Chapter 15: The One who Truly Cared

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Yuki's POV

We made our way back to the Mukami household and I'm just silent along the way. It made me stiff. i totally lost it. Not a single tear fell on my eyes after leaving the Sakamak's. I'm not in my world. You can't see the pupil in my eyes , i just sat like a robot. Looking down. I'm dazing off as i hardly walked in my room. Azusa assisted me to my room. "If you want we'll just bring the food inside your room." . He said looking at me. i didn't answer , I just closed the door behind me,locking it and let my back slipped on the wall. I hugged my knees to my chest. I didn't bother still on my black thoughts.

It's been days since i last ate. I didn't go out my room. I just left the food on the table. Letting it get rotten. I'm still on the same spot ive been when i came the house. Hugging my knees. No tears. Just me,Lost. I heard a knock on my door. "Yuki! You awake?". It's Ruki. He left the house with Karl for awhile and I bet he learned I wasn't eating any meals. That i didn't go out my room since i came. He knocked again. I didn't answer.Then i heard the door clicked open. Oh yes, he got a spare key. Ruki scanned my room while holding a tray of meal for me. He saw me on the wall near the door. Lost. He placed the food beside me. And squatted infront of me. "'s time to eat now. I'm here.". I didn't budged. I just sat there. Not speaking a word. "It's bad for your health, you haven't eaten anything when you came. You also don't have enough supply of blood.". Still i didn't answer. He looked into my eyes and saw how lost i am. He hugged me while i still sit. "Stop hurting yourself more.". I didnt moved.he sighed and carried me bridal style in my bed. And placed my tray of food on the nearby table. "Yuki. Eat.". Again too stubborn. I didn't spoke a single word. i just stayed how he laid me. Looking at the ceiling. He sat me up and hugged me. His hand went in my hair on the other in my waist, holding me tightly. "Dont be hard on yourself yuki.. Please".i felt his tears . He's hurting too. I don't want him too cry on me. It's the first he did afterall. But im l'm still not me. He laid me down and hugged me again. "You dont have to suffer like this..! You dont deserve this I know

but please.. For God damn sake! Eat. Wake up!" Ruki said slightly shaking me as his tears falling on my face. A tear fell in my eyes . I put my hands on his face. Out of my unconciousness, i said something that made him shock. "Ruki...Make me yours...". I told him still lost. He looked at me.I couldnt clearly see his face.

Suddenly his lips made its way to mine.i kissed him back. Putting my arms around his neck as we kissed passionately while we lay down. His lips left mine then he kisses my jaws . Until he reached my neck, kissing it too. "Ruki.." I said as i allow him to just have let my mind wander off. His hands slowly caressing my legs up to my thighs. His other hand pulled down my dress a bit revealing a small sight of my strap falling to my side as he kissed me all over there. He kissed my lips again and we broke it apart, i went to kiss his neck and licked the spot then there, I bit him. Drinking his blood.its also been a long time since ive tasted it before when i went on rampage.Ruki offered me himself for me to calm my bloodthirst. It didn't took long so i licked the bite i made him . We kissed again and slowly he went down my neck and bit me too.

As they say , usually vampires drank each others blood to mark each other as their property as their own. Since my mind is wandering off from pleasure i didnt mind it. His hands lowered my upper dressing again and bit me again but this time near my upper breast. Its painful yet i dont know..pleasure sure is taking over me. I hugged him tightly . As he kissed my neck again. We stayed like that until All of the sudden.. Ruki stopped and pulled away. His hand holding his head and sat on the side of my bed.I looked at him questionly. "I'm sorry.." He said. I dont understand. Why? Whats wrong."I'm sorry for taking advantage of you .. You're weak and lost. I shouldn't have done that. ". I felt ashamed of myself for once. I spoke for the first time,, " no..i should be the one apologizing.." I said looking down . He looked back at me then smiled. "You know, i didn't even thought you have that kind of side. You sure have a wild and seductive side , believe me". He said slightly chuckling it made me blush. I thought so to myself. He moved closer and fixed my dress. He then kissed my forehead. "Though i wish.. What happened earlier is real." .i looked at him and i know he's hurt in some way. "I love you. Yuki". After everything ive done. I cant believe he still likes me this much. i hugged him tightly and this time. I really broke feelings came rushing. I cried loudly like a child. He patted my back , moving his hands up and down. "That's right.. Let it all Out.." Ruki said . I can feel how warm he is. How he truly cared. How i wish i can return his feelings but with the me right now.this is not the right time to choose whom I should like. "I'm sorry so sorry ..please forgive me." I said sobbing. He just whispered something in my ear that it made me cry more.. "You dont need matter what you do..ill always be here for you like you are to me.. You have me..i love you..Yuki"

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