seventeen; answers

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Tony, Bucky, and the junior Avengers (as Clint had named them) continuously glanced at the hatch, expecting their friends to pop up any second

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Tony, Bucky, and the junior Avengers (as Clint had named them) continuously glanced at the hatch, expecting their friends to pop up any second.

"Whats taking them so long?" Katherine grumbled, not being able to shake the feeling that something was wrong. Tony glanced at the blonde superhero and nodded slightly in agreement.

"I'll go check on them." Andrew offered, probably the most worried of the group.

He jogged over to the hatch, dropping down quickly and sliding down the ladder. He walked towards the office and saw the door open an inch. He furrowed his eyebrows and pushed the door open with a small 'creak'.

He saw that the room was empty and looked around frantically, even looking in the desk drawers and pulling away bookcases. But they were gone, and so was Ricky. He ran back up the ladder and saw them all look over expectantly.

"They're gone." He informed them sadly. Natalie glanced at them from inside the quinjet.

"Guys, come here." She told them. She brought up a screen from the small metal device that was connected to y/n's com and pressed a few buttons on the holographic screen- ignoring Tony's confused and impressed look.

She seemed to rewind it and they all listened closely.

A short scream was heard but then turned muffled, then the sound of something dropping to the ground.

"Y/n!" Peters voice yelled, then the thudding of footsteps. The door slamming was heard before a small gasp and then a loud 'crash'. Feet hitting the floor and then a few moments of silence filled only with quiet gasps of pain and sounds of struggle.

"Calm down Spider Boy. I don't plan on hurting them. At least, not a lot." A mans voice came through the com, a malicious and dangerous tone to it.

A gasp of pain and then, "I guess you're coming with me." The man whispered.

"See you in hell."

Tony had already gotten FRIDAY to record the voice of the strange man and send it back to the lab, his mind running with possibilities as to what could have happened to them.

Natalie sat there with a shocked look on her face. This man had taken her friends- forcefully as it sounded- and was probably taking them to some Hydra base. The very thought made her queasy.

Natasha saw her face and walked over to her. "Don't worry about them. Tony's running voice recognition already and soon we'll have him in our clutches. He'll pay." She reassured the girl.

"Just promise me one thing." Natalie spoke.

"What is it?"

"That when you find him, you call me. I want to hurt this man personally." Natasha nodded and Natalie nodded back, walking over to Katherine and grabbing her hand, Andrew wrapping his arm around both of their shoulders.

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