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A week later the Avengers had finally figured out a full proof plan

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A week later the Avengers had finally figured out a full proof plan. They would send out a distress call to a place near Queens where they would be hidden. Once they arrived Natasha would slip a tracker onto one of their suits with a little help from Clint by using a small arrow and aiming it at them from above, and hopefully they would escape without a fight after realizing the call was fake. But the backup would be nearby in case.

Right now Tony was talking to his prodigy- Peter Parker- who would be there for extra help in the apartment building next to the distress call.

"Really, Mr Stark, I'd love to help but aren't these guys a little... powerful for a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?" The teenager asked, crossing his arms with his mask in hand.

"You've got to do it at some point, it might as well be with the Avengers right next to you." Tony patted his shoulder in a fatherly way before looking at the group. Behind him Peter grinned to himself and swung up onto the fire escape with his webs.

"Okay. Barnes, did you send the distress call?" Tony asked him, looking over at the metal armed man. After the 'Civil War', as they had called it, they had solved their differences and Bucky had been given the help he needed by Wakandan scientists. Tony considered them to be acquaintances, still not quite over what happened.

The super soldier nodded, holding up the cell phone before throwing it onto the concrete roof and stomping on it as they had discussed. "Great, that means they'll be here in approximately ten minutes."

"Barton, Romanoff, do you have the arrow ready?" Steve jumped in, looking over at the two spies. Clint gave him a thumbs up and held up a tiny arrow. Natasha grabbed it and pressed a button on the side that made it invisible to the naked eye, but since Clint was wearing special glasses he could see where he was shooting at.

"Good. Try to get the one that isn't paying attention and avoid attracting the others. We don't know the full extent of their powers yet." Steve nodded at the team. "Get in position."


The team was sitting in the living room when they would usually be training, but since they were on probation they were confined to their living area. They were simply doing their own thing on their phones when the alarm went off in the building.

They jumped to their feet with surprised looks as Ricky ran in. "I know I put you guys on probation, but a distress call just came in from downtown New York. I think it's best only a few of you go just in case.

"y/n, Andrew, and Katherine will go." Instantly Natalie and Thomas started to argue but were shut down by Ricky. "You're back up in case something happens. Now suit up." Ricky shoved a bag into each of their hands.

They looked at him in shock but quickly ran to their rooms and changed.

y/n slipped off her clothes and then slipped on the items in the bag with an awed look. It fit like a glove. The suit consisted of black shorts that went down to mid thigh, and tie up boots reached her knee. A holster on each leg holding a gun each. Her shirt was black and went off her shoulders. Fingerless gloves that held the same symbol that was on her belt; a small hourglass that was half empty, the other half a (f/c) color.

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