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In fact, the five would be going to school

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In fact, the five would be going to school. But it seemed they already had quite the reputation throughout the city. Not for their powers, no (although their aliases have become quite the talk) but for being the adopted children of the Avengers.

Every time they walked out of the tower to meet with Peter or to get food, they were asked questions about their scars- mostly y/n- and what it I was like for them.

Thomas would usually bask in the attention and flirt with the girls while the others would awkwardly answer them. Y/n would usually pull her sleeves over her hands to hide the marks on her arms. But she couldn't hide the ones on her face.

One time a group of young adults had asked so many questions so fast y/n had been almost driven to a panic attack, but Andrew had quickly dragged her away and the others had calmed her down quickly.

All six of the teenagers were dealing with the stress and pressure upon them. Y/n would often call Peter and vice versa when they'd wake up from nightmares about the Hydra facility and the torture they endured.

Andrew, Natalie, and Katherine would often think about what happened- how they felt somewhat responsible. But the group had spent late hours into the night discussing everything that happened and they cleared the air between them.

They could only imagine what school was going to be like. Everyone constantly in their business, trying to get info out of them.

But Peter assured them that they would do fine and after a few weeks they would go back to minding their own business. It didn't make them feel better.

But the six still had a month left before school started, so they planned to spend it doing what they did best. Fighting crime.

The Avengers agreed that they could fight with Peter, but Tony had insisted on making a new suit for them, in fear that Hydra had put something in their old ones.

They were identical to their first suits, except they looked even more advanced and had a few more tricks.

Almost every day they would join Peter at the tower and then head off to fight crime throughout the city- sometimes together, sometimes separate.

But one thing that was constant was that Peter was always with y/n. There was one time where they weren't together and Peter was so distracted he accidentally let one of the criminals go.

If he didn't have her in his line of sight during any fights, he would stop immediately to look for her.

It was better for everyone for them to be together. Although, Andrew was slightly bitter. It was somewhat obvious to his friends that he had feelings for her, but he hid it somewhat well from the two. Well, y/n at least. Peter wasn't dumb by any means and he could tell Andrew liked her. But if he didn't make a move, neither would Peter.

Meanwhile with the other three, even more drama was ensuing. Thomas had realized he liked Katherine, but he was much better at hiding it than Andrew. Katherine had finally come to terms with her feelings for Natalie, while Natalie had always known that she had feelings for the blonde.

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