thirteen; phase one

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The next morning was much better then yesterday's

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The next morning was much better then yesterday's. There were no missions for their team the rest of the week, which left y/n the perfect opportunity for her plan.

At around noon she was planning on heading over to Ricky's office and talking with him. She had everything planned out in her head.

That was until she heard a knock on her door at eleven thirty. She stopped drying her hair and walked towards her door.

When she opened it she saw Andrew leaning against her door frame. "Hi." She spoke with a confused face, wringing her towel in her hands.

"Hey. We haven't really talked much since you've been back. I just wanted to check in." He eyed the scratch on her cheekbone in annoyance.

"I'm fine, no need to worry. I was actually just on my way to meet with Ricky." She cleared her throat and looked away from his piercing gaze.

"Do you want me to walk you?" He asked immediately, stepping more into her room.

"Sure." Y/n told him, turning towards her desk and grabbing the button the Avengers had given her. She slipped it into the front pocket of her shorts when she saw that Andrew wasn't looking.

"Let's get going." She coughed into her hand. Andrew looked away from her pictures that hung on her wall with a troubled expression.

"I didn't come here to check in." He paused but cut her off right as she was about to question him. "I mean I did, but not in that way. You've been acting different. And I get that I should give you time after what the Avengers did but I really didn't think I should leave you alone." He rushed out all at once making y/n blink in surprise.

She knew that she'd been acting different but it wasn't what he thought. Which was good, in a way. It meant her plan was working. If she was really going to help in taking down Hydra she had to distance herself from them for now- just until she was done dealing with the dangerous stuff. She didn't want them to get dragged into it with her if something bad happened.

"I already told you, Andrew. You don't need to worry about me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see Ricky." She walked past him and didn't look at any of the others as she walked out the door and to his office.


Steve sat next to Bucky on the couch about midday, talking amongst themselves. Steve was watching his expression carefully as he spoke.

Bucky stopped talking when he noticed Steve watching him. "What is it, punk?" He chuckled slightly but felt nervousness start to creep into his bones.

"You okay? You seem off." Steve got straight to the point, knowing that Bucky would get it out of him immediately.

"I'm worried about y/n. This isn't just taking some tech from a building. She's trying to take down Hydra from the inside. She's sixteen, Steve." Bucky sighed, rubbing his hands on his jeans nervously.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows at his friends words. "She's gonna be fine, Bucky. She has her powers and she's a smart girl." He assured him.

"You're right. Yeah, you're right. I just... What if something bad happens?" Bucky stressed, sighing into his hands.

"Then she will contact us as soon as she can. Bucky, we can't worry over what we can't control." Steve patted Bucky's shoulder from next to him. He saw Bucky's nerves and couldn't help but sigh.

"She reminds me of you. She won't back down from a fight. She's too stubborn for her own good." Bucky's voice got quiet as he spoke.

Steve looked at him with a sad gaze. "She'll be alright, Bucky."

Bucky sighed deeply. "I hope so."


Y/n knocked on the door to Ricky's office and waited anxiously for a response. "Come in." His voice was muffled behind the closed door.

She took a deep breath and opened the door, smiling slightly at Ricky. He smiled back and motioned for the comfortable chair in front of his desk. "How are you doing, y/n?" He asked her after she had settled down and shut the door behind her.

"Um... that's actually why I'm here. I had a nightmare last night. I can't stop thinking about if they're gonna come back and force me back into that stupid cell." She choked herself up. When Ricky frowned and sighed, she felt guilt but kept going.

"And maybe I'm just being stupid but I'm just so paranoid and I can't sleep because I don't want to let my guard down." She forced a tear to fall out of her eye and down her cheek. When she heard Ricky get up she almost tensed up but resisted, looking up at him with teary eyes.

He sat down on the desk in front of her and looked at her sadly. "I can't take away your fear. But I can assure you that they'll never find you here, and they'll never lay a hand on you ever again." He rested his hand on her head and stroked her hair softly. Y/n resisted the urge to flinch and instead smiled slightly up at him.

"Thanks Ricky. If I have another nightmare do you mind if I come down here to talk again? Just cause I don't wanna be alone and-"

"That would be fine, y/n." He interrupted her rambling with calm words.

She smiled at him. "Thank you again, Ricky." She stood up from the rather uncomfortable chair and walked to the door. Before closing it behind her she looked at Ricky who had already gone to his original position behind his desk and was writing on some random piece of paper.

Y/n leaned back against the door and then let out a deep breath. Tonight she'd show up and they'd talk and hopefully in about a week she'd get close enough to ask him about the people in charge.

If not, then she wasn't planning on rushing this and getting caught. She'd have to wait and see what happens within that time.

When she got back to their building she stopped at the door. For a second she considered freezing time so she wouldn't have to confront them but quickly stopped herself. It wasn't right and it would just tire her out.

She couldn't rely on her powers to avoid all confrontation. She had to face them like an adult. All that blew out the window when she saw Andrew waiting at the counter for her.

She immediately tensed up. "Hey Andrew." She said tentatively.

"I'm done playing games, y/n. We've known each other for eight years. I thought we were closer then this." He sounded extremely hurt.

"I'm sorry. Look, I really can't tell you what's going on. It would put you in danger and I can't do that to you or the others. For now I think it's best if you all just keep your distance. Until I figure all this out. I hope you understand later in life when I can tell you." Andrew saw her about to walk away and grabbed her arm, dragging her back towards him.

"No, you're not allowed to do that." He said seriously. "We're family. Now tell me what's going on so I can help you at least." She stepped away from him and pulled her arm away from his.

"You wouldn't understand. Just leave me alone if all you're gonna do is grill me on how I'm feeling or what I'm doing. I got enough of that from my parents and Ricky, I don't need it from you guys too." She left him in the kitchen with a shocked expression on his face.

As soon as her door was shut and locked, along with the bathroom door, she had leaned into the door and exhaled quietly- attempting to keep her emotions under control. A few tears fell onto the ground in front of her and her breathing became uneven.

"You've got this." She whispered to herself. "You've got this. You've gotta keep it under control so that your family stays safe."

Little did she know that Katherine had her ear pressed against the bathroom door.

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