And it got her really irritated. "I said, give her back." i repeated walking towards her. just when i walked towards her and collected my thoughts i already know..who i used to be. im not full awaken but i know who i was before. "Now i know, why you're children hated you. You're more than a bitch" I told her looking at her eyes furiously. her eyes widened and glared at me. "How dare you!" . I felt a heat on my cheeks. I got slapped by her.
        i smirked when she slapped me which made them looked at me like i was some kind of an idiot. then i muttered. "I'm sorry Yui." I slapped her back.  her hands made its way to her cheek and got shocked. "You are worse than a scum, you're a very vile woman. No wonder my dad hates you because your a complete slut. What my parents did for me is not what you really think is pathetic. If thats what makes parents pathethic then what more is it when it comes to you! " I'm about to slap her again but I just immediately controlled my hand and it fell on my side. "My parents are very precious to me, they did everything for my sake. and i wasn't able to thank them before i lost them.  What have you done to the triplets huh?.Ignored Kanato? made Laito your lover? and most of all force and drown Ayato?!" I shouted at her. now the memories keep on flashing on me and that I cant contain my  feelings and what my mouth is about to say. "You are very despicable. You are the fool not my dad nor my mom, you fucking ugly bitch and slut, Cordelia!". Im so mad at her and what i said made her looks viciously at me. "Ritcher , Kill her infront of me right now!" Yui told him but Ritcher put his hands on Yui's shoulder. "it 'll be too risky to kill her at this moment and besides she's something precious to us. Let her awaken first.". the possesed Yui smirked and nodded. she made her way towards me and whispered on my ear "I didn't lie to the fact that somewhere in Yui's heart, she really hates you.i'm in Yui afterall..anyway,Hurry up and wake up, Yu-ki-san" She said  and she jumped off the window. headed off somewhere.
         we all looked at the broken window. tears came pouring down again on my my heart aches so much. Ritcher came closer to me and I looked at him, "what are you going to do now?if the only thing you can get Yui back is to be like us again." He told me and i looked at him. silence first started then i had this determination.. from the very start this happened , I only planned on one thing.."No matter what it takes.. Even though she hates me..I'll take her back..I'll bring Yui back.." Ritcher smirked and followed Yui. He left us all in silence, confused in the atmosphere and me with a broken heart.

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