twelve; fool proof

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"Hi, I don't think we've met

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"Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Peter Parker." He smiled widely at her.

Y/n turned around on the bench so she was facing him. "Y/n l/n." She introduced. "Why haven't I seen you around the other Avengers?"

Peter chuckled slightly. "I'm not really an official Avenger, Mr Stark is just my mentor. I prefer to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." He realized what he said and closed his eyes, sighing deeply.

"It's alright. I figured that was you anyway." She lied as she saw his expression. "Spider-Man and Iron Man are talked about quite a lot on the streets."

"Really?" He asked astonishingly, sitting down on the bench next to her.

"Yeah. I think it's cool how you're looking out for the little guy." She added, leaning her elbows on her knees.

"Someone has to do it." He spoke with a proud smile. Subconsciously he seemed to sit up straighter and puff out his chest a little.

"I might have to join you sometime. Helping the little guys, I mean." She smiled at the thought of being able to actually help people instead of doing suspicious missions.

"I'd like that." Peter was shocked at how easy it was talking to her. Maybe it was because she knew he was Spider-Man, but he hadn't stuttered once talking to her.

"Cool. I'd better get ready for the meeting, but I'll talk to you later." She stood up and walked towards the door.

"Yeah. See you later."


It was two days later and they had gotten y/n ready for their plan. She had a few bruises and scrapes on her- which she said was okay since it would be more realistic, much to the displeasure of Bucky who could only think "great another Steve"- and her various weapons strapped on her body.

They had all packed into the quinjet at three in the morning and started to make their way to where they would drop her off. She didn't have to pretend to be exhausted and was slouched in her seat. She winced when one of her bruises or marks hit the arm rests or she simply moved wrong.

"Remember, if anything goes wrong just use the button to contact us and we'll immediately be tuned into your com's. Other then that we won't have any contact." Natasha told her with a serious face.

Y/n nodded back at her. "And I need to get close to Ricky and get him to admit that he works for Hydra on tape. Then I can contact you through the com's." She stated which made Natasha nod in confirmation.

"You're gonna do great, kid. Just don't tell the others. They're probably still loyal to Ricky and will tell him. Only trust yourself." Steve added from where he was standing at the front of the quinjet.

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