one; perfect

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It started on a cold, winters day

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It started on a cold, winters day. She was only three years old. She was wearing her winter get-up; a winter coat, warm pants, boots, a hat, and gloves.

The snow fell onto her hair and face in beautiful patterns, making the little girl giggle in happiness. As she ran around her backyard trying to chase the snowflakes, her parents watched from just inside the house.

Their usually painted smiles were completely genuine as they watched her run around and giggle as a particularly cold wind would blew her hair this way and that.

Seeing as her parents work in politics, they wanted a perfect image. A perfect family, a perfect daughter. They always painted the perfect picture for the media, trying to make sure they got the highest remarks in their field of work.

The only reason to genuinely smile was their miracle of a daughter. They were told they wouldn't be able to have children, so when they found out her mother was finally pregnant they were ecstatic.

They immediately started preparing for her- their miracle baby. And that's what she was. A godsend; to them she was an angel sent down to make them the happiest they had ever been.

What they didn't know was that everything was about to change.

She giggled once more, raising her hand to catch a falling snowflake in her tiny hand.

Her parents both froze where they were when they saw all the snow around her stop falling. She simply grabbed all the snow from the air, making it into a tiny snowball. As soon as she raised her hand to throw it in the air, the snow began falling again.

They figured it was simply a figment of their imagination, brushing it off as they always did whenever anything went wrong in their perfect lives.

That was their first mistake.

Their second, was assuming it wouldn't happen again.

At five years old, she had been sitting in her pristine room, reading one of her books that were required for her private school. Her feet were tucked under her, a book resting on the table in front of her. Her hair covered her face from her mother as she walked past the door, a laundry basket in hand.

She raised her head to her, smiling and waving. As soon as she raised her hand to wave, the page of her book froze mid fall. It wouldn't have been that noticeable to others, but to her perfect and prissy mother it was enough.

She jumped slightly, rushing away from the door, leaving a disappointed five year old in her wake as she did so. After all, all she wanted was for her parents to be proud of her.

The next time it happened, was the last in her childhood home.

She had been only eight years old, still a child, yet forced to grow up due to the pressure of her parents and their need to be perfect.

She had been hanging up ornaments on the Christmas tree quietly, having grown into herself after all the years of neglect her parents had caused, instead focusing on their work.

'Was I really a miracle if I wasn't appreciated as so?' She had questioned to herself on the worst days.

As she was hanging an ornament, it had slipped from her grasp. Her hand reached out to grab it quickly, only to see it freeze in mid air. She remembered hearing a quiet gasp, and the the feeling of her hair being pulled.

The ornament fell to the ground with a small sound, cracking as it fell.

Her mother dragged her outside of the house by her hair, throwing her outside. She screamed of how they didn't need a freak of nature like herself living in their house. How she would rupture their perfect image.

She remembered sitting there in shock for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what they had just done to their "miracle".

Some miracle she was.

She had stood up and walked in a random direction away from the house. Eventually she collapsed from the cold, her tiny body not being able to withstand the frigid temperatures.

The last thing she remembered of that night was two pairs of feet crouched in front of her vision.


Welcome to my new story :) updates are every Saturday as of now, and I hope you enjoy my story I've been working so hard on.


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