eighteen; dread

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Tony watched as the three remaining teenagers hunched over a desk in his lab, all listening intently to the metal device on the table that was giving them the clues they needed

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Tony watched as the three remaining teenagers hunched over a desk in his lab, all listening intently to the metal device on the table that was giving them the clues they needed. Thor was supervising the conversation along with Bruce.

Bucky stood next to him at the door, the both of them listening in. It seemed the guy had taken y/n into the room after throwing Peter out and he was answering her questions.

"What is that?" Y/n asked, confused.

"These are the files of the little girl that was taken. I'm guessing you want answers. I'm here to give them to you." The mans voice said.

"Ricky informed me what's been going on and I almost immediately knew that you were working with the Avengers. They wouldn't let you escape. Not with an infinity stone in that same tower. It was all a ploy. So he played your game. But what he didn't know was that you'd been reporting back to them through that Spider Kid." The man continued.

Tony looked down at the mention of his prodigy.

"We planned on taking you that night. But apparently you'd done the same. Ricky knew that. He stole your phone and looked at your texts with 'Peter'. We didn't expect you to escape or for the Avengers to show up that fast. But I was there. And I got what I wanted."

"And what is that?" Y/n asked quietly.

"An upper hand." He said darkly.

"And what about Project New Something?" She questioned him, the sound of rope shifting coming through the device.

Everyone seemed to lean in closer to the machine.

"Ah, so you've heard of our little plan?" He chuckled. "It all started when Ricky met with one of our Hydra Agents to seal the deal between our two companies- per se. We would target five children and give them powers. You all were planned experiments. Your parents didn't have a miracle baby, they were given a miracle baby by us. Andrew and Natalie were already taken care of by their parents. Katherine's parents didn't want her, so that was another easy task. But Thomas... his family loved him so much. So we sent them the brochure for summer camp. Then we lead him off into the forest." The man explained.

Andrew, Natalie, and Katherine all looked at each other with shocked looks, their faces falling at the revelation.

"Wait. What do you mean, gave them a baby? Did they not have me?" She asked, hints of panic in her voice.

Bucky's heart broke at her broken tone of voice, tightening his crossed arms.

"In their own twisted minds, yes. But we planted you in her mind. The perfect child. So when you came out a perfect child turned troubled youth, well, you can see what happened." He told her.

It was silent for a minute longer. "Tell me more of your project."

He cleared his throat before starting again. "Project New Generation was our pwn private army. In two years once you turned eighteen you would all be shown our world. You would work for us. But the Avengers had to ruin everything. They twisted your mind to what we are. What we could have been together." His voice slowly started to rise, until the sound of fists hitting the table was heard.

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